Feng Mou micro coagulation, a trace of surprise flashed in the eye, "heard a few days ago a tutor suddenly injured, can't you do it?"

"Guess, lady?" Nalanjing said with a smile.

Mu shallow month speechless rolled a white eye, see him this appearance to know must be him to do, which still need to guess. The tutor of Qingfeng college was enough, but suddenly a tutor was injured. He had to rest in bed for at least half a year. Then nalanjing came. Who else was there?

What a black guy!

"At first, I discussed with him, but he didn't do it, so he had to beat him up. Ah, I lost a bottle of Zengyuan pill, which was a big loss." Nalanjing sighed, "lady, you must make up for me."

"A bottle of Zengyuan pill?" Mu Xiaoyue is very depressed. It is estimated that he is the only one in the mainland who is so rich and generous. Without blinking an eye, a bottle of Zengyuan pill is sent out.

"No way, who let me in your poison, a day not see, as if every three autumn." Nalanjing gazed at her earnestly and affectionately.

Mu shallow month ear root suddenly a red, he this is in her to say love words?

When Tong Ling ran away from mu Qianyue, he saw Jun Lin Tian, who was sitting alone in the corner, and sat down opposite him. Then he asked carefully, "who is that man?"

He pointed to Nalan Jing in white.

"He's a devil. You'd better leave him alone." Jun Lin Tian gnaws at the beef and accidentally pulls the wound on his face. He bares his teeth in pain.

"What's the matter with the wound on your face?" Tong Ling saw that his face was blue and purple, and asked curiously.

"I don't know if the dean is so old-fashioned that he is actually selected as the tutor of class 3 of freshmen Hiss! He's abusive! Fortunately, you are not in his class! " Jun Lin tiannu way, he will never tell this boy that he was beaten because of more and shallow moon.

"It's a little bit." Tong Ling nodded with approval, and her eyes turned. "He claims to be my master's man..."

"You must not be deceived by his appearance! In fact, he is a big villain who swindles his heart, money and lust. " Jun Lintian said with anger on his face. He stood up, approached Tongling's ear, and said in a soft voice, "he is in love with your master's beauty. Although your master's talent is excellent, he is still a woman after all. His mind is still too simple. It's easy to be cheated by such an expert in love with flowers. You should be careful."

"I see! Hum! He wants to cheat my master, no way! " Tong Ling angrily said, as if thinking of something, look innocent and frustrated, "but I can't beat him, my poison, he is not afraid at all!"

"Well, I can't help it..." Jun Lintian shook his head and sighed.

"Yes, I'll go to my grandfather! My grandfather is the Dan pharmacist here, and he is very familiar with the dean. He is a confidant for many years. What my grandfather said is that the Dean should respect him. I'm going to ask my grandfather to fire him! " Tong Ling snorted angrily. He stood up and left. He didn't even care to eat.

Looking at Tong Ling's back, Jun Lin Tian shows a sly smile.

In the afternoon, nalanjing asked everyone to discuss with each other, and then he would instruct them to fight, and they would compete in pairs.

"King's landing, let's form a team." Mu Qianyue goes to king Lin Tian, and among all the people present, only Jun Lin Tian's strength is similar to himself.

Jun Lin Tian seemed not to have heard it. He wiped oil on his feet and pulled a male student to run. He said seriously, "I think we have the same strength. Let's form a team."

"Ah, you..." Mu Xiaoyue frowned and looked back at the other female students in her class. She looked at herself with envy. She knew that they would not form a team with her. She simply sat under the tree and fell asleep.

The time of the day just passed.

When mu Qianyue and nalanjing are preparing to go to the canteen for dinner, an old man comes over from the opposite side and asks in a slightly respectful voice, "are you mu Qianyue, Mu girl?"

"Yes, it's me. Are you?" Mu shallow moon eyebrow light twist, doubt voice.

"I'm the housekeeper of the Xu family. It's our master who ordered me to invite Miss mu. My eldest daughter has been poisoned by fire. Now she is unconscious. The master has invited all over the city, and all the pharmacists are helpless. So if you want to ask Miss Mu to help save my miss's life, we Xu family must thank you very much! " Xu housekeeper said respectfully and honestly.

Mu shallow month did not speak, but turned to look at the side of nalanjing, see him nodding, showing a warm smile, "nothing, I will accompany you."

Smell speech, Mu shallow month this just said to Xu housekeeper, "good, let's go now."

Housekeeper Xu is overjoyed to see that Mu Xiaoyue has agreed so readily.

One side of Jun Lin Tian saw the situation and stopped three meters away from Mu Xiaoyue's side and asked in a low voice, "did you know that Xu's family was looking for you?"

"Yes." When she was in the forest of beasts, because of the relationship between conditions and time, she just suppressed the fire poison on Xu Yurong. There were few people in tianwu mainland who could solve the fire poison, and the Xu family did not have time to look for it. Naturally, she would come to find her. The reward must be very rich. At the same time, she could make the Xu family inherit a great favor. It was like killing two birds with one stone.Out of the Qingfeng college, there is a carriage waiting at the gate of the college.

Mu Qianyue and nalanjing got on the carriage together, but the space inside was quite big.

Housekeeper Xu drove the carriage to the direction of Xu's house, that is to say, with a cup of tea, he arrived at the gate of Xufu. Steward Xu respectfully lifted the curtain of the car and saw a flash of white clothes. Nalanjing had stepped out of the carriage like flowing water. His movements were slow but elegant. He turned back and put out his hand to the woman behind him with a smile.

Even more intoxicating than the moon in the purple eyes filled with gentle doting smile.

Mu shallow month is very natural to put up the hand, and then jump off the carriage.

Looking at this scene, housekeeper Xu was shocked. Naturally, it was nalanjing's appearance and momentum. When he was in college, he didn't take a close look at nalanjing's appearance. Now he found that he had a pair of frightening purple eyes. The most important thing is that he is very young, but his breath is calm and reserved, deep and incomparable. People can't see his strength and can't be ignored.

Such a strong man actually took the girl in front of him as a pet in his heart. For a moment, housekeeper Xu could not help but respect mu Qianyue, and his curiosity also rose to a high point.

Xu housekeeper carefully and respectfully welcome mu Qianyue and nalanjing into the mansion.

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