Hidden in the air of the body movement, swept in from the window, at the same time, the stealth formula displayed, quietly hidden in the air.

Through the red sandalwood lattice window, the fine sunlight sprinkles into the room and shines on the people on the bed. The white and delicate skin is like a layer of gold gauze. The lines are perfect and elegant, the chest is strong, and it is as beautiful as a gorgeous artwork.

Well I really want to go to the bathroom. Do you want to go? But he still wanted to sleep. Jun Lin turned over and his heart was tangled. He couldn't hold back

Open sleepy eyes, vaguely get up, get up, covered in the waist of the thin silk silkworm was sliding down.

Mu shallow moon just swept into the window, he saw a white flower's buttocks twisting in front of him, and suddenly his face was red, and his sweet voice was with a trace of anger, "hooligan!"

"Bang!" One foot merciless kick out, Jun Lintian even did not respond to come over and fell out, directly into a dog eat excrement, from the state of confusion in an instant awake, he an excited sat up from the ground, puzzled and puzzled to look around, just a woman was talking! I was kicked!

But turning to look at the closed door, and looked at the empty room, where there is a figure?

A cold wind swept by the window, the shadow of the trees swayed, but there was no shadow of a human being

"Ah! There is a ghost King Lin day scared face a white, hands around the chest, shivering, it seems that the other side or a ghost!

Mu Qianyue quickly returns to his own courtyard. The transparent figure gradually solidifies, and a trace of crimson appears on his white and beautiful face. He can't help but curse in a low voice. Jun Lintian, a great pervert, is actually naked and sleeping! Fortunately, she just saw someone's white buttocks, otherwise Ah, if Nalan knew this, he would be jealous again.

Jealousy is a small matter. Maybe someone's ass will suffer.

Mu Xiaoyue went to the canteen to have breakfast. When she had a delicious meal, Jun Lin Tian came over and sat down opposite her. Her handsome and resolute face showed a strange color. She looked around for a moment. Then she approached mu Qianyue's ear and whispered, "shallow moon, I'll tell you something. You must not tell others."

"What's the matter?" Mu shallow month in the heart some heart is guilty, he should not notice what?

"There are ghosts here! I was peeped at by a ghost girl this morning Jun Lin, the God of heaven, said seriously.

"Poof!" Mu Qianyue's porridge in his mouth almost gushed out. Is there a ghost? This kid doesn't think he's a ghost anymore?

Seeing her strange constipation look on her face, Jun Lin was worried, thinking she didn't believe it. He immediately added, "there are ghosts here! Even in my room, I kicked my ass this morning He pointed to his buttocks, which still hurt now.

"Well I didn't meet you. You're lucky Mu Qianyue buried his head to eat, so as not to be seen by him.

After breakfast, today is free training, no class, you can practice or practice combat skills at will.

Thinking of the hidden attack that she practiced last night, there are still many shortcomings. Mu Qianyue wants to find a quiet place to practice again. After all, this kind of combat skill of stealth attack is too adverse to the sky. So far, this is the first combat skill she has ever seen with stealth, advancing, attacking and escaping. If it is leaked out, it is inevitable that no one will not be envious. Therefore, we should be cautious.

Tianwu mainland even body method combat skills are very few, not to mention with stealth function.

Mu Qianyue went alone to the back mountain of the outer courtyard, passing through the winding corridor, flower garden, pavilions and pavilions, and came to a lush and dense forest. A fresh and elegant fragrance floated from the front and went away with the fragrance of flowers. His eyes were suddenly open.

I saw, an old tall crape myrtle flower, extremely prosperous, purple petals hanging full of branches, such as a flying purple butterfly, dancing in the wind. After the wind, the purple petals gently flutter down, fragrance floating, spread all over the ground, like a gorgeous and exquisite red carpet.

Mu Xiaoyue was slightly surprised, some surprised to see this old Lagerstroemia tree, the trunk is smooth and clean, the ancient Qiu branch, but seems to have endless vitality, full of vitality.

Beside the crape myrtle tree is a huge water pool. The fast flowing water falls from the hundred Zhang high rock wall. The sound of the flowing water sounds like a rhythmic long song.

Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and her eyes fell on a stone reef in the middle of the pool. Mu had an idea in her heart. This is the best place to practice stealth attack. Usually, few people come, and the geographical location and environment are good.

Fingers pinch Jue, clothes flying, sweet voice slowly fall, "hidden!"

The purple fiber shadow gradually turned into transparent color, and finally completely integrated into the air. Mu Qianyue, who was hidden in the air, moved and flew towards the pool.

A gust of wind suddenly blew over the open pool, which was quiet and without waves.

Mu Qianyue falls on the stone reef, and her cool Phoenix eyes squint gently. The movement created is still too big. No, keep practicing.

She has to be able to achieve this level of wind without trace, otherwise it is easy for others to detect the abnormality, and then it is to practice astringent the whole body breath.As time went by, I saw a gust of wind blowing over the pool from time to time. As time went on, the sun went down, and the wind on the pool became smaller and smaller. Finally, it disappeared. The pool was calm like a mirror without any ripples

"Hoo At last it's done Mu Xiaoyue falls on the rock reef and breathes out gently. Her mood is incomparably relaxed. Her day's efforts are not in vain. With this card, she feels that her life safety is finally guaranteed.

If you meet those black men with blood rose marks on the back of their necks, even if they are defeated, they will not end up in a mess or die.

In a flash of time, a month passed by. In this half month, in addition to practicing and taking lessons, Mu was able to exchange merit points by Alchemy. His alchemy skills became more proficient and handy. At the same time, he was successfully promoted to the realm of a second-class martial arts worshiper.

After class this day, Chu Tiange came to the training ground of class 3. His gorgeous blonde hair was beautiful and charming in the yellow sunset. The golden pupil flowed with a touch of glittering light. His ink robe was full of spirit and elegance, which was brilliant and brilliant. In an instant, he grabbed the attention of the public.

The girls in class 3 saw Chu Tiange and went straight to Mu Qianyue. Her handsome face, which was as cold and aloof as a God, showed a light and warm smile. It seemed that the ice and snow melted, and the spring breeze in March swept across the lake.

"Master, uncle pan, he has recruited a group of teenagers. Would you like to go and have a look?"

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