"Rong'er, come here." The master of the Xu family waved to Xu Yurong. Xu Yurong came over and said, "grandfather, what can I do for you?"

"What about the ancestor of the Chu family?"

"Dead." Xu Yurong said faintly that she used to think that Wang wuzhe was so indestructible that it turned out to be a bean curd residue. In fact, Wang wuzhe is really strong. It can only be said that the poison developed by mu Qianyue is too changeable.

"What? Dead? " The master of the Xu family was so shocked that he stood up from his position. His wrinkled face was full of fright. Shock and doubt flashed through his tiny turbid eyes. After pondering for a long time, he slowly suppressed the shock in his heart and asked, "how did you die?"

"The one who was poisoned died. He died before he even made a move. I didn't realize his strength, eh He was poisoned by a few words Xu Yurong said lightly.

"Poisoned?" The master of the Xu family was not calm. He raised his eyes and glanced at Tongling, who was counting the goods in the box. He nodded and said, "it seems that the poison of Tongling is still a little fierce. He is indeed the grandson of Old Tong."

"Grandfather, you're wrong. It's not Tong Ling's poison. He doesn't have that ability. It's a new poison developed by Xiaoyue. It's called Ziying eroding heart. Even Wang wuzhe, if he inhales this poison, he'll die immediately." Xu Yurong said with admiration.

"What? Do you mean that the poison was made by Yue Xu family master shocked for a long time can not close his mouth, "she, she is not a Dan medicine master?"

"Yes, she is a Dan pharmacist and a poisoner. She is also Tong Ling's master. Tong Ling's poison technique is not worth mentioning in front of the shallow moon." Xu Yurong said with a smile that it would be hard for her to believe it if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes tonight.

The master of the Xu family sniffed the corners of his mouth. He was both a Dan pharmacist and a poison master! Not only did the refined pills have a terrifying effect on their properties and Huayuan Power, but even the refined poisons could not be resisted by Wang Wuzhi. Damn, how against heaven is this! Fortunately, his Xu family and she are on good terms. If they have a bad relationship, I can't imagine

With this in mind, the Xu family master can't help but wipe the cold sweat on his head, more firmly in the heart and Mu shallow moon to play a good relationship.

After dealing with the matter of the imperial flag gate, the sky has appeared white fish belly, a ray of light golden light from the sky, a new day will start again! And Qingfeng city has undergone earth shaking changes!

Mu Qianyue arranges the three black scorpion brothers and Huo Xi to quickly occupy the shops on the Dongcheng Street of Chu's home with some members of the Huangqi sect. They clean up the shops inside and outside. The shop assistants have not been changed before, but the managers of each shop have been replaced by the people of the Huangqi gate. The door plaque is also changed into Huangqi medicine shop, Huangqi restaurant or Huangqi Clothing shop, etc.

As for the courtyard of the Chu family, mu Qianyue didn't send anyone to take it. Anyway, there was no valuable thing there.

At this time, everyone understood that the city of Qingfeng changed. The Chu family, one of the four big families, was destroyed overnight. Now the four families in Qingfeng city have become three families, plus a new rising force, huangqimen.

This news also spread quickly and incomparably in Qingfeng college, so that mu Qianyue walked in the college and was quickly recognized by her sharp eyed classmates. Some of them worshipped her, some showed astonishment and fear, and some even gave up when she met her

Do you want to touch her nose like this? She doesn't eat people! But it's also good to save some trouble.

Walking beside the emperor Lin, the sky showed a look of joy and joy. Tong Ling also said with a happy smile, "master, you have become a famous person. Your fame is bigger than the Dean!"

Mu shallow month speechless puffed a corner of the mouth, first in the star secret realm for a day, and then busy and a night, at the moment also feel a little tired, can not help saying, "don't quarrel with you, I'm going to have a rest, fortunately there is no class today, everyone has a rest."

He yawned and walked towards the residential area.

Jun Lin Tian and Tong Ling are also ready to go back to their homes to rest. Looking up, they see a white dress like snow coming from the opposite side, and Yu's face is placed in the sun.

"Well, blind man, why are you here now? Where have you been fooling around? Your wife's nest was almost carried away by others, but you are natural and unrestrained Jun Lin looks at the sky.

Nalanjing was not annoyed. With a faint smile in her lips, she went to Mu Qianyue and held her hand. Her voice was as gentle as water. "Lady, are you tired? Go back to a hot bath and have a good sleep. "

"Yes. It's a little bit. " Mu shallow moon way, turned back and glared at Jun Lin Tian, "do you think we were so easy last night to end the storage home, there is no reason? Don't forget that there is a little relationship between the purple soul hall and the Chu family. Even if the relationship is trivial, it is definitely enough for us to eat a pot of Huangqi gate. "

"Er..." Jun Lin day a Leng, eyebrows gently congealed up, as if to think of something, his eyes flashed a surprise, "you mean he dealt with the purple soul Hall of the elders to go?"

Tongling smell speech is also showing a look of consternation, no wonder did not see Shigong one night, dare to deal with purple soul hall elder went!

"I didn't say that. My family's small scenery is so kind, how can it make such a thing? " Mu Xiaoyue blinked playfully, leaving a dull face of Jun Lin Tian, pulling Nalan Jing away together.Just at this time, I saw two students passing by from Jun Lin Tian and Tong Ling, and said while walking.

"Hello, have you heard that the elder of the purple soul hall was beaten by a ghost last night?"

"What? Hit by a ghost? How is that possible? There is no ghost in the world

"Really, I didn't cheat you! Many people have seen it! "

"What's the matter? Talk about it quickly!"

"I heard that in the middle of the night, a group of black faced and fanged demons burst into the courtyard of the elder of the purple soul hall. It is said that their strength is all around the senior Wang Wuren. Many pieces of flesh from the elder of the purple soul hall have been caught, and the blood has flowed all over the ground. What a miserable look! At that time, the scream could be heard for ten miles! Early this morning, the people of purple soul hall carried him back! "

"Ah?! How miserable! Ha ha, you deserve it! Yesterday, he was so rampant that he openly attacked our dean in our Qingfeng college. He didn't pay any attention to our dean at all. Now he has been punished! "

"Ha ha Yes, it's a great pleasure

They both said that they had gone far away.

Tong Ling frowned suspiciously and murmured in his mouth, "evil ghost with green face and fangs?" With that picture in mind, I can't help shivering, being torn by a group of evil spirits, grabbing meat, drinking blood It was a terrible scene!

Jun Lin Tian's mouth twitched. This guy is really terrible


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