"No, it's not..." Black scorpion and white scorpion quickly wave hands, this Ya is too terrible! I just said two bad words. As for how to punish them to death?

"Are you men?" Nalanjing asked with a smile again. The purple pupil swept under them, but his warm eyes were as terrible as a knife. The black scorpion and the white scorpion quickly covered their lower body, and said with a strong smile, "you are a pure man! You are an authentic man

If I knew this guy was so terrible, I would never say a word to kill them!

The green scorpion on one side is a little lucky to cover his mouth and smile. Fortunately, he is wise and doesn't speak ill of him. Hehe

Nalanjing took back her eyes, looked up at the moon and walked towards her with elegant steps.

"Tell me if you need pills in the future." With a flash of his hand, bottles of pills appeared in his hands as if they were free of money. Bottles of them were placed on the stone table beside him. There were thousands of bottles before he stopped.

Mu shallow month surprised stares at the eye, "where do you come from so many pills?"

I haven't heard of him as a pharmacist before!! Besides, it seems that he can't make alchemy! Where did these pills come from?

"If not, just tell me later." Nalanjing showed a gentle smile.

The yard is quiet, so quiet that you can hear the sound of people pumping air. Are they blind? He took out so many pills casually! And it's not enough to tell him directly, which means he has a lot of them!

All of a sudden, people's eyes became hot and adored, especially the black scorpion and the white scorpion. Their facial expressions were constantly changing and wonderful. One moment ago, they said that he was a little white face, and the next second he was trampled on his face, and now he is being beaten! Ah

Chu Tian song's eyes flashed a shock, obviously also was greatly shocked.

Huoxi's face also shows the color of shock, then the eyes gently squint, what a big pen! There are not many people on the land of tianwu who can have such a big handwriting!

"Mu shallow month lip Cape lightly raises a wipe shallow smile," really is the man that I like, is domineering

"So, lady, is there a reward?" Nalanjing winked at her, and the purple pupil twinkled with the light of evil charm.

"Reward, No. Because it belongs to me Mu Qianyue's lips curled slightly, and when he saw Nalan Jing's astonished expression, he continued, "because yours is mine, even you are mine!"

"Yes, ma'am." Naranjing chuckled, took her hand and imprinted a kiss on the back of her hand. She was graceful and gentlemanly, without a trace of blasphemy.

The moon is so domineering! He likes it!

"Ah! My heart aches Green scorpion covered his chest and yelled, "we are abused!"

"Oh, yes, I also want to find a daughter-in-law!" The white scorpion feels the same way.

"Monk, can I take you as my teacher?" Green scorpion looks at nalanjing with adoration. His eyes are hot and his mouth is smashed with envy. If he can take out so many pills all at once, how many women will throw themselves into his arms to see him off!

Nalan Jing took a puff of the corner of the mouth, Mu shallow month doubts frown, look at him, "what's the doorman?"

"The porter is the master's husband." Green scorpion laughs.

"Poof!" Mu Xiaoyue was immediately amused. Seeing nalanjing's black face, he stretched out his fingers, hooked out his smooth and white jaw, and said with a laugh: "Porter, en, this name is not bad."

"For the sake of a lady, I accepted the title reluctantly." Nalanjing showed a helpless smile. There was no displeasure in his eyes. He seemed to be happy.

Looking at the big show of love of the two people, everyone straight eyes, have turned to training.

Mu Qianyue opened a bottle of pills, smelled it, and found that its medicinal properties were 99% and huayuanli was 99%. She was surprised. This was the first time that she met someone with the same level of alchemy as herself.

However, it is obvious that these pills were not made by nalanjing. Although she was very curious about where he got so many pills, she would not ask because he also had his own secret.

With this batch of pills, mu Qianyue no longer has to worry about the shortage of pills. She can take a short rest and relieve herself for a few days. It seems that she has to find some Dan pharmacists to join the Huangqi gate. Otherwise, she will be exhausted if she is alone.

"Huoxi, send these pills to Huangqi medicine shop." Mu shallow month looks to fire Xi, say.

Huo Xi nodded, put these pills into the storage bag, turned away, and went to Huangqi medicine shop in Xicheng pedestrian street.

There is still a long line at the gate of Huangqi medicine shop. Pan San and several shop assistants are busy, looking at the less and less pills on the counter. Pan San is happy and tangled, and the pills are not enough! It is estimated that it will be sold out in a quarter of an hour. It is just after the morning.

In Pan San's tangled depression, Huoxi came in and threw a storage bag in front of him. Pan San's eyes lit up and said, "do you have pills?"

"Yes." Huoxi nodded lightly, thinking of nalanjing, and frowned slightly. The man was very powerful and mysterious!Pan San took over and opened the storage bag. There were thousands of bottles of pills in it. His eyes burst with excitement. He quickly summarized the pills in the storage bag and put them on the counter. These pills should be sold for two days.

All of a sudden, pan San's eyes coagulated, and Chu Banxue walked into the medicine shop with a proud face on her face. Walking beside her was a middle-aged man, two old men and four young men.

Chu Nanxing went to the red sandalwood sofa in the hall and sat down. Chu Banxue was standing on one side and yelled at Pan San, "call out the owner of your Huangqi medicine workshop."

Pan San glanced at her with disdain, and said coldly, "our landlord is very busy every day, so I don't have time to see you idle people."

Chu Banxue's face changed instantly, "you dog slave, how dare you talk to me like this? The last time I saw the song of heaven, I didn't care about you. How dare you be so rude? "

Pan San's face suddenly cooled down, and his eyes glowed with cold light. "I'm a slave, yes, but I'm not a slave of your family. You can't tell me what to do!"

"Come on, throw out these things that don't have eyes!" Huoxi's long and narrow eyes like stars swept, and a cold light flashed through his eyes. In these days, he had already regarded pan San, a bold and righteous man, as a friend. What's more, the master left the Huangqi medicine shop to himself. Naturally, he could not disappoint him. He would not let go of all the people who came to the Huangqi medicine shop to pick things up, even if the visitors were the fourth largest The Chu family in the family.

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