It turned out that these emperors had completed several tasks so quickly that they exchanged Lingyu from Gongde hall.

After hearing this, mu Qianyue's eyes brightened. After saying goodbye to king Lin, he walked towards the hall of merit. Sure enough, from a distance, he saw many people standing in front of the task list at the gate of the hall of merit, choosing their own tasks.

Mu Qianyue stepped forward and looked at the task above. Originally, she was not in a hurry to enter the inner courtyard, but after seeing the benefits of Lingyu, she decided to enter the inner courtyard early, where she could improve her strength more quickly. Since those people will find Qingfeng college, they may come for the second and third time!

"Master, are you here to take the task, too?" Indifference with a trace of excitement in the voice behind the ring.

Mu Qianyue turns back and sees the song of Chu walking slowly in the golden morning light. Her beautiful face is covered in the morning light. Her golden hair is flying and her eyebrows are flying with confidence. She looks like a god of gold from the West. Frightening people in the golden eyes of the past less aloof, more than a mild.

Seeing such a man, mu Qianyue's eyes flashed with surprise. One night's change was great, and the whole person's temperament changed a lot!

Chutian song lips with a faint smile, look at the eyes of the moon full of respect. Before that, he failed to summon the fire of the soul, and his soul was bitten back. Therefore, his soul was injured, and his cultivation speed was hindered. He was greatly affected. He only upgraded one level after half a year.

Last night, after he took the two pills given by his master, his injured soul was not only cured, but also his strength was improved by one level. Moreover, the fire elixir made him successfully condense the fire of soul. Now he is a real weapon refiner!

If there is no master, I am afraid he is still struggling.

"Tiange, do you know how many merit points can be exchanged for a spirit jade?" Mu shallow month looks at the task list at the same time, ask a way at the same time.

"A thousand merit points can be exchanged for a spirit jade. As for the skills and skills of pills, these depend on the level. 200 merit points are enough for low-level healing pills, and 500 merit points are required for high-level healing pills. There are 1000 merit points for huangjie skill and huangjie battle skill, and 5000 merit points for xuanjie skill and xuanjie battle skill. " Chutian Song said.

She has both skills and skills, so she wants to exchange only Lingyu.

"The task is divided into four levels from high to low. The simpler the task is, the less merit points can be obtained. However, the task with higher level is very difficult. If you are not careful, it is easy to lose your life, so you will generally take the task according to your own strength." Chutian song continued.

Mu Xiaoyue nodded clearly, only listening to Chu Tiange continued to say, "master, you are an alchemist. If you can refine high-level pills, you can also use pills to exchange merit points."

"Is that ok?"

"Yes, after I can refine high-level spirit tools, I can exchange them for merit points." Chu Tiange's eyes burst with excitement. He thought he could only spend his whole life in this way. The appearance of the master changed his life's fate!

Smell speech, Mu shallow month reaches out to touch chin, eyeground flash excited light.

"At that time, the master can use any spirit tool he wants." Chutian song excitedly said.

"Tiange, in the college, you don't call me master, call me my name."

"No, one day is the main thing, and life is the main thing. I will not change it." Chu Tian song looks serious.

At this time, a girl in a red silk brocade dress ran over. She wore a delicate cloud bun with a dark jade hairpin in the South China Sea. When she walked, it complemented her red dress. "Tiange, you are here too."

Chu Tiange frowned slightly and ignored her.

At this time, the girl noticed mu Qianyue on one side, and suddenly her eyes flashed with amazement. Then she became angry and jealous. Her eyes were full of hostility, "who are you? Why are you with Tiange

Mu Qianyue shrugs helplessly and looks at Chu Tiange. She is ready to take over the task. This kind of woman will hate herself indiscriminately when she comes. It's really idiotic! Just because Mu Xiaoyue doesn't want to pay attention to it, it doesn't mean that others want to let her go easily. The girl rushes forward and blocks mu Qianyue's way. Her eyes are wide open and she says angrily, "what do you mean? Don't you take Miss Ben seriously? "

"Chu Banxue, I have told you many times that I don't like you! Don't pester me again! What's more, be polite to my master later, otherwise, don't blame me for being merciless Chutian song God said coldly, and a knife like sharp light flashed through the golden pupil.

Chu Banxue's face turned white and clenched his lips. For a while, he looked ugly.

"Mu Qianyue, you really have the ability. As soon as tutor Nalan came to the college, you got in touch with tutor Nalan. As soon as he left, you couldn't bear to hook up with Chu Tian song again?" A strange voice sounded, only to see taoleyao a face of disaster and Joy came over.

When Chu Banxue heard the speech, he was more angry in Xiangmu Qianyue's eyes. He turned to Tao Leyao and asked, "Yue Yao, are you all true?"

"I'm in the same class with her. I'm very clear about her affairs, but I didn't expect that her means were very powerful. Even Chu Tiange was hooked up by her. Ah, it is. She has such a unique face that no man dislikes..." Tao Leyao added a little oil and vinegar. But she had not finished her words. She only heard the sound of Shua, and a sharp blade had already crossed her neck."If you insult her again, I'll kill you at once." Chu Tian Ge Jun's face is cold, and his golden eyes are shining with cold light.

Taole Yao body a stiff, suddenly feel a terrible killing intention rushed, looking at his cold bloodthirsty eyes, she quickly shut her mouth.

Chu Banxue was so angry that he changed his face when he saw that Chu Tiange maintained mu Qianyue so much. At ordinary times, Chu Tiange disdained to look at any woman. He was cold and aloof and indifferent. Because of this, he fell in love with him involuntarily! These days, in order to please his favor, she was low on him, flattering, but he was dismissive, and now he is defending another woman like this!

"Tiange, didn't you hear what Le Yao said just now? Mu Qianyue is an impudent woman. She is not worth your attention to her! She's already in ruins

"Shut up! I will not allow you to insult my master! Otherwise, I'll kill you Chu song angry way, holding the sword hand blue veins burst.

Chu Banxue smelled the speech, and her face turned red with anger. She raised her head and angrily admired the moon. "You mean woman, fox spirit, what kind of infatuation have you poured into Tiange? Let him defend you like this , the fastest update of the webnovel!