You know, the second young master is the inner disciple of the purple soul hall. He has the strength of the first level Wang Wu. He can kill these minions in minutes.

"Kill him and send him to his second young master." The next moment, mu Qianyue threw down a sentence, so that the middle-aged man was struck by lightning, stupidly and stupidly in place, full of horror, he could not believe the big eyes, "no! impossible! The second young master can't die! He is a first-class warrior

At the next moment, he seemed to think of something. His eyes were horrified and looked at mu Qianyue. His lips trembled, "did you kill him?"

Mu shallow month nods, do not agree, grin, "you know too much, can't live even more."

At this moment, the only trace of hope left on the middle-aged man's face faded like water, and his face was as ugly as dead gray. The second young master was Wang Wu! How could she kill the second young master! He doesn't believe it! He doesn't believe it!

No matter whether he believed it or not, no one would untie the doubts in his heart. The sharp sword crossed his throat, and the red blood gushed out like a fountain, which completely ended his life. He could only go underground with this doubt and ask his second young master.

Black scorpion and others heard that mu Qianyue killed all the first-class Wang wucai, and all of a sudden they showed their admiration and astonishing eyes. The master of the gate was majestic!!

"Huo Xi, you stay to take care of the injured brothers and bring out the best healing pills in the medicine shop for them to take." Treat subordinates, mu Qianyue never harsh, other people's life is also life, not inferior to their own.

And that's why they're all loyal to her.

"Tiange, Lintian, Tongling, you three follow me." She looked up at the black scorpions and asked, "how are your three injuries? Can you still persist?"

Black scorpion smell speech to clap chest with smile: "don't worry, can't die."

"This little injury is nothing to us." The white scorpion grinned, knowing that the master might have a task to order, his eyes flashed with excitement.

"If you have anything to do, please do not hesitate to tell me." Green scorpion laughs.

"Well, three of your brothers will take 20 less injured brothers and follow us to the store house. Tiange and I will go first and you will follow. This time, they must be destroyed! " Mu Qianyue's eyes are filled with frightful coldness.

All the people could not help getting excited and rubbing their hands.

"Well, what do you mean by that? Why do all three of them follow you without my share?" Xu Yurong is discontented with the way to stop Mu shallow moon, some angry and gloomy said, this is to forget her, or despise her? How many meanings do you mean not counting her?

Mu Xiaoyue looked at her up and down, and finally concluded a sentence, which almost made Xu Yurong angry. "We are going to kill people, not to play. I'm afraid you will be scared to faint."

"You, you Why do you look down on me so much? Isn't it just killing people? How can I be scared to faint! " Xu Yurong was so angry that her face turned red and she yelled, but in her heart, she was so big that she didn't even kill a chicken, let alone kill a person.

Although she used to be very unruly and willful, she only liked to beat and scold others, and did not do anything that would harm people's lives.

"Ha ha The truth of the moon Jun Lin Tian laughed and patted Xu Yurong on the shoulder with sympathy, "why don't you go home and kill some pigs to practice gall?"

"Go away!" Xu Yurong chucked her mouth angrily and reached out to pinch Jun Lintian's arm. According to reason, Jun Lintian's strength is higher than her. She should be able to avoid it easily, but she pinches him every time.

Jun Lin day touched his arm, felt pain and happiness, is really a strange feeling ah! Ah, do you have a masochistic attack?!

"Since you want to follow me, you can follow me. If you are scared and faint, I am not responsible for it." Mu Xiaoyue snorted, and her voice had not yet fallen. Her slender figure had swept up the courtyard wall. Her body was flexible and elegant. It seemed that she was going to take advantage of the evening wind to feather a fairy

Chutiange, junlintian, Tongling and xuyurong quickly followed up, several flash, has disappeared on the eaves.

In the main hall of Chu family courtyard, Chu Nanxing sits at the head of the hall. His eyes are sinister, like a cold poisonous snake. Since he was burned by the strange flame last time, he was nearly dead. Thanks to his wife's medicine, Huiyang Xuming pill, he would have died long ago. Although he saved his life, he was ruined. His skin was wrinkled, like an old man in the twilight. His face was no longer discernible. The only thing he could see was a pair of eyes, a nose and a mouth.

Now he looks even uglier than the devil in hell. When some timid maids and servants in the mansion saw him, they were either stunned or afraid to look up. In a rage, he almost killed all the servants in the mansion. Even in the past, those concubines who flattered him and wanted to climb into his bed every day were scared to stay away. In view of this, Chu Nanxing's face became more ferocious and terrifying. The fate of those concubines was one by one, strangled by him!Those who dare to despise him have no need to live!

"Xueer, you said your cousin died in the secret place of stars?" Chu Nanxing squints, looks up to store Banxue and asks.

"Yes, Dad, my cousin didn't come out until the secret place of stars was closed." Store half snow hate wring the finger under the sleeve, that useless thing, unexpectedly can't even kill a woman, still compensated oneself inside.

Thinking of Pang Zhengnan's death, she was both happy and disappointed. The joy was that she would no longer have to be abused and humiliated by that man. In terms of bed affairs, he did not know how to be tender to women, only knew how to plunder violently, which made her nearly faint several times.

Disappointed, Pang Zhengnan did not kill mu Qianyue!

"Ah, Nan'er has excellent talent since childhood, and he is also a first-class Wang Wu. It's a pity that Nan'er has fallen like this! I guess your aunt will not know what to cry like when she knows it... " Chu Nanxing sighs that although Pang Zhengnan is not his own son, he is also his nephew. It is normal to feel sorry and sad.

"Dad, Mu Xiaoyue, that woman, doesn't know whether it's a dog, a dung, a fortune, or something. My cousin didn't kill her, but he died in the secret world of stars. It's useless!" Chu Banxue murmured.

"If you let Nan'er kill mu Qianyue, you'd better not let your aunt know, or she may not be able to spare you!" Chu Nanxing's expression was serious, and he snapped. Chu Banxue curled his lips and nodded to show that he knew. , the fastest update of the webnovel!