I saw a pair of long and white hands stretched out of the space, ten fingers like jade would gently pull, and a "hiss" sound sounded in this world, which was extremely clear, as if torn in the hearts of people.

The world is quiet, quiet can be heard, people seem to have no thought, open a pair of big eyes dead staring at the hands!

A piece of clothes and robes, as spotless as snow, floated down from the gap, reflecting a silver luster in the golden sunlight, shining like a crescent moon rising at the end of the blue sea, drawing an intoxicating arc and rippling.

Then a white light flashed, and a slender and elegant figure appeared in the air. The white cloud pattern wide sleeve robe spread out like water between the heaven and the earth. It was as white as the light and clear moonlight, moving and ethereal as an immortal.

He seemed to feel Mu's eyes. In the fine afterglow, he slowly raised his head and raised his lips slightly, revealing a bright smile to her.

"Ah? Is that my teacher? He, he's not dead? " Tong Ling exclaimed in surprise. His eyes were wide open. He looked at the white figure above without blinking. He was afraid that his kung fu would disappear in the blink of an eye.

"Yes, he is! He's not dead! Oh, my God. Isn't the secret place closed? How did he get out? " Jun Lin couldn't help but suck in the air conditioner, and his face was also full of shock.

"It's like he's tearing out space..." Xu Yurong blinked her eyes in surprise. She could not breathe any more. She said stupidly.

It's not just her. It seems that people in the whole square can't breathe. How much strength does it take to tear up the space? At least, it can be achieved only when it reaches the level above the emperor's martial arts? The figures above looked so young that they seemed less than twenty years old.


Thinking of this problem, people can't help but take a breath of cold air. The emperor is less than 20 years old. What is this concept?

Genius? Super genius?

No, I'm afraid none of these adjectives can describe his talent! Even the words such as evil spirits and abnormal are pale in front of him!

Xia Yibo's eyes suddenly brightened, and his eyes toward nalanjing were full of excitement. When nalanjing applied for the tutor of Qingfeng college earlier, he thought he was unusual, but he was so strong!!

Such a talent, even if it is to go to the magic state, can definitely be called a genius!

Cheng Shixin and other elders have the same face of excitement and pride. You should know that nalanjing is the tutor of Qingfeng college. Although he usually plays soy sauce more, he is also a member of Qingfeng college. How respectable is it? At the same time, Qingfeng college has a more powerful emperor, and the internal strength naturally becomes stronger.

Yunzong, zihunge, and jianyuezong are all envious. If such talents are in their sects, should they be afraid of the decline of the sects? Rise is sooner or later!!

Although ye and ye's father and his mother have become more excellent than Lin's, their eyes are much better than Lin's

Nalanjing falls five meters in front of the elder of the purple soul hall. The purple eyes are as cool as water, but they are full of terrible things that can't be ignored. The beautiful voice like Qin music contains cold and heartless.

"It's me who just shot. Do you have any comments?"

The elder of purple soul hall jerked his lips and looked at him with horror. Such a young emperor warrior is really terrible! He was also a seven level king warrior. Although he was still some distance away from the emperor warrior, he had no resistance ability in front of the young man!

Not every emperor and warrior can instill Zhenyuan force into the branches, so that they can't be broken and have such strong attack power. They need to control Zhenyuan force at will!

"No, no problem." In the face of the oppression of the other side, the elder of purple soul hall made the most spineless choice, which attracted people's deep regret.

Nalanjing's eyes flashed a cold light, which just took back his eyes, looked up to Mu Qianyue, and walked towards her, "lady, you are worried."

White lips outline a smile arc, he reached out to touch her cheek, her hair pulled up by the wind to the back of the ear, look focused and gentle.

Mu Xiaoyue held his hand and said with a smile, "I don't worry, because I know you will come out."

"Ah, how handsome! Shallow moon, I'm almost jealous of you Xu Yurong's delicate face was full of excitement, as if the person being protected was her.

Jun Lin day suddenly felt sour in his heart and couldn't help spraying, "what are you excited about? He's not your husband!"

"It's up to you!" Hearing this, Xu Yurong was so angry that she kept stepping on the instep of his feet and pressed hard. The pain made Jun Lintian cry out loud and miserable.

Seeing these two people's "flirting" in public, mu Qianyue couldn't help but smile. The unhappiness that had pervaded her heart because of the purple soul hall suddenly disappeared.

A pair of sinister eyes in the crowd were staring at the men and women who were standing hand in hand, like a snake hiding in the dark.Store half snow micro droop in the eye son of gush terrible ferocity, the face is a gloomy, unexpectedly so she can't! How hateful! She looked up at the gradually dark sky. There were only a few scattered stars above the vast sky, not even the moon.

However, Mu shallow moon, you can not be proud of how long, and so on will be your pain time! I won't let you live happily! I don't know if you can still be as happy as you are now when you go back to see the imperial flag gate being killed?!

The once-in-a-decade activity to open the secret place of stars ended in the mood of joy or sadness, excitement or disappointment.

The people who get the harvest are naturally happy and excited. Those who have not received the harvest or even nearly lost their lives are full of disappointment and sigh.


The night is dark tonight. It's strange that there is not even a star in the sky. Even the moon is hidden in the clouds, showing a small head. The cool evening wind blows over the Qingfeng City, with a little coolness, and it goes into the bottom of my heart.

In the past, the West City pedestrian street, which used to be very busy, is still tonight. It is so quiet that there is no one in the street. The shops are closed early.

However, in an alley near Xicheng pedestrian street, there was a fierce fighting sound. The fire light lit up the dark alley. It was full of shadows, swords and swords, blood splashing, broken hands and limbs flying in the air, a tragic scene.

The narrow alley is filled with a strong smell of blood

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