Mu shallow month helplessly smoked the corner of the mouth, this living treasure, she wants to stop again, I'm afraid his grandfather will be angry with him to death!

Tong was so angry that he went back to the house, out of sight and out of mind, so as not to be angry at his grandson. He even suspected that the bad boy was sent to fight against him!

"Master, why don't you practice today? What's more, just now I saw you coming from the direction of the inner door. What did you do in the inner door Tong Ling is like a curious baby, questions one by one thrown over.

"I'm going out recently, so I'm not going to take part in the college competition." Mu Qianyue said.

"Ah? Master, will you not enter the inner door Tong Ling was surprised.

"I've joined the inner door." There is a mysterious smile in the black pupil.

"Ah? Did you go to the inner gate just now to join the inner gate? But, isn't there a college competition yet? How did you join in? " Tong Ling doubts, and then he seems to think of something, surprised: "you are in the identity of Dan pharmacist to join?"

Mu Qianyue nods.

"Wow, master is a cow! Master, where are you going? Is it fun? "

"It's not fun at all, and it's dangerous." Mu shallow month does not have good temper rolled a white eye.

Tong Ling's eyes brightened and her face was full of excitement. "Danger is good! Master, I like danger best! Master, let me go with you! Don't stop me

"Younger martial sister, you can let him go with you. This boy should practice more." The old boy came out of the house again. Now he knows that this stinky boy can only be cured by his younger martial sister. It's true that one thing drops one thing!

"Then he will not enter the inner door?"

"Isn't it my word to enter the inner door?" The young man disdained to turn the corner of his mouth.

According to Tong Lao's position as the second elder in the inner gate, it's very simple to send Tong Ling into the inner gate. Therefore, mu Qianyue doesn't have much worry and nods to agree.

After that, mu Qianyue went to the medicine field, opened the ring of life with divine sense, and guided the Qi of life to irrigate the whole field. After discussion, the medicinal materials planted this time would not be picked until they had reached the drug properties of a thousand years. Maybe when she came back, it would be almost the same.

He took out ten jade bottles from the space, stored some life gas in them, and gave them to the old boy, "elder martial brother, this medicine field is used every ten days. It should be able to support me until I come back."

Old Tong immediately took it away for fear that others would run away. It contained something that could make this field grow rapidly without any side effects! Absolutely priceless!

Before leaving, mu Qianyue did not forget to say hello to Tong Lao, "Dabao See you tomorrow, elder martial brother. "

Then she went away laughing, leaving a thin and enchanting figure on her back. She was so depressed that she was definitely on purpose! It must have been intentional!

Behind him came Tongling's arrogant and rampant voice, as well as the angry roar of his old age.

"Ha ha, Dabao I'll see you tomorrow, Dabao Ha ha... "

"Stinky boy, look for a fight!"


All the way out of the Qingfeng college, mu Qianyue first went to the Huangqi medicine workshop to account for it, and handed the matter to Huoxi.

Hearing that Mu Xiaoyue was going to go far away, Chutian song immediately said, "master, I'll go with you."

"I'll go too!" Pan San's rugged face showed a resolute look.

"The imperial flag gate has just started and is developing. It needs manpower. You all stay here." If someone takes advantage of them to leave, suddenly attack, is not a failure, she does not want to see the carefully established Huangqi medicine shop destroyed!

"Uncle pan, you can stay with me." Chutian Song said.

"Master, I'll go with you." Huo Xi suddenly opened his mouth and said that he could feel that the trip was not simple. Otherwise, the headmaster would not say that he might go for a month or two, or even longer.

"Yes, master, let the young master and the fire elder follow you, so that we can rest assured. Don't worry, I will take care of the imperial flag gate. " Pan San said.

Mu Qianyue pondered for a long time. It was really dangerous to go to the soul breaking abyss. If she was a little thin, Huoxi and Tiange were not weak. Maybe she could help herself at the critical moment. After thinking about it clearly, she nodded and said, "OK, Tiange and Huoxi, you two go with me."

"Uncle pan, if the huangqimen encounter difficulties and dangers that you can't solve, you can go to Qingfeng college to find old Tong. Just say my name." After a pause, mu Qianyue said to pan San.


"We'll set out in the morning of the day after tomorrow, and you two will prepare for it."

Chu Tiange and Huoxi nodded.

Night, as dark as ink, the cold wind wantonly blowing in the breeze city above, the street pedestrian is rare, dim light sprinkles on the street, appears a little cold.

A man and a woman walked on the street holding hands, walking on clean and tidy marble.

"Lady, I'm leaving for a while." Nalanjing looks at the woman beside her, and her purple eyes are gentle and reluctant to give up."Oh, when will you be back?" Mu Xiaoyue raised his chin, white delicate face showed a intoxicating smile, like the Magnolia blooming in the dark, elegant and refined.

"Maybe it will take a month. I will come back to spend New Year's Eve with you and watch the new year together." He clenched her hand.

"Good." She knew that he must be in a hurry to suppress the power in his body, afraid that he was worried, so she said that she would leave for a period of time, and mu Qianyue simply did not point out.

When he left, she could go to the abyss of broken soul to look for nine star flowers.

"It's about to leave, lady. I can't bear to part with you." Nalanjing gazed at her affectionately.

Ah, the meat was destroyed by my aunt before I could eat it. I don't know when it's going to be.

"Isn't your soul thought in the ring of life? You can come whenever you want me. " Mu Xiaoyue shakes the ring on the ring finger and smiles sweetly.

"Only when you are in danger of your life can I sense your specific position." Nalanjing's eyes showed a helpless color.

"Oh..." Mu shallow month droops the eye son, the light should sound, in the heart is actually some joyful, then she can swagger to the broken soul abyss, need not be afraid to be discovered by him.

Before he always protected himself and paid for himself, this time she paid for him once!

In any case, she must find nine star flower!

The next morning, nalanjing left with cangming and Xuanye, and mu Qianyue began to pack up and prepare to start tomorrow.

When Jun Lintian and Xu Yurong heard that mu Qianyue was going to leave, they were very reluctant to leave. They wanted to go with them, but they wanted to join the inner door. Unlike mu Qianyue, they could only stand out in the college competition by virtue of their strength, so they had to give up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!