"Ah..." Hearing this, Mu Hong gave a deep sigh. He looked up and looked at the blue sky through the window. His eyes became deep and sad. He recalled: "actually, your mother is not from tianwu land. She comes from Huanzhou..."

Magic state? This is not the first time mu Qianyue heard the word "magic state". Last time, he also learned from his grandfather that his mother was taken away by people from phantom state. Is that his mother's family?

It seems that if you want to find your mother, you have to go to magic state, but her strength is too weak now! We must think of ways to improve the strength as soon as possible, so that we can go to the magic state to find the mother. Maybe the one with the blood rose mark is also from the magic state!

From Mu Hong's mouth, mu Qianyue learned that when her mother went out for training alone, she was cheated and nearly lost her body and wealth. Finally, she was saved by her father. This is a typical story of a hero saving a beautiful woman. Needless to say, I want to get the following things.

It seems that her mother is from a big family in Huanzhou. She looks down on her father and prevents them from communicating with each other. However, her mother is a straightforward woman who dares to love and hate, and is finally expelled from the family for the sake of love. Later, they got married and gave birth to a son and a daughter. Later, due to the relationship between the tower of heaven, they were attacked and pursued by various forces

There's no need to talk about what happened later.

Mu shallow moon Mou son shallow MI, no matter who, broke up their family, will pay the price!

"Grandfather, do many people know about the tower?" Her eyebrows were tight.

"In fact, we didn't know the secrets of our family except for the one thousand years when we were connected with our grandparents." Mu Hong sighed and said slowly.

Smell speech, Mu shallow month eyeground flash a touch of surprise, unexpectedly is ancestral thing?

Through Mu Hong's explanation, mu Qianyue learned that a group of people in black did not know that they had never heard the news of Tongtian tower, and assassinated and fought for the Marquis of Zhenguo. Later, it was the disappearance of his parents that brought peace to the Marquis of Zhenguo. However, the peace was only a short period of more than ten years. Now these people have come again. These people are powerful, mysterious background, far from a small town Marquis can compare, but these people also did not publicize the secret of Tongtian tower, they are naturally afraid of causing other people's covetous and contention.

The power of Tongtian tower is indeed against the sky, which attracts their salivation.

"Now that you have untied the seal and displayed amazing talent, I will tell you all these things." Mu Hongshen took a breath and continued, "do you think your blood is abnormal?"

"Not normal?" Mu Xiaoyue's eyes narrowed and her expression was puzzled. She didn't feel abnormal. If you want to say something abnormal, it is that the cultivation speed is much faster than ordinary people

"In fact, what flows in our Mu family is not ordinary blood, but a natural inheritor of green dragon blood. Our ancestors were the legitimate young master of the magic state Mu family, but they were abandoned because they were not born with green dragon blood. Later, he came to tianwu land, took root here, married and had children. His greatest wish in this life was to return to Huanzhou Let them see with their own eyes his strength and strength, but he has never been able to do it all his life! So the tower of Tongtian was passed down... "

Green dragon blood? This is the first time mu Qianyue heard about blood.

"Since our ancestors didn't have the blood of Qinglong, why did we have it?"

"This kind of inheritance is about chance, not absolute. Although our ancestors didn't have Qinglong blood, he was the direct lineage of Qinglong blood, so his descendants would have a green dragon blood. Unfortunately, none of the people in front of him got the inheritance of Qinglong blood, not even me. Later, in your father's generation, there was a green dragon blood The bearer! Although your father only has the level 4 blood vessel concentration, but the cultivation talent is amazing, which is several times faster than ordinary people. After your father and mother gave birth to your elder brother, they found that your elder brother was level 7 green dragon blood, and you were level 8 blood vessel. " At this point, Mu Hong's eyes are full of burning and proud light. To his generation, there are three green dragon blood lines. Even if he died later, he would be worthy of his ancestors!

When mu Qianyue heard the words, her eyes were more and more surprised. No wonder when she practiced the Jiulong Yutian Jue, she soon developed a red Yuanlong, which was almost effortless. It was because she had the blood of the green dragon in her body!

This Jiulong soul swallowing formula is clearly tailored for her!

"Grandfather, don't worry about it. I will go to Huanzhou to find my parents and let our family get together soon."

"Yue'er, before you reach the strength of the emperor, you must not go to the magic state, let alone provoke those people, understand? You and maple are the hope of our family Mu Hong face dignified matchless say.

"I see, grandfather." The strength of the emperor and the warrior? She believes that she can reach that height soon. Otherwise, I'm sorry for Tian Shuo's trust and Qinglong's blood?

At this moment, the girl's black pupil burst out a touch of self-confident light, like a king's momentum around herLater, she did, and stirred up the whole magic state!

Now that the people in black didn't come to Phoenix studio, Mu was relieved. Because Mu Hong said that people in unreal state should not come to tianwu land without permission, let alone fight against people in tianwu land. More than ten years ago, they made a noise. Naturally, they did not dare to magnify the momentum.

Think of nalanjing said before the soul of purgatory, mu Qianyue eyes with a sharp bloodthirsty light.

When you want to go to the bottom of the hell, you want to have a flash in the dark.

Because the soul eating purgatory is located in the netherworld palace, you must go to Tianmo mountain.

Mu Qianyue and his party walk out of the Phoenix film city. Suddenly, mu Qianyue notices three big characters on the wall of the city -- Jingyue city.

"Why? When was this changed? "

"During your coma." Naranjing road.

"That's a good name." Mu Xiaoyue said with a smile that her beautiful face is just like a peony blooming in the sunlight.

"You don't know, princess? With the imperial edict issued by the master, Fengying state has been officially changed into Jingyue state, and it has also been announced that yunzong will not be the enemy of Jingyue state. Those residents who are afraid to move away have moved back. Even the surrounding Nanyue state, Beiming state and Dongling state have recognized the status of Jingyue state. " Cang Ming said with a smile.

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