"Zhengtian, how do you want revenge?" Feng Huijing also asked, looking at mu Qianyue and Tongling's eyes with disdain and contempt, just like the emperor looking at the death row.

Pang Zhengtian was glad to hear the speech. He looked up to Mu Qianyue, and his eyes showed a ferocious and crazy look. "I also want them to taste the taste of being ravaged by animals! The man first abolished zhenyuanli and then threw it into the group of Warcraft. As for mu Qianyue, I will torture her severely first, so that she can't survive or die! "

He looked at the moon with some salivation. He had to say that his face was really attractive and more beautiful than all the women he had ever seen. Unfortunately, she was the killer of his brother, otherwise he would like to keep her to warm his bed.

"Bah! If you want to insult my master, you dream Tongling's eyes were red, and he roared angrily. Master was so beautiful and pure in his heart that it was like a pure and flawless flower. It was as pure as a spring in the mountain, sometimes sweet and quiet

He will not allow these rubbish to insult master!


"Whew, whew..." One by one, poisonous snakes and scorpions flew out of his sleeves, toward the wind, back to Jing and Pang Zhengtian, like stabbing a hornet's nest.

Rao Shifeng Huijing couldn't help but puff at the corners of his mouth when he saw this situation. His eyes were full of fierce light, "little beast, you are still a poison, so you can't be left any more! Now I will kill you, a little poison

Although these poisonous snakes and scorpions were terrible, they could not get close to them under the Yuanli armor of fenghuijing, and were shot to death one after another. However, Pang Zhengtian was in a hurry to deal with it, but he was not bitten.

At this stage, ordinary poisonous snakes and scorpions do not pose much threat at all. At most, they are disgusting.

"Shua!" A majestic and ferocious palm is photographed on the top of Tong Ling's head. It is amazing and terrifying.

Tong Ling's face turned pale and incomparable. If he was patted by this palm, his head would be smashed like a watermelon. His eyes showed despair and helplessness. He came to protect his master, but he could only be slaughtered like meat on the chopping board!

Somehow, he suddenly thought of his grandfather, the old man who was dressed in a mess all day. All day long, he only knew how to squat on his own side and study Danshu, acupuncture, miraculous medicine

If he knew he was dead, he would be very sad!

I remember that once, he pulled out the medicinal herbs carefully planted by his grandfather, and was chased by him for several streets with straw sandals

Every time he talks back to his grandfather, he always jumps up and scolds him, saying that he picked it up

Grandfather, if I can still live, I won't talk back to you anymore

Just when Tongling thought that he was doomed to die, suddenly, a force came from his arm. Tongling felt that he was pulled behind by a force, and then the white shadow floated past him. The next moment, mu Qianyue was in front of him, and the dragon sword was slashed towards the front. The water blue sword was shining in the channel like a mountain Whistling away.

"Hum! The mantis can't help themselves The wind returns to Jing and snorts coldly. The two palms increase their strength, and one palm breaks mu Qianyue's sword. It seems that the two palms will be clapped on mu Qianyue's body.

Feng Huijing is at least the strength of the seventh level Wang wuzhe, and his strength is extremely terrible. Mu Qianyue had started Taiji nine changes before, and killed two people. His body and soul were weak. Now he was faced with fenghuijing's killing moves. Naturally, he was unable to resist.

In the bright light of the night pearl, the girl lifted her face lightly. There was no trace of fear and fear in her bright eyes like autumn water, but she was surprisingly calm.

This makes Feng Huijing stunned. It's strange, but it's just a flash. She must want to set up doubts to confuse herself. She still pretends to be calm when she dies. She has a deep mind.

But this time, he was really wrong. She didn't pretend to be calm, but she was calm.

When Feng Huijing's hands were about to slap her, she saw a wave in the air. A blue figure appeared in front of her, and the white palms flashed forward.

"Boom A muffled sound sounded, two palms collided, and the ground trembled, and some gravel and soil fell from above. It was obvious that this narrow passage could not withstand severe tossing.

Each of them stepped back a few steps.

Feng Huijing looks at the blue boy who suddenly appears in front of him. He has blue hair like an immortal and a devil. His eyes are blue and blue. In the soft light, he is like a spirit who has entered the world by mistake.

The beautiful and evil face is like an uncanny craftsmanship. The skin is as smooth as grease, and the water is incomparably moist. It is so beautiful that it can attract the soul and soul.

It's sunny.

"Who are you?" Feng Huijing narrowed his eyes and asked in a cold voice that the boy appeared out of thin air. Where did he come from? Why didn't you find out? What's more, the boy seems to be only about 12 years old, and he has reached the age of the fifth level king warrior!

What made him even more astonished was that the momentum of the blue haired and blue eyed youth was not weaker than that of himself, and even stronger! Blue eyes seem to be very poor compared with the present blue hair.What the hell is going on here?

Tong Ling is also a shocked look at the sky Shuo, where is this boy from? How strange they look! When did the master have such a powerful boy around him, he didn't know?

Suddenly, he felt that master was full of mysteries.

"No matter who I am, if you want to kill my master, you have to see if you have that ability!" Dark blue pupil eyes dense with anger, the day Shuo lenglengleng said.

"What a big voice! However, a fifth level king warrior dares to be rampant in front of me. It's good that you will die here with them! This is a good choice for you as your destination The wind returns Jing to cover the astonishment of the eye ground, sneer way.

I didn't expect that there was a strong man with such excellent potential and talent around mu Qianyue! Even call her master!

No, we can't let such enemies grow up, otherwise we will bring infinite disaster to ourselves in the future! It's a pity, if only such a person could use it for himself.

The voice just fell, the wind returned to Jing already rushed over, his hands clawed to the throat of Tian Shuo. In this narrow passage, he didn't dare to make too much movement. If it collapsed, it would be bad.

Tian Shuo also did not dare to make too big a move, so he had to start a close combat with him. Two figures, one brown and one blue, started a fierce battle in the narrow channel.

There is no gorgeous real yuan power, nor gorgeous martial arts skills. There are only simple killing moves. Although each move is very simple, it is fatal. If you don't slip away, you will die. It can be said that it is extremely dangerous.

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