
The ground vibrated violently, and the golden and green lights interweave and collide together. The aurora radiates everywhere, reflecting the night as bright as day.

"Boom There was another loud noise, the most dazzling light went straight into the sky, opened a curtain, as if connected the heaven and earth, dividing the world into two parts!

Half gold, half green!

Such a big movement, of course, is to cause the people in the sleep at night to wake up one after another, grab the coat and run outside the door, such a big move, there must be a master in the fight!

The black shadow obviously noticed these things. The mission of this mission was carried out in secret and could not be found, otherwise After thinking about it, the shadow decided to leave first. He gave Mu Xiaoyue a cold look and snorted, "you are lucky this time!"

After that, he moved, swept to the far sky, turned into a black spot, and disappeared under the sky after a while.

"Nalan, how are you?" Under the moonlight, nalanjing's hand holding the sword is tight. Her purple eyes are deep and secluded like a pool. Mu Qianyue asks with some worries.

"I'm fine. Let's get out of here and go back to college." Nalanjing regained consciousness and said.

Mu Xiaoyue nodded, and quickly put the two on the ground into the space of Tongtian tower, and left the street with nalanjing. When they came to the street, they found no one but the collapsed houses and the cracked ground.

In the room, nalanjing's face was a little white. He turned his head and looked at the moon. In his purple eyes like glass, he flashed a faint light and said, "madam, go and get me some herbs from the Old Tong."

"Good." Mu Xiaoyue turned out of the room without saying a word.

Seeing her leave, nalanjing no longer tolerated, his face suddenly turned white, a mouthful of blood vomited out, his body swayed, his slender fingers quickly grasped the table, and did not fall down.

"Bang!" The door was violently pushed open.

Nalanjing looked up and saw Mu Xiaoyue standing in the door angrily. He quickly lowered his head, lifted his sleeve and wiped the blood stains on the corner of his mouth. Then he raised his head and showed a clean and clear smile, "how did you come back so fast?"

"If I don't come back so soon, can I see you like this? Why, why do you hold on to it? " Mu Xiaoyue's face was cold, and her eyes were cold. Obviously, she was very angry this time.

"I..." Nalan Jing drooped her eyes.

"Didn't you promise me that you would never hide anything from me? There is a force in your body that you can't control, and you can't use it, but you've been hiding it from me and using it repeatedly. Have you ever thought about the consequences if you can't control this power one day? " Mu is almost roaring out.

"For you, I will, you are worth..." Nalanjing looks up at her, her purple eyes are unprecedented serious, deep lingering eyes seem to see mu Qianyue's heart, soul.

"For me, is it worth it? However, have you ever thought that if something happens to you because of me, I will have a lifetime of uneasy conscience, sleep and food, and despair and pain all my life? " Mu Xiaoyue was so angry that she grabbed his collar and yelled, "I don't want you to sacrifice for me all the time! I want you to stay with me for a long time! Do you understand? "

"But I am a man, and I must protect you. This is my love for you and my duty." Nalanjing looked at her in a light voice, but firm as a rock.

"What are the problems that we can't face together? You're going to die alone Mu shallow month angry way, tears actually can't help but flow out of the eyes, last time he in order to chase the night devil disappeared for nearly a month, the strength of the night devil is how strong, how she does not know? He must have been hurt and didn't want to see it, so he deliberately hid himself, so he made an appointment to meet him in Qingfeng college.

He is so silly. Doesn't he know that she will be distressed?

"Don't cry, I don't hurt." Seeing her crying, nalanjing was flustered. He quickly stepped forward, reached out and gently wiped away the tears on her face. It was the first time that she cried for herself. Suddenly, he felt that it was worth doing anything.

"It's none of my business whether you hurt or not." Mu Xiaoyue was so angry that he broke his hand. Nalanjing's face turned white and looked at her without speaking.

"Naranjing, are you a pig? In the future, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to use that power, or I will I will remarry Mu shallow month angry face red, "if you dare anything, I will not be widowed for you, I will remarry!"

"Don't be widowed for me. I don't want you to be alone." Nalanjing couldn't help laughing. She cared about herself, otherwise she would not threaten herself with this matter.

"You Mu shallow month is angry, chest heaves violently, do not know how to say, this big silly hat!

"Aren't you afraid that I will marry nalanye instead?"

The words fall, Mu shallow month on regret up, see his face suddenly and white a minute, deep you purple eyes seem to flash a touch of pain, under the sleeve ten fingers light grip up, seems to be very angry, very angry!

"Dare you?" Nalanjing suddenly grabbed her waist with one hand, held her head with the other, and bit her head down. Mu Qianyue only felt a pain between her lips, and her lips were mixed with a faint smell of blood.Mu Xiaoyue pushed him away, raised his head and glared at him, "if you dare not cherish your own body, I dare to remarry! Even if it is to save me, do not use that power! If I die one day, I deserve it! Anyway, I don't want you to put yourself in danger! In that case, I am the one who would rather die

Having said that, Mu shallow month turns to walk toward the house.

All of a sudden, nalanjing hugged her from behind and held her tightly. It seemed that she would be kneaded into the bone marrow. His painful and helpless voice sounded in her ears, with a faint sadness, "do you still hate him?"

Mu Qianyue suddenly felt a pain in his heart. Did he mean nalanye when he said "he"?

All of a sudden, a picture flashed in my mind. Under the moonlight, a drooling little girl threw a little boy who was carved in Pink Jade and fell on the ground directly. She also kissed the little boy's lips and patted his face. She looked old and looked old, but her words were soft.

"Don't worry, sister will be responsible for you."

The little boy looks stunned, innocent and aggrieved, just like a spirit falling into the world

See Mu shallow moon half day no response, nalanjing holding her hand, slowly released, efforts for so long, she still don't like themselves? He didn't even know whether it was right or wrong to tie her to his side for the purpose of marriage , the fastest update of the webnovel!