As for our father's eyes, it's not our father's eyes, but our eyes

Mu shallow month smell speech tiny a Leng, Niang that side person? From childhood to adulthood, she has never heard of people from her mother's side Because the eldest brother is not a few years older than himself. At that time, he was also young. I'm afraid he didn't know about some things. As for grandfather, he never mentioned it.

He didn't get any useful information from the mouth of the man in black. He didn't know if he was cheating himself.

"How do you know I'm in Qingfeng college? Who told you that? " Mu shallow month continues to ask a way.

Hearing the words, the man in Black said grimly with a smile: "I have answered one more question just now. Please hand over the skill to avoid being tortured. The taste of searching for memory is not that good!"

"If I give you the skill, you really won't kill me?" Mu Xiaoyue frowns slightly, as if in hesitation.

"Don't worry. I have no blood. I still have credibility. If I promise not to kill you, I will surely let you die." He said he would not kill her, but he did not say that he would not arrest her. When he got the skill, he would catch her back, which would be regarded as the completion of the task.

"Well, I believe you once." Mu Xiaoyue pondered for a moment, and his palm shook, and an ancient scroll of sheepskin suddenly appeared in the heart of his hand. The moonlight was shining with light.

When the man in black saw this ancient scroll of sheepskin, his breath became thick and heavy, and his eyes glowed with greedy light, "give it to me quickly."

Mu Qianyue raised his hand and threw the ancient scroll of sheepskin. The man in black leaped forward and reached for it. Then he could not wait to open it. He was followed by a strong black smoke, which was immediately inhaled into his mouth and nose by the evening wind. He was shocked. He knew that he had been tricked, but it was too late, because the black smoke was inhaled into the body and quickly mixed with blood In the liquid, it flows quickly in the body.

However, during a breath, his face became dark, and there were tens of thousands of knives in his internal organs. He did not have to be frightened at the moment. He ran zhenyuanli to drive away the toxins. He looked up at mu Qianyue with a ferocious and angry tone, "how dare you play me?"

"Trick you? No, I'm just playing monkey Mu Xiaoyue said with a light smile. At the same time, her hands were quickly printed. She saw a red Yuan Dragon. Her head slowly floated up and gave out a deafening sound of dragon singing, "red Yuan Dragon, broken!"

The pale red dragon shadow roared forward, and the man in black, who had been poisoned by fire, only felt half of his body's true strength had disappeared. At the moment, facing the fierce dragon shadow, he could not resist at all, and then he was knocked out.

"Bang!" He fell to the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted out, dying.

"You Mean The face of the man in black slipped down, revealing a middle-aged man's face. It was very ordinary. He looked at mu Qianyue angrily and spat out blood again. He really didn't imagine that the innocent and innocent girl could poison him. He was also a ninth level spirit warrior. He could not control the poison in his body. He felt that his internal organs were on fire and were burned Suffering, suffering.

"Don't be mean to people like you, will you? I'm just treating people in their own way. " Mu shallow month sneers to walk forward, they two people sneak attack to follow oneself, isn't it mean? She would never be soft on her enemies, not to mention the fact that these two people might have been the killers who had separated their family from each other.

"Ha ha I hate that I am bloodless and fell into the hands of a little girl today. What a pity The man in black lamented with regret.

"Who are you? Where is it from? " Mu shallow month walked to him, Yan long sword against his throat, cold voice forced to ask.

"You want to know? I won't tell you! Ha ha Even if I die, you can't feel better. Someone will come to you soon The man in black sneers and spits out a mouthful of black blood again. Suddenly, his body is surging and his body is expanding rapidly.

"You want to blow yourself up? Do you think I'll give you a chance? " Mu Qianyue claps it with his palm, and it instantly hits his abdomen. The Jiulong soul swallowing rhyme starts to work automatically. He only feels that his swelling real yuan strength disappears like water.

A yellow light rose slowly from his abdomen, and the man in black screamed in pain and despair, "ah ah ah..."

The pain of being pulled away from his body made him convulse all over his body. It was painful to the bone marrow and to the soul

In the dark, only the black man's cry of pain, as if crying, miserable.

Mu Qianyue completely absorbed his spirit into his body. Under the heart method of Jiulong Yutian Jue, impurities were discharged. All the rest was pure Yuan Li, which flowed into the elixir field. Suddenly, she became a nine level spirit warrior from the eighth level.

And that black clothes person's eyes burst open, slowly unwilling to close the eyes.

Mu Xiaoyue frowns. This star sucking method hasn't been used for a long time. This time, it's too inhumane for a living person. But if she didn't have the card to protect her life, she would have died.

She will not easily use this move, but if it is in her hands, she will never be soft hearted!If people do not attack me, I will not. If people offend me, I will do the opposite!

After trying to understand this, the depressed mood suddenly became clear.

"It's a pity that he died and didn't ask for any useful clues..." Mu Xiaoyue sighed, and her eyes suddenly fell on the neck of the man in black. She squatted down and pulled off his collar. There was a tattoo of a green dragon on the back of his neck.

Mu Qianyue goes to another corpse and also pulls open his collar. He finds that there is a tattoo with dragon pattern on the back of his neck.

The eyes are light, it seems that the Dragon Tattoo should be a symbol of a certain sect or a certain aristocratic family.

Is that a clue?

"Whew All of a sudden, a sharp sound of breaking the sky sounded, fierce, majestic as a mountain, with a thousand pounds of force suddenly pressure.

Mu Qianyue was startled and looked up. He saw a huge palm in the night sky like Mount Tai. The light green light curtain instantly made the night green, and then a black figure.

The palm shadow comes in a flash, as fast as streamer.

Mu shallow month startled discovery in this momentum, she was actually locked! You can't move your hands or feet except your eyes!

Looking at the flashed shadow of the hand, with the posture of terrible thunder, Mu shallow moon closed her eyes in despair, and this slap hit her, even if she was not dead or disabled! The power of this palm is too strong, it is not what she can fight against! , the fastest update of the webnovel!