"Yes, yes..." Jiang Yi left wiped the sweat on his head, drooping his eyes, but the bottom of his eyes flashed a ray of resentment. Damn the old man, meddling! I dare to scold him in front of so many people! How hateful!

"You don't have to do today's work. Now you go home and reflect on yourself." Chengshixindao usually hates those who bully others wantonly by virtue of the big tree of Qingfeng college. Jiang yizuo usually relies on his grandfather as a pharmacist of Qingfeng college. He is a bully and a tiger.

This is the registration activity of Qingfeng college once every three years. If there is any argument left, is it not a disgrace to the reputation of Qingfeng college?

Jiang Yi left hurriedly rolled away in the dust

Mu Qianyue didn't ignore his bitter eyes before he left. He was afraid that the day after entering Qingfeng college would not be peaceful.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am very sorry for the inconvenience caused by your registration. It is my negligence in the management of Qingfeng college. Please don't worry about it. Well, in order to apologize, how about I personally test it for you? " Cheng Shixin said.

Mu Xiaoyue's eyes flashed a look of surprise. He looked at him with a slightly surprised expression. However, he was just stunned for a few seconds, and then returned to the God and said with a smile: "this will trouble you old."

The old man's modest and friendly smile disappeared from his bad impression of Qingfeng college. I really hate such a person.

At the entrance of the college, everyone's eyes were envious. These two people were lucky because of misfortune, right? It's a great honor to be tested by the college elders in person! At the same time, people who had hidden dissatisfaction with Qingfeng college also showed a look of expectation and excitement.

There is such a righteous and enlightened elder in the college, which proves to be good.

"Growing up, if you help them test in person, I'm afraid they will let you down. After all, their talent is there." Xu Yurong kindly reminded.

Cheng Shixin glanced at Xu Yurong lightly. "If they don't meet the Enrollment Requirements of Qingfeng college, I will naturally let them go back."

Then she looked at Luo Mengqi and looked at her. Luo Mengqi would come over and look up at Xiangmu Qianyue and Jun Lintian. She asked and recorded, "age, name, strength, where do they come from."

"Jun Lin Tian, 16, 5 level Lingwu, from Beiming, ordinary people." Just now it was junlintian's turn, because the river wing left and was interrupted.

Mu Qianyue lifted her eyes slightly and looked at Jun Lin Tian with a trace of surprise. At the contest meeting three months ago, he was still a level one spirit warrior. Unexpectedly, he was promoted to four levels without seeing him in just three months. This speed can be said to be very fast.

However, I can't help but feel relieved to think that he has also improved three levels in three months. Everyone has his own chance. Maybe junlintian's chance is not worse than himself. In addition, he is the prince's identity. What kind of natural resources and treasures can't be obtained?

"Put your palm on the soul measuring stone and release the spirit energy in your body." Luo Mengqi said.

As Jun Lin Tian's hand was put on, a dazzling red light suddenly appeared on the soul measurement. Then the color changed a lot and turned into a green martial spirit. The color was still changing. Slowly, it turned into a blue military soul, but there was still no stopping drive. Until it became blue, it stopped moving.

"My God! It's the blue warrior soul The crowd immediately became a sensation. Xu Yurong, who has green spirit of martial arts, is already a genius, not to mention junlintian, who has blue soul!

"Ah! It's really the blue warrior soul! Am I not dazzled? "

The crowd was excited, and their eyes were full of crazy jealousy and envy.

In the crowd, Xu Yurong's face turned to pig liver color. Just now she laughed at them for being a pariah with low blood. As a result, the martial spirit tested out by others was one level higher than her! His age is one year younger than him, strength is equal to her, this is undoubtedly in the face!

Even Cheng Shixin, whose eyes have always been calm, can't help showing a trace of surprise. He looks at Jun Lin Tian with a trace of appreciation and softness. He is somewhat glad that he has just appeared. Otherwise, it would be a pity that such a good young man would miss it?

After all, he was still a 15-year-old boy, and it was hard to avoid some joy.

"Next." After Jun Lin Tian's test, it is Mu's turn. Luo Mengqi looks at mu Qianyue and smiles.

"Thank you so much, master Luo." For Luo Mengqi, mu Qianyue is still very fond of her. At least among all the tutors, only she stood up and said a fair word. Finally, she did not fear the threat of Jiang yizuo and told Cheng Shixin the truth. Not afraid of power, fair and just, is really a good mentor.

"As tutors of the college, we should treat every student fairly, although you are not students of Qingfeng College for the time being." Luo Mengqi said with a smile, "name, age, strength, from where."

"Mu Qianyue, a martial artist of the 15th and 4th ranks, comes from Fengying kingdom."

When they heard that mu Qianyue was a fourth level spirit warrior, they were surprised. There are not many people who are 15 years old! It looks like another genius!"Just put your palm on the soul measuring stone." Luo Mengqi still has a faint smile.

Mu Qianyue frowns in embarrassment. She is a colorless martial spirit. If detected by the soul stone, it will inevitably cause a sensation. She still understands the truth. After all, colorless martial spirit is too shocking. It would be bad if it caused some unnecessary trouble.

"Tianshuo, do you have any way to prevent them from detecting my martial spirit level?"

"This is simple. What level do you want to hide the spirit of martial arts to?" In the mind rings the day Shuo languid voice.

Mu shallow month hears speech a joy, but on the face is silent, in the heart silently returns a way, "the green martial spirit is OK."

"No need to test the energy of your hand, and release the spirit of martial arts." Luo Mengqi see Mu shallow moon has been disobedient in place, can not help saying again.

"Ah I think it must be that her martial spirit level is too low. I'm afraid everyone will laugh at her and dare not test it. " Yuan Sheng sneered at him and said that Xu Yurong also showed disdain and disdain. Just now, when she heard that mu Qianyue had the strength of a fourth level spirit warrior, she was bitterly jealous. Such a talent can be said to be better than her own.

But at the moment, it seems that Mu Xiaoyue dare not test, and Xu Yurong's face shows a proud look. I think her strength is based on pills, so I dare not test now!

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