Don't do it yourself. This guy's dead?

As clear as the sound of the song in the clouds, the sound line slowly rings out between the heaven and the earth, such as pearls falling on the jade plate.

Every word and sentence slowly fell into the ears of Huoxi, as if it was the most beautiful voice in the world, plucking his heartstrings, one by one, to the depths of his soul

He seems to be bewildered in general, staring at the front of that Silver Purple figure, she is not dead! She's not dead! She's not dead!!!

She's really alive!!

No moment like this moment so happy, lips involuntarily pull out a smile, see her still, as if the color of the whole world is lit up!

Tongling, a carp, immediately sat up from the grass. He seemed to have both body and spirit. He looked at mu Qianyue with burning eyes. His master was not dead! Master is still alive!!!

"I didn't expect you fell into the magma and didn't die! It really shocked me! " Feng Huijing gradually calmed down. He raised his eyes and looked at Xiangmu Qianyue. A touch of fire flashed through his muddy and tiny eyes. How terrible the temperature of the magma was. He was very clear that mu Qianyue was a body of ordinary fetus. It was not only not turned into slag, but also good, which showed that she had a treasure and saved her life at the critical moment!

Otherwise, as long as the magma is stained with a little, it will be immediately corroded into white bones! Not to mention falling in! Absolutely can't find a bone!

As long as you kill her, her baby is your own! What's more, her people also killed their loved ones, so she must die! Even her friends will die!

"But this time I'll finish you myself!" Feng Huijing's eyes are cold and his face is bloodthirsty.

In the breeze, the girl's chin lifted slightly, such as jade's face stained with a layer of frost, sneering and laughing, "who's finished, who is not sure?"

"Good, good! For a long time, no one dares to challenge me like this. I've been challenged! You are the first! You are very brave. I will send you to the hell one by one soon The expression on Feng Huijing's face was more gloomy.

When he moved, he suddenly rushed to Mu Qianyue. His two palms shot out, and the two huge palms suddenly pressed down like majestic mountains!

Mu Xiaoyue snorted and pushed her feet on the ground. With this momentum, her footwork spread out, her posture was elegant and her footwork was strange.

I saw her body suddenly disappeared from the original place. When she appeared again, she had suddenly appeared behind Feng Huijing and others, and the heart of tianwu was directly displayed.

Three swords were shot out in succession, and the light on the awn was full of light, as bright as the moon.

Suddenly, the cool and fierce sword was cut off. Several Pang family disciples were shocked and fled to the side.

Feng Huijing disdains to snort coldly. As soon as his hands are lifted, the shadow of two palms is immediately shot. In a flash, he smashes Mu's three swords, and then slaps him in front of Mu's body. Mu's face turns pale and his mouth overflows with a trace of blood.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the disciples of the Pang family raised their swords one after another and chopped at Huoxi and Tongling nearby. They killed them first and avenged the eldest young master!

"Shua, Shua, Shua..."

A white shadow quickly passed before their eyes, leaving a deep visible bone footprints on their faces or necks, bringing up a string of bloodstains.

"Ah, ah!" Several Pang family disciples were rolling on the ground in pain. They had no mind to kill people.

The white shadow body shape nimbly falls in front of Huoxi and Tongling.

"Good claws!" Huoxi exclaimed.

"What level of Warcraft is this? Is it a monster or a mysterious one Tong Ling was surprised.

The small animal in front of him is snow-white, with a pair of gorgeous golden eyes, and a handful of golden fluff on the top of his head is very obvious. It looks like a clever kitten, but it is not like it. Its momentum is obviously much stronger than that of cats. At least the cat does not have such strong claws. One can see the bone when one paw goes down!

"It should be Xuan beast." Fire Xi road.

"This little mysterious beast! I'm curious. How do I feel this mysterious beast looks so familiar? It seems that I've seen it somewhere By the way, Tiange also has a pair of golden eyes... " Tong Ling said while thinking.

Huoxi looked at the bottom of the small beast's eyes and flashed a strange light.

Chutian song sniffed his lips and turned his head to show that he did not pay attention to them. He raised his head and glared angrily at the Pang family disciples who had slowed down. His task was to protect Huoxi and Tongling for the master. The master said that they had come out together, and naturally they would go back together. None of them could be left alone!

Several Pang family disciples looked at Chu Tiange with vigilant and angry eyes. They had suffered a loss. They knew how terrible the little beast looked before them!

On the other hand, under the attack of fenghuijing, mu Qianyue is trapped and surrounded by elephants. After all, Feng Huijing is the seventh level king warrior, and his strength is too different.

"Little girl, I have to admit that you are really strong! If you are given time, you can definitely grow to an incredible height, but unfortunately, you offended me! So it won't give me a chance to grow! When reincarnated in the afterlife, you should polish your eyes. Not everyone can offend you. You should pay the price for being young and frivolous Feng Huijing sneers at Xiangmu shallow moon and approaches her step by step.Mu shallow month is very speechless, rolled a white eye, hit hit, where come so much nonsense?

Her eyebrows and eyes drooped, and then she opened her eyes. A ray of frightening essence flashed past her. She lifted her wrist, and she took out the star seal from the space. One hand held the star print, and the other hand quickly grasped the formula. A faint purple light was emitted from the star print. The light was more and more prosperous and gorgeous. It seemed that even the heaven and earth were reflected into the ultimate purple.

"The mantis can't stop the car The wind returns to Jing and disdains a cold hum. The body turns into a remnant shadow and rushes forward. The two palms take pictures of it. It is like a surging and vast tsunami!

Mu Xiaoyue's face did not change. She held the star seal, but she did not avoid it. Facing the wind, she rushed back to Jing and rushed to the past, "star killing magic array!"

The sound fell like a zither, and it was ethereal like the Sanskrit singing on the nine heavens. At the next moment, the star seal in his hand was patted hard to the front, and one golden amulet pattern flew out of the star seal, forming a huge complex array in an instant.

Golden array with a kind of lightning speed toward the wind back to the Jing roll away!

In an instant, the light is all over the sky, such as ten days in the sky, dazzling, stabbing people can not open their eyes!

A powerful and terrifying force was coming from ancient times. When the wind calmed down, his face turned pale and his eyes were full of panic. At this time, he felt like a grain of dust in the sea, so small that he could not even move, let alone resist. He looked at the golden color The big array is like a meteor! , the fastest update of the webnovel!