"You're smart." Mu Xiaoyue nodded with admiration and had to say that Lan Keyu's mind was very delicate. "In return for what you helped me last time, I didn't see it tonight. Oh, by the way, my husband has an eye disease. Naturally, he doesn't see anything. "

Eye disease? Qin Yang frowned doubtfully. If he had eye disease, could he have that frightening look?

Qin Yang opened his mouth and wanted to talk, but when he saw nalanjing's terrible eyes, he closed his mouth obediently. It seemed that he didn't want the girl around him to know about his eyes.

"Are you coming to the dinner party? You'd better take your husband and go LAN Keyu's face suddenly became serious and solemn. He turned his head and looked around. After confirming that there was no movement, LAN Keyu said softly, "tonight Nalan Zheng has laid a net and is ready to deal with you, as well as Zhenguo Houfu. Oh Don't be surprised why I told you this. Maybe I don't want you to follow my footsteps. If I have a chance, I really want to be friends with you. The first time I saw you in Xuande hall, I thought you were very special. I couldn't help thinking of myself back then... "

Blue can jade eyes some blurred said, looking at the stars in the sky, Zheng Zheng trance, as if murmuring, but also seems to be telling.

Mu Xiaoyue is slightly stunned. She didn't expect that Lan Keyu even told herself about it. But she had already guessed that Nalan's political meeting would start. Isn't the banquet tonight just a chance to make a move? What surprised her was LAN Keyu.

Nalan Jing's eyes narrowed, and a faint light flashed through her eyes.

"You go quickly..." Seeing mu Qianyue and nalanjing standing still, LAN Keyu said it again.

"Whatever your purpose, thank you for your kindness." Mu shallow moon smile way, pull Nalan Jing to turn to leave.

LAN Keyu was so anxious that she stamped her foot in the back. Qin Yang took her hand and said, "yu'er, the boy in white beside her doesn't look so simple. You don't have to worry about it."

"You mean king king king? But king Jing is a blind man... " Blue can jade doubts way.

"In a word, that girl Mu will be OK. Besides, her grandfather is a prefect of the state and has great strength. She will certainly protect her well. But you must be careful." Qinyang road.

Looking at the figure of Mu Xiaoyue disappearing in the night, LAN Keyu nods helplessly.

"Nalanjing, are you afraid?" Mu Xiaoyue suddenly stops her steps, turns her head and looks at her side. She is as beautiful as a teenager in the painting and asks.

When the young man heard the speech, his beautiful face blossomed like a flower. The bright moon faded behind him. The clear and happy voice sounded, "I'm not afraid of anything with my wife. Don't worry, madam. I'll be by your side no matter what danger you encounter


After that, mu Qianyue and nalanjing came to the gate of Xuande hall. They immediately attracted people's attention. Their eyes were full of amazing color. When they saw Nalan Jing around them, they all sighed and regretted. A good flower made the pig arch

"Miss mu, long time no see." Nalanjie came over from one side and said hello with a smile. He shook the folding fan in his hand, and was graceful and elegant.

Mu Xiaoyue squinted and said with a smile, "it turns out to be the third prince." When did this guy see himself before? Today, I said hello to myself.

Yes, I haven't seen him since the Zhenwu assembly two months ago. I think he should learn to be a little bit better this time.

"Miss mu, the past things are my fault. I apologize to you here. I hope you can forgive me for the offence." Nalanjie arched his hands and said sincerely on his face.

"Well, I see." Mu shallow moon light nods, what does this guy want to do again?

"The whereabouts of the eldest brother is unknown. I don't know whether he is alive or dead. My fourth younger brother was seriously injured and was taken back to yunzong. The seventh emperor's younger brother and the eighth emperor's younger brother are too young. Alas, there are not many princes and sons around my father and emperor who can take on great responsibilities..." Nalan Jie said to himself, seeing that Mu Xiaoyue didn't answer, he couldn't help being embarrassed. He laughed and said in a low voice, "Miss mu, if you and Zhenguo Houfu are willing to help me, then I will make your elder brother a vassal."

One side of nalanjing's eyes flashed, oh, good idea, but does his wife look so silly?

"Vassal King..." Mu Qianyue's fingers slightly clasped his chin, and his eyebrows seemed to be thinking. Nalan Jie saw that there was a play, and his heart was secretly pleased. Mu Xiaoyue suddenly showed a smile and said, "a small vassal wants to bribe the Marquis of our country to work for you? You think it's too simple? What's more, the strength of the Marquis of Zhenguo is not bad. Why should I take such a big risk. Where to cool, where to stay. "

"My father is going to deal with you tonight. What's the news? Is it enough for you to cooperate with me? " Nalanjie throws out a heavy message and stares at mu Qianyue's face. It seems that he wants to see a change of expression from her face. However, it is a pity that mu Qianyue's face has always maintained a calm and leisurely expression, and even has no expression of panic, fear and shock.

"Finished? Oh, I see. " Mu shallow moon light said, straight and Nalan Jing together into the hall.She had long guessed that Nalan government would attack herself and the Marquis of Zhenguo, so she was not surprised to hear nalanjie's words at the moment. However, I didn't expect that nalanjie even betrayed his father and Emperor for the sake of the throne. This may be the sorrow of the emperor's family, and there will never be true feelings.

Mu Qianyue just sat down with nalanjing, and after a while, Muhong also came. Muhong went to the position above muqianyue and sat down.

A moment later, with the eunuch's voice sounded, nalanzheng came in wearing a gorgeous and exquisite black striped Dragon Robe, followed by the charming queen and the gorgeous and beautiful beloved Princess lankeyu.

"Today is my birthday. You can eat and drink as long as you are happy." Nalan Zheng said with a smile.

Hearing the speech, all the ministers offered their congratulatory gifts in succession.

The dancers swarmed in, a scene of singing and dancing.

"Hong Aiqing, I'd like to propose a toast to you. Because of you, you are able to have such an outstanding young talent as Yue wench. This is the hope of Fengying country." Nalanzheng walked down to Danbi, holding the wine glass in one hand and the wine pot in the other hand, and went to Muhong with a smile.

"I'm afraid." Mu Hong quickly and respectfully stood up, with a glass to pick up.

After nalanzheng filled Mu Hong with wine, the two of them worked together. All the ministers in the hall showed an envious look, and it was a great honor for the emperor to pour wine and toast himself!

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