"Yes." Mu Qianyue nodded, took out acupuncture from the space and began to prick Pan Shu's legs. He still used those acupoints as usual yesterday, stimulating the nerves on his legs. He saw that the air fluctuated slightly, and a trace of vitality entered pan San's legs under the guidance of the silver needle.

In the moisture of these vitality, these necrotic muscles gradually appear vitality, the original dry skin gradually become smooth and elastic.

Chu Tiange and Tongling were surprised to see this scene. They didn't expect that a few silver needles could mobilize the vitality of heaven and earth. Although they could mobilize the vitality of heaven and earth through their practice, they were far less shocked than these silver needles.

Tong Ling's eyes burst into a flash of light. No wonder master's medical skills are so skillful! You can save people with the vitality of heaven and earth! This is what those pharmacists can't do, and so can his grandfather! Master brought him too many surprises and shock. One wave after another, he was very glad that he met master in the forest of beasts that day, and worshipped under her door shamelessly. Otherwise, how could he learn so much?

Nalanjing still has a look of no salt and no light, as if he had been used to it.

After treating pan San's legs, mu Qianyue asks Chu Tiange to turn uncle pan over and lie down on the bed.

Because pan San's lumbar vertebrae was broken, what she had to do was to restore his broken bone. Otherwise, the only way to cure his legs was to treat the symptoms rather than the root causes.

Nine acupuncture needles were inserted into pan San's waist at one breath. The vitality of heaven and earth in the air was mobilized again to moisten and repair his broken lumbar vertebrae. After a while, mu Qianyue turned pale and sweated on his forehead. Until she could not hold on to it, she took back her hand and put away the silver needle.

"I feel like I can move..." Pan San said in surprise that he wanted to sit up. Mu Qianyue quickly pressed him down. His face solemnly said, "this is just a preliminary treatment. Your lumbar vertebrae has not completely recovered. It's better not to move around, or all the previous efforts will be wasted. I'll come to cure you every day, and I'll probably have to treat you more than a dozen times

"Really? Miss mu, thank you so much! I I... " Pan San was so excited that tears filled his eyes. A middle-aged man in his forties couldn't help crying at this moment. He was excited, he was happy, so he couldn't help it for a moment.

When he was lying in bed, suffering from the pain, he did not cry. At the beginning, he struggled in the edge of life and death, and he did not frown. When he heard about him, he would be able to stand up again in more than ten days, but at this moment, he couldn't help crying.

Chu Tiange and Chu Xiaoxue are also very happy. Chu Xiaoxue claps hands and jumps happily, "great, great, uncle pan can finally stand up Sister mu, you are more powerful than those pharmacists in Qingfeng city. They can only dig my family's money, but even uncle pan can't cure it... "

Mu Xiaoyue smiles and touches the head of Chu Xiaoxue.

"That's right. My grandfather is still the Chief Dan pharmacist of Qingfeng college. Compared with master's medical skills, he feels weak and explosive." Tong Ling was excited to say that he had no interest in medicine and alchemy before. Instead, he preferred to study some poison techniques and poison pills. But today, after seeing master's acupuncture and moxibustion, he became very interested.

Mu shallow month smoked the corner of the mouth, has he so damaged own grandfather's? Grandfather must have heard him spit blood.

On the way back, mu Qianyue looked at Tong Ling and asked, "do you say your grandfather is the Chief Dan pharmacist of Qingfeng college?"

"Yes." Tong Ling nodded.

Mu shallow month in the heart secretly surprised, did not expect this boy to be quite big.

"Can you make an appointment with your grandfather tomorrow?"

"I'm afraid you didn't want to introduce you to me Tong Ling said excitedly that the other day he showed his master's acupoint map to his grandfather. At that time, his grandfather was so excited that he immediately forgot to eat and sleep. He even had no time to talk to him. But he was not angry at all. Instead, he felt proud and glorified.

Because the old man always looked down on him and felt that he was ignorant. This time he had nothing to say.

Nalanjing lips with a smile, is obviously Tongling to amuse.

In the distant sky, a bright moon is hanging on the sky, with numerous stars. The years are quiet and everything is safe.

Nalanjing takes mu Qianyue's hand and walks on the street. Tongling is chattering on one side, dancing excitedly. I don't know how shocked my grandfather will be when he meets his master. I'm really looking forward to it! Wow, ha ha

The next morning, Mu Xiaoyue just got up, and Tong Ling came running. She never arrived. The voice first came over, "master, go. I'll take you to see my grandfather. I told him last night that my grandfather would like to see you."

Mu shallow month and nalanjing said a, then with Tong Ling together to the inner courtyard.

Tong Ling's grandfather is the Chief Dan pharmacist of Qingfeng college. Naturally, he lives in the inner courtyard. After a while, he comes to a courtyard, followed by a strong smell of medicine coming along with the breeze.

Mu Qianyue found that the vitality of the courtyard was much stronger than that of the place. When she stepped out of the courtyard and left the gate, the strong freshness suddenly disappeared. When she entered the courtyard, the strong and fresh vitality poured in like water. Mu was not surprised. It seemed that the array of absorbing vitality was set in the courtyard.Many herbs have been planted in the hospital, and they are growing vigorously.

"Old man, come out quickly!" As soon as Tong lingcai entered the hospital, he couldn't help shouting.

"Stinky boy, I've said it many times. Don't yell. In case these herbs scare me, I'll kill you! And I'm your grandfather! Do you know what it means to respect your elders? " A roar came from the house.

"Tong Ling disdained to skim his mouth," you roar so loud, if these herbs die, you are also roaring to death. "

"You're itching, aren't you? If you are not cured for three days, you will go to the room and uncover the room! " The old man's voice was full of anger. He scolded angrily. He came out of the room and grabbed Tongling's ear. "Why didn't I strangle you at the beginning, so that you would always be angry with me?"

I saw an old man with ragged clothes and messy hair coming out of the house. Mu was stunned. Why is Mao familiar with this scene? Oh, come to think of it, it seems that I met her unreliable master for the first time, which is also such a virtue.

The corners of his lips are light, pulling out a faint smile. Although Tongling's grandfather doesn't speak well, mu Qianyue can still hear care from his words. Maybe this is the kinship with blood thicker than water.

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