Looking at the statue in front of her, mu Qianyue's heart is full of doubts. How can she feel a sense of familiarity? It seems that we have met before

"Why? How do I think this woman seems to have met somewhere? " Day Shuo eyebrows shallow frown, full of doubts looking at the statue in front of you, look dull.

"You feel the same way?" Mu Xiaoyue looks at him in surprise.

Tian Shuo nodded, "yes, it seems that I've seen it before, but I can't remember it. Ah, it's all due to my long sleeping time..." He frowned more and more tight, suddenly covered his chest, "why look at her, there will be a heartache feeling? It's hard... "

The heart is like tearing pain, the pain makes him some can't breathe.

Mu Qianyue is the first time to see Tian Shuo show such an expression. After looking at the statue and looking at Tian Shuo, an idea flashed in her heart. It seems that Tian Shuo knew this statue woman before, and the relationship is not shallow, otherwise Tianshuo would not show pain when she saw the statue of this woman!

Tian Shuo is still standing in the same place, looking at the statue, as if in a very hard search for forgotten memories

Mu Qianyue doesn't disturb him. Instead, she closes her eyes and looks for the energy fluctuation. A moment later, she opens her eyes and falls on the statue in front of her. The energy fluctuation is emitted from the statue!

Mu Qianyue stepped forward and caressed the statue with her hands. She saw a line of small green seal script characters, slowly flying out of the statue, like a lively and lovely tadpole, suspended in the air.

The heart of martial arts, long road, three thousand tribulations, the same goal by different ways, the unity of heart and mind, all things return to the original, endless generation!

Consciousness is like a hammer nailed in place, looking at this line of green characters, mu Qianyue fell into a strange and mysterious state.

The heart of martial arts, long road, 3000 tribulations, who can adhere to ten years as one day? Who can not forget the original intention?

There is no obstacle to persistent greed. All things in heaven and earth are prosperous. It seems that there are many things, but they are a whole. The universe seems to be dim, but it is a whole. The man who can possess the whole is sure to master everything without leakage. The universe is between the sleeves, and the heaven and earth are supreme!

The unity of mind and mind is the foundation of all things and the invincible way.

So, what is Tao?

Mu Qianyue gradually became confused. He felt like a grain of dust in the three thousand worlds. "Sending a mayfly to heaven and earth, a drop in the boundless sea," suddenly rose a feeling of powerlessness in his heart.

"Tao gives birth to one, life two, two to three, and three to all things." The sound of a song in the clouds suddenly rings, like the ethereal sound above the nine heavens, and the curly Sanskrit singing on the temple of Buddha. It is like a Hong Zhong that rings through mu Qianyue's mind, and in an instant, it is like waking up from a dream.

Tao is the origin of all things. The origin is chaos and chaos is one. Tao generates all things, which is the necessity of law and cause and effect. The existence of all things is the natural demand of Tao.

The unity of mind and mind, all things return to the original, and live forever!

Isn't this the Tao that the world pursues?

At this moment, mu Qianyue's heart is unprecedented peace, empty, as if out of this world, as if the vicissitudes of life, years are like the past floating in front of her

Suddenly, just listening to the "click" sound, mu Qianyue's Green Lake in the sea of knowledge instantly turned into a vast green ocean, boundless and boundless. Soft cool breeze, with a breath of ancient desolation, such as the ancient god.

At this moment, mu Qianyue's Dantian also changed dramatically. The original transparent white spirit in the Dantian became more clear and solid, and the villain's face and expression became more clear. It was simply a copy of Mu Qianyue.

The red Yuan Dragon swam freely in her eight veins, four limbs and hundreds of skeletons, and every cell seems to be roaring with revelry

Mu Xiaoyue slowly opened her eyes, she found that she had jumped from the fourth level to the seventh level! Jump three steps in a row!

The line of small green characters suspended in the air has disappeared. Mu Qianyue knows that he can break through three levels in such a short period of time. After all, he realizes that these are the benefits of that line of small green characters.

It is not only a line of words, but also contains the original master's heart of Tao. It is her understanding of Tao Xin that makes her break through in an instant. This time, mu Qianyue's harvest is not only two steps in a row. Her understanding of Daoxin will bring her endless benefits in the future!


"Xi mo Dream, foam... " Tian Shuo looks at the white jade statue in a daze, and blurs out the name unconsciously. It seems that the name comes from the depths of his soul, and it seems that the name has already been engraved into his bone marrow. Only when he sees the white jade statue can he not help calling out his voice.

A red graceful figure slowly emerged in his mind, from the initial hazy to clear into the bone.

The red sleeve is light, the green silk is flying, the woman's face is full of intoxicating smile, "day Shuo, to meet you, is the greatest happiness of my life."

Tian Shuo's eyes suddenly became distant and sad. It seemed that through this void space, he saw the beautiful pictures in the long river of those years, which spread out in front of him page by page, gorgeous and sad.He is an artifact derived from the Tongtian tower. He has lived like a walking corpse for thousands of years. He does not know the hardships of human love and hatred. Since he met her, the woman who dare to love and hate has given his life a vivid color and significance. But he turned a blind eye to her love and devotion, only to pursue his own mission and find his former master.

When he learned that she had been killed by his enemies, he came back all night, but what he got was the bad news of her death. Her body was blown into countless pieces, and even her soul was not left.

In a rage, he killed the whole clan that murdered her, and no one survived. However, he could never replace the one who once was.

At that time, he realized that she had been planted in his heart and became an indelible mark. Under the pain and despair, Tianshuo fell into a deep sleep and chose to forget the pain. Only when he saw the white jade statue did he remember the past

"Tianshuo, why don't you look at me more? I can accompany you to find your master... "

"Tianshuo, if there is an afterlife, I would still like to meet you, just because you are you."

"Tianshuo, would you like to sing another song of Phoenix courtship for me? I love to hear you sing... "

There is a beauty, I will never forget it.

One day is gone, thinking like crazy.

The Phoenix flies and flies all over the world.

But the beauty is not in the east wall

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