Mu Qianyue's palm shook, and the Yanlong sword roared out. With a vigorous wind, the dust on the ground was blown up, and the faint red vitality was wrapped around the Yanlong sword. She looked at the cloud and said with a casual smile, "who will cry at that time?"

"It's no use being wild with your mouth. Let's see what you're doing." Yunshang murmured and waved the sword in his hand and rushed to Mu shallow moon. Because he was so angry that he didn't even play his moves steadily, he was in a hurry to attack.

Looking at the scene in the courtyard, Yunyi shakes her head and sighs. Chang'er's temperament is still too impatient and unstable. The other party is angered by a few words. He looks up at Xiangmu Qianyue, and his eyes are shining. It seems that he has underestimated this woman. She knows that she is not as powerful as Chang'er, so she is enraged, but Chang'er is deceived.

Mu Qianyue is fighting against him. The red light on the Yanlong sword is very big. Two long swords collide with each other, making a burning spark. The fierce sword spirit is surging in the air, and the deafening sound is broken out.

Yunshang thinks that a sword can make the other party seriously injured. Unexpectedly, mu Qianyue just stepped back a few steps under her attack, without any damage! You know, you are two steps higher than her! There is a big difference between the warrior worshiper and the spirit warrior!

"Do you think you can win by provoking me? I will show you my real strength and let you understand the gap between the spirit warrior and the warrior worshiper After Yunchang calmed down, her eyes showed a sarcastic sneer. She took a step forward, and the surging Green Qi gushed from her body. The blue stone slab under her feet actually spread several cracks under her feet.

Her body gradually appeared a layer of light blue armor, exquisite, beautiful as glass, this is the strength of the martial arts to the realm of talent will have the vitality of armor.

Mu Qianyue's eyes gradually become dignified. Unexpectedly, she calmed down so quickly. She took two pills out of the space and threw one into her mouth. Her momentum suddenly soared. She was promoted from level 8 to level 9, and then into her mouth. Her momentum changed again, from a level 9 spirit warrior to a level 9 spirit warrior First class warrior!

"This, this is impossible!" Yunshang screamed inconceivably. Although there are pills to enhance the strength of the world, they can't take two pills at once, even rise to two stars! Because this kind of pill is very violent, and the human body can't bear it! If you are light, your muscles and veins will be destroyed; if you are heavy, you will die!

"Nothing in this world is impossible." Mu Xiaoyue laughs and laughs. It is true that there is no pill on the mainland that can improve her strength at the same time. She has improved it according to the violent nature of the pill, but it does not affect its medicinal power. After repeated experiments, it has been successfully studied. Of course, there is no pill on the mainland.

The slender ten fingers tightly hold the dragon sword in her hand, and the faint red vitality forms a layer of red vitality armor in the body. The armor as bright as fire and blood completely envelops her slender body, which is exquisite and sexy. The light red wind curls up on the dragon sword, rolling and floating. In the wind, the sharp wind blade stretches out, and occasionally bursts out. The momentum is amazing.

Nalanjing's purple eyes did not blink at the slender red figure in the courtyard. It was the first time that he saw the moon in red. There was a thrilling beauty that was hard to describe. Even the sun in the sky was dim. All of a sudden, he noticed the burning eyes of nalanye nearby. He felt extremely uncomfortable and had an impulse to dig out his eyes.

Ah, it's the moon who is so charming

With the rising vitality of their bodies, the atmosphere in the hospital suddenly becomes dignified. Mu Hong and other people's eyes are focused on the two people in the hospital. Compared with Yunyi and others, Muhong and Ding Hao are extremely nervous. After all, Yueer is only a level 8 spirit warrior. Even if she takes pills that can enhance her strength, it is still a little short!

Cangming and Xuanye were originally nervous and worried, but they were not nervous when they saw their master's relaxed appearance. They could know how precious the master was to the princess and couldn't bear to suffer a little injury. Since the master was not afraid, it proved that the princess would not be in trouble.

"Even if you take pills, your strength is barely equal to mine? I will let you understand how miserable it is to rely on pills Cloud clothes angry way.

"Let's see who's better!" Mu Qianyue's body moved and turned into a red shadow. The dragon sword in her hand stabbed out and took the lead in attacking the cloud clothes. The girl's ink hair was light, and her jade like delicate face was cold and cold. The red dragon sword covered with red vitality pierced the air and made a sharp hissing sound.

Looking at the opposite mu Qianyue, a sneer of disdain rises from the corner of her lips. Her feet touch the ground lightly. Her body is like a fallen leaf in the strong wind. She floats strangely and flexibly. In an instant, she bumps into the red figure in front of her. The light blue sword in the hand was cut out naturally. With the help of light body method, several sharp swords were cut horizontally towards mu Qianyue's neck!

Mu Qianyue's body suddenly stops, and the Dragon Sword moves to the front of him. With the jingling sound, a bunch of sparks are struck. The swords that cloud clothes wield are not even blocking Mu's half attack, and they are completely dissipated in the air. The arm is waving, and the dragon sword with a fierce momentum, straight forward to cut down, the fierce force of pressure cloud clothes full of green silk, it seems that some confusion.Yunchang's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. She thought that even if Mu Qianyue took pills, her strength was definitely not as good as her own, but she didn't expect to be so strong! It seems that they underestimated the enemy! The country girl is not as weak as she thought! It's true that you have some skills. No wonder you will be favored by Ye!

Dai Mei picked it lightly, and the light blue sword in her hand suddenly stabbed out, drawing a blue arc in the void air. The sharp tip of the sword seemed to be able to penetrate the air. With a "Ding" sound, she hit the attacking Longyan sword.

A red and a green two figures fighting for dozens of rounds in an instant, it is completely equal!

The old face of cloud wing shows the color of astonishment. It seems that he didn't expect such excellent talents in such a place! It has to be said that Mu's talent is better than that of Chang'er. After all, in such a remote country, mu Qianyue has no famous teacher's guidance and countless elixirs to support her. It can be said that she is very strong! What's more, she still took a pill like Baoyuan pill, which forced her to upgrade her two levels of strength, and she could also draw with Chang'er. If such talents are recruited by yunzong, their future will be limitless! , the fastest update of the webnovel!