Huoxi's eyes narrowed, and a deep flash flashed from the bottom of his eyes. Pan San was speechless and turned his eyes. Are they here to rob or to play brother's affection?

"Did I say I would kill you?" In the night, suddenly a girl's clear and sweet voice broke through the dark sky, and it was ethereal and ethereal. In the quiet, there was a long distance, like the Sanskrit from the nine days above, which was very beautiful.

When they looked up, they saw a Silver Purple figure walking slowly out of the dark. The girl was carrying an elegant step and stepping in the evening wind. Ruyu's face was gradually exposed to the public's eyes. Her skin was like coagulated fat, her eyes were like stars, her nose was like jade, her lips were like cherries. In her slender body, she exuded a calm, quiet and elegant atmosphere, and her graceful and graceful eyebrows and eyes were full of elegance With a strong sense of heroism.

"Master." Pan sanyhi.

"Master." Fire Xi eyes light look to the coming Mu shallow moon, the eye fundus several can not be found to flash a touch of softness.

When black scorpion and white scorpion heard pan San calling for master mu Qianyue, they were so surprised that their eyes fell down. It seems that people and animals are harmless, and that the beautiful girl is actually the leader of the imperial flag gate? Did they hear right?

"Will you submit to our imperial flag gate?" Mu shallow month opens a way to ask a way, the sword that nailed black scorpion flies upside down like long eyes and falls in her hand.

Black scorpion body a paralysis, fell on the ground, he gasped for breath, the color in his eyes is unwilling to accept, let him obey a little girl who has not dried up?

"You have no choice. If it wasn't for your love and righteousness, my people would have killed you." Mu's voice is cold and frightful. A terrible momentum emanates from her body, which changes the face of black scorpion and others.

Fifth level warrior?!

This young girl, who seems to be only 15 years old, is actually a fifth level warrior!! You have to know that you are almost thirty. You are the fifth level warrior!

"Well, we are willing to surrender." The black scorpion's eyes flashed, and finally said, "the royal flag gate can develop so rapidly in her hands, and it's such a talent to change state. It's absolutely not an ordinary person!

White scorpion see black scorpion submit, said: "where the elder brother is, I am where."

"We are willing to submit." Said a member of the scorpion gang.

"From this moment on, the scorpion gang has been officially lifted, and there is no scorpion gang in Qingfeng city. Since you have surrendered to our Huangqi gate, you are the people of our Huangqi gate. I don't want to see people doing small moves behind their backs. Otherwise, the rules will be dealt with." Mu shallow moon light said, sharp eye light swept black scorpion and others, "black scorpion and white scorpion, you two are no longer what big brother and second brother, but the pioneer hall elder of our imperial flag gate, do you have any opinion?"

"No White scorpion shakes his head. Although he is no longer the leader of the second Gang, it's good to be an elder.

"I don't mind, but my third brother, who is my sworn brother, was injured by you last night..." The black scorpion pondered the way.

"It's easy to do. It's just a few broken bones? I will cure him. He is the elder of the vanguard hall, just like you Mu said.

After a while, Chu Tiange escorted six or seven people to come in. All of them were black and blue and looked ugly. As for the green scorpion, it was carried back.

Green scorpion see his elder brother and second brother captured, can't help but look gloomy. The strength of the imperial flag gate is beyond his imagination.

Mu Xiaoyue took out a pill and handed it to pan San. Pan San took it and put it into the mouth of the green scorpion rudely. The green scorpion cried out in horror.

"What did you give me to eat? Ah ah... " He quickly reached out his hand to his mouth to buckle it. The pill melted in the mouth and had already turned into medicine. He was so scared that he jumped up from the stretcher and jumped everywhere. While jumping, he buttoned his mouth, "Whoa, I don't want to die. I haven't married a daughter-in-law, and I haven't slept with a woman..."


Mu Xiaoyue's face turned black, and a drop of sweat fell from her head. She was speechless.

Chu Tiange and Huoxi are both puffing.

"Ha ha ha..." The members of the royal flag gate were laughing, holding their stomachs, as if they were convulsed with laughter.

Black scorpion white scorpion two people depressed look at each other, immediately even want to die heart have, do not want to be so humiliating? I lost my face to my grandmother's house!

"Third Black Scorpion is really can't see down, cold drink.

"Third brother, don't you find that you can move?" White scorpion speechless rolled a white eye, kindly remind a way.

"Well It seems to be I can move! Oh, I didn't waste it! I can move! Ooh, this is so exciting! I thought I was going to spend my next life in bed Wuwu... " Green scorpion almost cried with joy, life is really ups and downs ah.

The huge sweat on the face of Mu Qianyue is a big point. Is this guy deliberately playing tricks? Do you want to be funny?

"Thank you very much Black scorpion kneels on one knee and looks at mu Qianyue. Her eyes are deeply impressed and shocked. If he guesses correctly, this girl is the Dan pharmacist of Huangqi gate! The third brother's hands and feet are broken, even if you find old Tong's treatment, you may not be able to cure it, but she only gave a pill, and it was cured!Green scorpion reaction, this just know that just took is not poison, but a life-saving pill.

"Thank you very much for saving your life. I will submit to the master later." His expression is excited to Mu shallow moon one knee and kneel, the face is full of excited color in the eyes.

"Get up." Mu Qianyue then took some pills to the injured, including members of the scorpion gang.

After the scorpion gang was incorporated into the Huangqi gate, the Huangqi gate grew rapidly from 34 to 90. Moreover, the black scorpion, white scorpion and green scorpion are all the strength of the worshipers. The overall strength of the Huangqi gate has risen to a new level.

On the third day of the opening of Xicheng pedestrian street, there was a long queue at the gate of Huangqi Yaofang. Some people came here for a long time, but there were still many people who did not buy pills. After all, 3000 bottles, 10 bottles per person, were only 300 places.

Pan San looked at the crowd and said in a loud and clear voice, "although the half price activity for three days is over, there are pills on sale every day in our Huangqi medicine shop, and there are no restrictions on purchase. Blood clotting pill and Huiqi pill are priced at 10 gold coins. In addition, there are other pills on sale in our medicine shop, such as Meiyan pill, which has the effect of nourishing the face and whitening the skin. There are also bone shaping pills. This is a new product developed by our owner himself. It can transform bones and expand muscles, which is equivalent to indirect transformation talent. This is only useful for children under 10 years old. In addition, we also have marrow washing Dan, Lingyuan Dan, zunyuan Dan, etc You can buy it here as long as you can afford it. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!