After struggling for most of the night, Mu Xiaoyue's clothes were wet and covered, and her hair was messy and incomparable. So she went back to her residence, took a hot bath, and changed her clean clothes.

As soon as he left the house, he saw Cang Ming go into the courtyard. He looked up and looked at the moon. His eyes flashed with joy, and then he became quiet again.

"What else can't be said to me?" Mu Qianyue stepped forward and saw his mind at a glance.

"Princess, the body of the master..." Cang Ming couldn't say.

Mu Qianyue's eyes narrowed, and a cold light flashed through her eyes. Some time ago, in order to save her, and to prevent the night devil from attacking her, nalanjing forcibly untied the seal several times, which led to the instability of the internal strength. There were faint signs of bursting out. She would save people, but let the seal of this kind of power was helpless, and suddenly a sense of powerlessness grew in her heart.

In the final analysis, I am too weak! If he is strong enough, Jing will not break the seal by force and eliminate those dangers secretly for himself

No wonder he always felt the breath of his body fluctuated violently during this period of time with him, which was extremely unstable.

"Say what you can do." Looking up to Cang Ming, Qing Yue's voice with a touch of firmness.

"It's said that there is a miraculous medicine named jiuxinghua, which may temporarily suppress the power in the master's body..."

"Nine star flower?" Mu Qianyue frowns.

"It's a pity that the master has searched the whole land of tianwu, and even unreal state has not found nine star flowers." Cang Ming sighed.

Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. Unexpectedly, Jing even went to the magic state. It was also ah, according to his strength, it was enough to go to the magic state.

At this time, the voice of Tian Shuo suddenly sounded in his mind, "it is said that the nine star flower grows in the broken soul abyss, which is formed by the condensation of the Yin of heaven and earth, without roots and leaves."

"The abyss of broken souls? Where is it? "

"The broken soul abyss is located in the valley bottom of the sea of flowers in the East. It is full of yin and cold all the year round. Even if the emperor's soldiers can't support a stick of incense in the abyss, they will be frozen to death." Tian Shuo continued.

Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed a strange light. She looked up to Cang Ming and asked, "how long can the power in the scene suppress?"

"Two months at most."

Two months? Fortunately, the time is not very busy.

In a few days, it will be the college competition. Originally she wanted to take part in the college competition. Now, it doesn't matter whether she participates or not. It's not worth mentioning when she enters the college. When she arranges the affairs of Huangqi gate, she will leave for the sea of flowers.

"OK, I see. Don't worry. I will find nine star flower." Mu shallow month light says, no matter have no use, she wants to try.


It may be because it is not far away from the college competition at the end of the year, so the college has begun to have a holiday to let everyone practice and practice by themselves.

However, we did not relax. Instead, they practiced their most powerful martial arts skills or footwork in the martial arts arena one by one, in order to shine brilliantly in the college competition and enter the college.

When mu Qianyue comes to the game Pavilion in the inner courtyard, he doesn't see Xia Yibo, so he comes to the medicine field beside the Old Tong's yard. He sees him squatting in the medicine field, saying something to Xia Yi's exuberant interest.

"Moon girl, why are you here? Don't practice today? " When he saw that little familiar thin

find Xia Yibo and directly say, "Dean, I want to leave for a while."

Xia Yibo was slightly stunned and looked up at her. "In a few days, it will be the competition of the college. Are you not going to participate? This is related to whether you can enter the competition of inner gate smoothly. The cultivation resources of inner gate are very rich. I know that you have many precious medicinal materials on hand, which can be cultivated infinitely by yourself. I also know that the pills you refine are against the heaven. After all, there are more medicines in pills, and there are still some side effects. The inner courtyard's Shenyu, which contains rich spiritual elements, not only has no side effect on cultivation, but also has great benefits, and can improve the cultivation speed

"But now I have something important to do. I have to leave Qingfeng city." Mu Qianyue's eyes are full of firmness.

"Well, it's up to you." Xia Yibo can't help but sigh. Although he also likes to admire the moon, as a president, he can't be selfish.

One side of the Old Tong said: "Dean, you are stupid, the girl on the moon to enter the inner door does not have to pass the competition, don't forget, she is a Dan pharmacist, but also a high-grade Dan pharmacist, she can enter the inner door as a Dan pharmacist, I believe that none of those old guys dare to speak."

Xia Yibo's eyes brightened. Yes, how could he forget such an important thing! Moon girl is a Dan pharmacist!

"Go, I'll take you to the elder's pavilion in the inner gate." All of a sudden, he was in a good mood and had a smile on his elegant face.

It's also good to enter the inner gate. The rich Lingyuan contained in the Shenyu is really not comparable to pills. Moreover, entering the inner door of the college also represents that the Qingfeng college will be her backer in the future! Having such a big mountain as a backing will naturally save you a lot of trouble in the future. For example, in Qingfeng City, no one will dare to fight the imperial flag gate again.Mu Qianyue walks to the inner door of the college with Xia Yibo. To her surprise, Tong Lao is also one of the elders of the inner gate. It turns out that he is very fond of refining pills and planting herbs, so he lives alone outside.

In the inner door, from a distance, you can see a magnificent, magnificent and simple attic, which is located in the most important position. There is a large garden around, and there are almost no pedestrians around. If you want to come here, it is the territory of the elders. No admittance is allowed. Therefore, we all choose a detour.

After Xia Yibo enters the elder's pavilion with mu Qianyue, he explains his intention to the elders.

"Do you want to put this girl into the college? Dean, you should understand the rules and regulations of the college. If you want to enter the inner door, you must have the strength of Wang wuzhe at least, and you have to go through the selection competition. " Said the elder.

"She is a Dan pharmacist and an eight level warrior. It's enough to enter the inner door with her qualification." Xia Yibo said.

"Dan pharmacist?" The elder murmured softly, looked up at Mu and asked, "how many pills are you now?"

"Er..." Mu Xiaoyue is stunned. This question has caught her. She has never been to the Dan Pharmacist Association to certify her own grade. So far, she really doesn't know what kind of products she is.

"One or two?" The elder saw her frown, did not speak, not from the hair, "should not have a product? You want to get inside? Dean, you'd better take her back! She's not qualified for the inner door! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!