"Master, I will not disgrace you." With a flash of excitement, Tong Ling comes to the comatose Tang Yiming. Tang Yiming is seriously injured. Several ribs in his chest are broken, and he almost stabs the dirty. Fortunately, he deviates by one point, so that he can save his breath for the time being.

He took out the silver needle, stripped off Tang Yiming's clothes, and took out a silver needle and stabbed it on Xuanji acupoint in front of Tang Yiming's chest

"Ah, ah!" Tang Yiming gave out a howl like killing a pig, and everyone was shaking. How painful it was! Everyone in a coma was awakened by pain!

Tong Ling sneered, and then another needle pierced Tang Yiming's Purple Palace acupoint. Another howl of killing pigs sounded, and the crowd trembled again. At the same time, they were silent for Tang Yiming. It is estimated that even if his injury is good, he will also suffer from phobia!

Mu shallow month mercilessly smoked the corner of the mouth, well, this guy is definitely intentional! However, she does not like Tang Yiming, because seeing him reminds her of nalanyu before. For such a scum man, she is very happy to see being abused.

"He won't die, will he?" Jun Mengyu can't bear to see it.

"Well It should not die. " Mu shallow moon light way.

Under Tong Ling's "help", Tang Yiming wakes up from pain and falls into a coma again after waking up. So many times However, he finally got back a life, but what miraculous medicine and the spirit of life ah, he is not to expect, can save his life is good. According to his present situation, he can't even get off the ground if he doesn't stay in bed for a year.

Because Huoxi was injured and Chu Tiange was not in good condition, Mu decided to return to Huahai city for a few days, and then re-enter Huahai city when they recovered. It happened that Jun Mengyu also wanted to go back to Huahai City, so we all became partners.

"Miss mu, I don't think I can repay you for your kindness. I hope you can accept it." Jun Mengyu took out a piece of yellow silk from his arms and handed it to Mu Qianyue.

Mu Qianyue was stunned. She took over the map with some doubts. After a look, she found that it was actually a map. Unfortunately, the map was incomplete. It seemed that there was only one third of it. There was a red mark on it. However, looking at the terrain above, it seems that the painting is a sea of flowers, but I don't know where it is

"Is it a sea of flowers in the river forgetting?"

Jun Mengyu nodded, "it's a map of the sea of flowers forgetting Sichuan, but it's a pity that one-third of them don't know where the other two are. Tang Yiming and I entered the sea of flowers in the river forgetting because of this map. The red mark on the map seems to be a relic of a warrior. However, I don't know what is in it. Now I'll give it to you as a reward. I hope you can take it. "

The remains of a warrior? This reward can be said to be very big!

Chu Tiange and Huo Xi were surprised when they heard the relics of Zongwu.

A warrior? It has been a long time since there has been no warrior in the world. It seems that it has been hundreds of years! Now suddenly there is a relic of a warrior, which is naturally shocking!

"Well, I'm not at all polite." Mu Qianyue said, looking up at the zits on Jun Mengyu's face and the blue beard above his lips, he thought: "I can cure the acne on your face, and those male characteristics."

Jun Mengyu's eyes burst into a bright light, and her face was full of excitement and excitement. In the past, for her face and her figure, her father and Emperor almost invited doctors from all over the land of tianwu, but no one could cure it. All of them were shaking their heads and sighing. Therefore, she changed from the initial hope to disappointment, finally to despair, even to today's numbness!

There was no hope in her heart! So at the moment, when listening to Mu Qianyue's words, I am very excited.

If someone else said this, she didn't believe it, but mu Xiaoyue said, she did not have a trace of doubt! Because I have witnessed her medical skills before, don't make new cuts, superb!

This is the first time that she has seen such medical skills!

In the same way, she had never seen anyone better than this!

"What's the reward? As long as I have, I'll give it to you. If it's something I don't have, I'll find it for you even if it's all over the mountains and rivers. " Jun Mengyu's eyes are looking forward to the moon. It's a woman's nature to love beauty. Even though she has already let go before this, she has wanted to understand it. But when she heard that she could change these things, she couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"That's the best reward." Mu Xiaoyue shook the yellow silk in her hand and said with a smile.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. I'll make a diagnosis for you when we get to Huahai city."

Even after seven days, many people returned to Haihua to rest, even if they recovered from the battlefield.

Jun Mengyu saw that Tang Yiming was no longer in danger, but was still in a coma. So he asked Li Hui and Tang Yiming's bodyguards to immediately set out to escort him back to Beiming.

"Are you the princess of Beiming?" Mu Qianyue's eyes are light. Yes, she should have thought that she had something to do with Jun Lin Tian. Among the four kingdoms, only Beiming was surnamed Jun.

"Yes, I am the eldest princess of Beiming." Jun Mengyu laughs at himself, a trace of desolation flashed in his eyes, "princess, civilians, are just ordinary people.""Jun Lin Tian is Jun, also from Beiming. What is the relationship between you and Jun Lin Tian?" Child Ling Ning confused asked.

Chu Tiange and Huoxi also cast a puzzled look, because Jun Lintian did not reveal to them that he was the prince of Beiming, so Tongling did not know.

"Do you know little brother?" Jun Mengyu surprised to see a few people on the moon, fundus can not help but excited and happy.

"Well Jun Lin Tian is your little brother? Is he the prince of Beiming? Well, I really don't see it. The boy is very hidden... " Tongling Road.

"We are all students of Qingfeng college, and junlintian are classmates." Mu Xiaoyue smiles and explains.

Jun Mengyu was overjoyed when he heard the speech and asked about the situation of Jun Lin Tian. When he heard that Jun Lin Tian was very good now, and he was working hard every day, his face showed a touch of gratification.

After several people had breakfast together, mu Qianyue decided to take advantage of everyone's rest and recuperate, and he was treated by Mengyu. Tongling also wanted to follow him into the room and was blocked outside the door by mu Qianyue.

"Master, why do you keep me out? I want to learn from you how to treat this difficult and complicated disease! I want to inherit your mantle. You can't keep a hand on my back Tong Ling tried to squeeze into the crack of the door and said pathetically.

Mu shallow month smell speech, eyeground flash across a narrow shallow smile, she simply let go of hand, "you want to come in, anti Zhengjun Mengyu is now single, you are also single, wait a moment if you see all her body, just marry her home."

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