"I really want to go to class soon, so that I can see the beauty tutor earlier!" Three female students got together to discuss the affairs of the male teacher of the beauty guide, and their faces were full of crazy smiles.

Mu shallow moon smell speech, eyebrows micro coagulation, beautiful male tutor?

"Hum, a group of crazy girls! Is this prince not handsome Jun Lin Tian snorted and said to himself.

Soon it was time for class, and the female student before suddenly exclaimed, "look! Here comes the beauty teacher

"Where and where?"

The girls were excited to see a slender figure walking slowly in the golden sunshine in the morning. The white clothes were like snow, and the skirts of the moon white clothes were hanging down. They were embroidered with silver thread and dark lines. The complicated and exquisite patterns added a bit of nobility and elegance.

A head of black hair is tied up with a jade hairpin, clean and refreshing, like the rising sun in the mist.

The man's pace is slow, and his posture is light and elegant, like the towering jade mountain, which makes people look up to him.

As he approached, the man's face was clearly reflected in the eyes of all.

His face was like a bright moon rising slowly over the blue sea. The sun behind him seemed to lose its color and become dim. People were all dizzy. They didn't know the southeast and northwest.

The beautiful white lip corners bend slightly, as if with a faint smile. The breeze blows slightly. The men's long clothes are scattered in the morning wind, and the wide sleeves are flying like clouds. It reminds people of qingluan on the ninth day. It seems that the charm of reversing all living beings is in the holy grace.

Two extremely different styles, but in his body fusion is very comfortable.

He is like a lotus flower in the dust, warm and deep.

The most shocking is his long and narrow purple eyes, elegant as fog, drunk as glass, but also with a little strange deep, frightening people.

The beauty beyond the ordinary world will make people lose their language ability. People already feel that they can't breathe. Their minds are full of dizziness, and they don't know what's going on.

Rao is used to seeing his appearance. Mu Qianyue is still stunned. After a moment, he suddenly comes to the God. Looking at all the women who are infatuated with him, he can't help feeling disgusted in his heart. He is really a demon! Wherever you go, you are a disaster!

"Naranjing? How could it be him? " Jun Lin Tian is a man at least. He is not infatuated with his appearance. But when he is so elegant, he can't help but be jealous.

"Well I don't know. " Mu shallow month touched the nose, the ground of the eyes flashed, thinking about whether to hide him in the heart? Otherwise, she has a lot of pressure!

"Hello, everyone. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm your tutor. My name is nalanjing." Like the sound line of the song in the cloud, it is warm and pleasant to the ear, and suddenly it is bewildered.

"My tutor is definitely the first beautiful man in Qingfeng city!"

"What Qingfeng city is the first beautiful man in the whole land of tianwu! Our tutor is handsome

"Ah, ah I feel like I'm dying. I must be dreaming! "

"Oh, how happy I am! How can I be a student of tutor Nalan The girls yelled with excitement.

Mu shallow month speechless pick pick nose, hum, evil spirit! Evil spirit! Evil spirit!!!

Jun Lin Tian was crying with a face, "ah, the end is over, how could he be my mentor? I want to die with wood? "

"In order to make you more familiar with each other and enhance the feelings between students, let's introduce ourselves to each other." Nalan Jing Road, while talking, his eyes are just glancing at mu Qianyue, with a smile like Pang drowning in his eyes.

After all of them introduced themselves, nalanjing said, "next, you will line up to show your fighting skills. I will give you guidance on your fighting skills."

Everyone was excited and cheered, especially the girls. Tutor Nalan's personal guidance will certainly benefit them a lot. Although tutor Nalan looks very young and his age is similar to them, they don't doubt his strength at all. If you can be a tutor in Qingfeng college, you can't do it without deep strength.

Because no one can enter Qingfeng college. Even if you have a strong background, you will not be allowed to go through the back door. Both the students and the tutors need to rely on their own real ability to enter.

The students of class 3 sat on the ground in the training ground, and a male student showed his fighting skills in front of him. Then nalanjing pointed out his shortcomings in his fighting skills and corrected them. At this moment, he finally understood what was going on.

After the male student stepped down, a female student stepped up. She looked at nalanjing with affectionate and adoring eyes, and her voice was soft and coy, "tutor Nalan, my name is taoleyao, you can call me Yaoer..."

Nalanjing's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and a trace of coldness ran through her lavender eyes. The light and warm breath on her body suddenly disappeared. It turned into a cold, fierce and merciless, like a bloodthirsty Shura. She was so scared that the woman named taoleyao collapsed on the ground, her face was white and her body was shaking."I, I..."

The crowd was also shocked by the sudden chill on nalanjing. A male student turned around and quickly pulled taoleyao back. He apologized to nalanjing, "sorry, tutor Nalan, she, she has a bad brain..."

After thinking about it for a long time, the male student found this reason. Looking at nalanjing's cold eyes, he wiped his face with cold sweat. He didn't expect that Nalan's tutor looked warm and warm, so terrible! More terrible than the devil!

The other female students all looked at Tao Leyao with angry faces. They all blame the flower maniac for offending tutor Nalan and making them dare not get close to him!

When taoleyao recovered her life, she was in a cold sweat. Her face turned blue and red, and she felt very embarrassed.

Since then, taoleyao has been used to the title of brain trouble.

With taoleyao as a warning, no girl would dare to tease nalanjing, or even look at his eyes.

"Tut tut Tut, I really don't know how to cherish the fragrance and cherish the jade. What a good opportunity! There are so many beauties that none of them can get into his eyes." Jun Lin Tian shook his head and sighed, as if he were very sorry.

"No, there's one person who can get into his eyes, and that's me." Mu Xiaoyue raised his lips and smile, and his beautiful face was filled with happy smile. He was really domineering and really loved to death!

"Shameless, are you so narcissistic?" King Lin days speechless mouth, pause said, "you so believe that he won't have an affair with other women?"

"I believe in him as he believes in me." Mu Qianyue said.

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