"In the lower Chu Tiange, may I ask your name? I will remember your kindness in my heart, and I will repay you in the future. " She saved herself twice and her sister again. Even if she wanted to give her own life, it would not be too much. It's just that he still has his mission unfinished.

"My name is mu Qianyue. Xiaoxue is my friend. It's right to save her." She doesn't want to see a cute child like Xiaoxue get hurt or something.

"Well, I said how did you become the elder brother? Xiaoxue was so small that you brought her to the forest of beasts. She even had difficulty walking on her legs, not to mention dealing with Warcraft. Do you want her to die?" Jun Lin Tian gave Chu Tian song a bad look.

Chutian song's indifferent face was stiff, her eyes drooped, but she didn't speak.

"It's not like this. I came to the forest of beasts by myself. If my brother hadn't saved me, I would have been eaten by that lizard, and I almost hurt my brother Wuwu... " Chu Xiaoxue said while crying tears thin Li, tender face mixed with blood and tears, looks very poor, crying a crowd of people are almost broken.

Chutian song squatted down and hugged Chu Xiaoxue, gently wiping tears off her face for her, and said, "Xiaoxue is not afraid. Isn't brother good?"

"Wuwuwu Brother, it's all my fault. I'll never run around again If you're not here, I'll be left with Uncle pan... " Chu Xiaoxue still cried very sad.

Mu Xiaoyue frowned, "why does Xiaoxue run into the animal forest alone?" Although Xiaoxue is only six years old, she is mature early and clever and sensible. She will not run around.

"Xiaoxue doesn't know who she heard. She heard that there is a kind of herbal medicine in Wanshou forest that can treat disabled legs, so she came to pick herbs and wanted to treat uncle Pan's leg injury. Uncle Pan's leg injury can't be cured." Chu Tiange explains that there is a sharp color in her golden eyes. It must be someone who deliberately wants to harm Xiaoxue, but Xiaoxue is so small and simple, and there is no enemy at all. Most of the people come to him.

"I think uncle pan can walk like us..." Chu Xiaoxue knew that she had made a big mistake. She lowered her head and her voice was weak.

"Maybe I can treat uncle Pan's leg. Take me to see it." Mu Qianyue said.

"Really? Can uncle pan really cure your leg Chuxiaoxue smell speech originally lost sad face suddenly showed a happy smile.

"The elder sister's medical skills are very good." Jun Lin Tian smiles.

Chu Tiange looks at mu Qianyue with some doubts. She is so young that she is a pharmacist? But can she really cure uncle Pan's leg? She has never seen uncle Pan's leg disease, and he has asked many pharmacists before, but he can't cure uncle Pan's leg disease. Can she?

"Don't worry. If she can't be cured, no one will be able to cure her. You know that the wicked lady who was half dead by fire was cured by shallow moon, so you can rest assured." Jun Lin Tian said, pointing to the side of Xu Yurong.

Xu Yurong's face was stiff and depressed. Why did she get involved? She was shot lying down!

"Can you blow down the cowhide? If I really can't cure it, won't it disappoint people? " Mu Xiaoyue rolled her eyes. Seeing a doctor can only be decided after seeing a doctor. He's good. He praises her as a miracle doctor. He really doesn't know how to be modest!

Nalanjing did not speak from the beginning to the end. In any case, no matter what yue'er did, he would support her and follow her wherever she went.

"Miss mu, you saved our brother and sister. I should have paid you back As long as you can cure uncle Pan's leg, I will be your man in the future. I can do anything for you, even if you kill people and set fire to them! " Chutian song suddenly kneels down on one knee to Mu Xiaoyue and says with cold and serious expression.

Mu Xiaoyue was stunned. When she saved him twice, she didn't hear him say that he was willing to give his life to himself. Now he heard that she said there was a way to treat uncle Pan's leg disease. He knelt down without hesitation and was willing to be loyal to himself. It seems that uncle pan is not ordinary in his heart!

"Am I so bad?" And killed and set fire to

Nalan Jing Mou son Yang Yang, on the surface looking at some cold, but the heart is still as warm as fire. When they first met, wasn't she such a person?

"I have nothing but a life left. If you don't dislike it, you can take it." Chutian song is still half kneeling.

"Sister, I beg you to save uncle pan. After Xiaoxue, I will wash and cook for you every day, OK?" Chu Xiaoxue pulled Mu shallow moon's robe, raised his head, looking forward to looking at her.

"Don't worry. I will try my best to cure uncle Pan's leg, but I don't know if it can be cured well." Mu Xiaoyue touched the head of Chu Xiaoxue and said softly. Then he looked at Chu Tiange, "I don't want your life. How much money is your life worth? I agreed to do it for the sake of snow

Chutian song smell speech, cold face dyed with a layer of green, slightly drooping eyes, golden pupil flashed a touch of darkness.

Experience is not to practice, a group of people simply returned to Qingfeng city.

Mu Qianyue several people with the song of Chu came to the most remote and poverty-stricken area of qingchengfeng, which is called the slum.A shabby yard, two small tiled houses and a small kitchen would be gone.

Jun Lintian and Xu Yurong grew up with gold keys. They were the first time to see such a humble house. Their eyes were full of shock, especially Xu Yurong felt that there was no place to go.

Mu Xiaoyue's eyebrows are almost invisible, so it's no wonder that Chu Xiaoxue would go to the street to set up a stall that night. It's not easy to bear the burden of family at a young age. Which child like her is not a coquettish girl hiding in her parents' arms?

"Cough..." There was a cough in the room. Chu Tiange stepped forward quickly, "Uncle pan, we are back!"

Mu Xiaoyue walked in with him, his nose was slightly wrinkled, there was no window in the room, because there was only one door, the air in the room was very smelly.

"What's the smell, so bad!" Xu Yurong covered her nose and quickly stepped back from the inside. Standing in the courtyard, she breathed the fresh air, which made her feel better. Just now, the smell almost made her vomit.

Jun Lin day is not where to go, the same wrinkled nose, but he did not speak.

"Uncle pan, this sister said that she could cure your leg, and soon you would be able to stand up again." Chu Xiaoxue excitedly said, ran into the house, obviously she has been used to the smell.

Suddenly, Mu Xiaoyue felt that the smell was not so bad. When he turned his head, he saw that nalanjing separated the bad smell with zhenyuanli. He was always so careful.

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