Naranjin, where are you? Come back quickly, I promise I won't prick you like last night!

Mu Qianyue looked for it everywhere in the town. She just wandered around for a morning and didn't see any sign of Nalan scenery.

Where the hell is he going?

Ah, I'd better go to Qingfeng college first. Since he said he would go there to find himself, he would certainly go there!

Mom, if only the world had a phone. She didn't have to worry about it.

Turning the corner, I just met Jun Lin Tian.

"Good morning, light moon." Jun Lin Tian said with a smile.

Mu Xiaoyue glanced at him lazily. Without speaking, he went straight ahead. Jun Lin Tian didn't think he was right behind him. He asked curiously, "what about the blind man? Why isn't he with you? "

"Can you say one more word to him, blind man?" The brow is light, squint a dangerous arc, the tone is full of strong threat.

"It's really a couple. They always like to threaten people. They're not cute at all." Jun Lin day depressed touched his nose, "that, how can't you see Nalan Jing?"

"He has something to go." Mu Qianyue replied.

"Wow, that's great! Shallow moon, we finally have a chance to be alone Jun Lin Tian said excitedly, "from now on, I want to keep staring at you for twelve hours a day!"

Smell speech, Mu shallow month drew a corner of the mouth, "stare at me why?" When he came to the butcher's shop, he called for the dumpling

"OK." The shop owner quickly wrapped it with oil paper and handed it to him.

Mu Xiaoyue took over, and glanced at the king Lin day. He immediately came to pay the bill with gold coins.

"I'm very curious about how you changed from a fifth level waste to a first level spirit warrior, and under the same level, you are still invincible. Such speed, talent and strength are absolutely rare in the world, so I will stare at you to see how you practice." Jun Lin Tian is very honest.

Mu Xiaoyue rolled her eyes and chewed the steamed stuffed bun in her hand. She took Yunju out of the backyard of the inn. With a little toe, she had landed on her back. Her legs were pinched, and the cloud horse under her jumped out like the wind.

"Hello, wait for me..." Behind him came the roar of king Lin Tian.

When mu Qianyue arrived at Qingfeng City, it was already in the afternoon. Because the Qingfeng college would officially open the enrollment activity for three days tomorrow, she was not in a hurry, so she went to find an inn to stay in the city.

Because there are so many students who have come to sign up, all the inns in the city are almost full. Mu Qianyue and Jun Lintian have only picked up the last two rooms. If they come a little later, they will have no place to live.

After dinner, when she was idle and bored, mu Qianyue decided to take a walk on the street and get familiar with the terrain. After all, she would like to study and practice here in the future. Jun Lin day or like a follow-up bug in the back.

The whole street area is as clean as the street, which is as bright as the street.

Although it was at night, the street was bustling with pedestrians.

After walking through the bustling downtown, I come to another street. Compared with the prosperity just now, it is more remote than before, and the light is also dim. There are people on the ground who sell all kinds of strange things. They are dazzling.

"It seems that the prince has come to the right place. The Qingfeng city is quite interesting." Jun Lin Tian is full of curiosity. He looks east and West. As a prince, he has a good life. Naturally, some common people feel strange.

"Don't say you know me." Mu Qianyue rolled her eyes in silence.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way Suddenly, a sound of horse's hooves came from the street, and two cloud Colts ran towards this side. The pedestrians on the street fled to both sides. The orderly street suddenly turned into a mess.

Mu Xiaoyue suddenly noticed that there was a small figure coming out of the lane on the left. Because of the angle of view, the small figure did not seem to notice the cloud horse. By the moonlight, mu Qianyue saw that the little figure was a little girl about six years old.

"Ah..." The crowd could not help but exclaim.

Seeing that Yunju was about to step on the figure of the man, all they could see was a flower in front of them, and a purple figure was passing by.

Mu Xiaoyue's body shape is like the wind. She holds up the little girl from under Yunju's body and lifts her wrist slightly. A force of invisible force blows out. Yunju gives out a sad cry, and then a shadow rolls down from the cloud horse.

"How dare you hit miss Ben's Yunju, causing Miss ben to wrestle!" The man got up from the ground and looked down at mu Qianyue.

The little girl in the arms was yelled at by her, scared to Mu shallow moon's bosom to shrink.

Mu Xiaoyue helped the little girl to stand up and raised her eyes to the person in front of her. Her dark Phoenix eyes were stained with a layer of cold, "here is the street, there are many pedestrians. You are so reckless, hurt the innocent, and have reason?""It's just a bunch of pariah." The girl's expression is arrogant, disdains cold hum.

This is the oldest and most dilapidated street in Qingfeng city. Most of the people who live here are civilians.

They all groaned and shook their heads to do their own business. Obviously, they were used to this girl's behavior.

But there are also some people who have just arrived here to participate in the recruitment activities of Qingfeng college tomorrow. When they see the girl's behavior, they can't help but get angry and accuse them.

"Is it great to have money? If you have money, you can treat other people's lives like grass roots? "

"It's very beautiful. How bad is your heart! She should also come to enroll in Qingfeng college, right? People I don't want to study with. "

"That's it

King Lin day also came over, eyes cold and fierce, look angry, "you again arrogant try? Believe it or not, I beat you to death? "

The girl's face suddenly became ugly and turned green and red.

"Yurong, tomorrow is the enrollment activity of Qingfeng college. We'd better not make any trouble for the time being, and then deal with them after we enter the college." On the other one was a man of the same age. He approached Xu Yurong's ear and whispered.

Xu Yurong's face changed slightly, and her eyes glared at mu Qianyue and Jun Lin Tian. She said, "today is your lucky day. Let's go."

With that, he mounted the cloud horse and left.

This is a busy city, with a lot of people and a lot of people. Mu Qianyue doesn't want to make trouble when he comes, so he doesn't have to go on looking for the girl.

"Little sister, are you ok?" Looking down at the little girl in her arms, she asked softly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!