Because there is an illusion here, which disturbs mu Qianyue's mind. In her eyes, the earth bear has become a nine level monster. If she can't break this fantasy, she will fight with the earth bear, and she will probably die here.

After knowing this fantasy and knowing that the strength of the earth bear is only two-level, mu Qianyue no longer hesitates. Her footwork is weird and unpredictable, which is exactly what she practiced before.

Mu Qianyue's figure suddenly disappeared from the original place. When she appeared the next moment, she was already behind the earth's bear. The dragon sword "Zheng" pierced through the back of the earth bear, and the hot blood was sprayed out and splashed wantonly.

The earth bear struggled for a while, then slowly fell down, completely silent.

"Well, not bad. I can guess the real strength of the earth bear so quickly." Day Shuo lying on the grass, hands pillow in the back of the head, lips with a Setaria, dark blue eyes inclined to look over.

Looking at his appearance of this kind of Sao Bao, Mu shallow month speechless twitch a corner of the mouth, she is half dead tired in this side, but he is leisurely like a master, not worried about her master at all.

"At the beginning, the people who created this secret place of stars were not only very powerful, but also very careful in their minds. They actually set up a lot of illusions in the space. If those who came in could not break the illusion, they would be trapped in it." Day Shuo sighed and got up from the grass. Her blue pupil looked around her, and her face was shocked from time to time.

"A lot of fantasy?" Mu Qianyue frowns slightly.

"Yes, there are many illusions on different planes, true and false, false and true. If you don't pay attention to them, you will fall into illusions. You can even say that the valley you are in is an illusion." Tian Shuo continued.

Mu shallow month smell speech, the startle of the eye fundus instantaneous more a few minutes, that according to the meaning of day Shuo, she is now in this piece of space is also an illusion!

"But you don't have to worry. You just have to remember that this is an empty space. Everything here is false. If you feel everything here with your heart, you will find that it is different." Day Shuo light says.

"Nothingness of space, everything is an illusion..." Mu shallow moon light droops the eye son, in the mouth light reads the way.

Thinking so in my heart, my steps didn't stop. I walked forward step by step.

"Eh?" After walking for a moment, Mu shallow moon stopped her steps and whispered, "the sky is shining, I feel a slight fluctuation in the air. Have you noticed it?"

Tian Shuo followed her and said with a smile, "as long as you can find out the specific position of the fluctuation, there may be unexpected harvest."

Hearing this, mu Qianyue's eyes burst out with a ray of light and excitement. Her soul power pours out and carefully senses the fluctuation, which is very small and insignificant. If it is not carefully sensed, it is easy to be ignored in the past.

Mu Qianyue goes with this wave, and suddenly a roaring sound of water comes, and the air is filled with a faint fragrance of rose flowers.

After walking forward for a moment, the scenery in front of me suddenly changed. I saw an old and tall Lagerstroemia indica flower standing between the heaven and the earth, flourishing and flourishing. Beside the crape myrtle tree is a huge pool. The turbulent water falls from the cliff with a height of 100 Zhang, and its momentum is magnificent and majestic.


Isn't this the back of the yard?

Looking at the familiar scenery in front of her eyes, a little doubt rises in Mu's heart. How did she come here?


All of a sudden, a sharp burst of air sounded, with a chilling breath of death, whistling.

Mu Qianyue raised her head and saw a sword cut from the front mercilessly. The gorgeous and dazzling green light almost stabbed her eyes, and her heart suddenly stopped. The power of this blow was too strong, almost in a blink of an eye. Under this sword light, she was unable to resist!

All of a sudden, her mind floating in the sky Shuo said words, empty space, everything is false

Illusion is false, true and false, false, true and true, all things come together, only the original heart

She stopped, and the panic in her heart had disappeared. Her eyes were calm as if there were no waves in the lake. She looked at the sword cut in front of her, and lifted her step to meet her with a smile of indifference and elegance in the corner of her lips.

When only an inch away from her eyebrows and eyes, the terrible sword suddenly disappeared like water, as if it had never appeared before.

See this, Mu shallow month dark relaxed tone, she bet right! The sudden appearance of the sword just now is obviously an illusion!

Day Shuo walked on his side, purple roses fluttered in his blue hair, melancholy added a touch of aesthetic feeling, "good, so quickly understand the mystery of fantasy, know this is a fantasy."

Fantasy is actually extremely dangerous, just like the sword just now. If Mu Qianyue is trapped in fear and panic, she will be "killed" by the sword. On the contrary, the sword will disappear automatically. Fortunately, Mu Xiaoyue reacted at the critical moment, otherwise he would die in this illusion.Mu Qianyue walked forward, suddenly the air fluctuated and the scene changed. The next moment she was in a stone chamber.

The stone wall is inlaid with several moonstones, and the faint light emits, which reflects the whole stone chamber. A wooden box is placed on a rock in the middle of the stone chamber.

Eyes a bright, quickly step forward, pick up the wooden box, open, see a book inside.

Mu Qianyue picked up the book and unfolded it. The four words of phantom footwork appeared in front of her eyes. She was so happy in her heart that it was a footwork! Although she has covert attack, it is only stealth and attack, which can surprise at critical moments. Moreover, it takes a lot of effort to carry out covert attack. She will not do it until she has to.

And this is called the phantom footwork, which is just suitable for her, and it is also the intermediate footwork of ground level!

There are not many footwork methods on the mainland, let alone the earth steps. They are extremely precious. If this footwork is left outside, it will definitely cause a sensation.

"You're lucky to get a local step here." Day Shuo smile way, Mu shallow month becomes stronger, his safeguard also is bigger, naturally follow happy.

Grinning, the phantom into the space of the tower, looking up at the sealed stone chamber around, mu Qianyue suddenly realized that there was a serious problem, she couldn't get out!

The stone chamber is sealed. There are stone walls all around, and there are no doors or openings. Mu Qianyue gropes around the stone walls, hoping to find some mechanism. To her disappointment, she has touched the whole stone chamber, and there is no mechanism at all! , the fastest update of the webnovel!