"Go." Mu Xiaoyue made a gesture towards the fire. They swam to the distance along the cliff at the bottom of the lake, ready to find a safe place to climb up.

Suddenly came a squid spirit's roar from the shore, "nine star flower is gone!"

When the black scorpion heard the words, he stopped fighting and turned to look at the cliff in the distance. At this time, it was dark. The moon column and the nine star flower with strong fragrance were gone!

"Where's the nine star flower?! Why is the nine star flower gone! Are you hiding squid

"Fuck your mother! I am entangled by you. I can't get close to the nine star flower. How can I hide it The squid spirit roars with anger, and its eight feet are more like big mang snakes with open teeth and claws. They are ferocious and terrifying.

"There are only you and me. Besides you, who else..." As soon as the black giant scorpion's voice stopped, he turned to squid and saw doubts and surprise in each other's eyes. There must be "you go!" hidden in the dark Mu Qianyue directly put the jade box into his arms and pushed him out. At the same time, his feet moved, and his body swept up in the air to avoid the attack of Zhang Yuwei.

In his hand, the dragon sword was sacrificed, and the "bang" that hit the front was cut

Yanlong sword cuts on Zhang Yu's tail and makes a dull metal sound.

Mu Xiaoyue only felt numb in her arm, and the whole person was shocked to fly out. A touch of fright flashed through her dark pupils. The power of the holy beast was really strong!

"Eight claw monster, this woman to you, that small white face to me, I have not eaten human flesh for a long time, I feel greedy for rice." The black giant scorpion grinned grimly and rushed to the fire.

"Don't think I don't know what you're up to. You can't take away the nine star flower." Squid Spirit gave up the attack Mu shallow moon, and rushed to the fire.

Looking at the black scorpion and squid from left to right, Huoxi's face was indifferent and did not show a look of fear. He held up the jade box in his hand and snapped: "if you dare to come closer, I will destroy it! Since I can't get it, you can't get it! "

This is what the black giant scorpion said to the squid spirit before. When he heard Huoxi say this, he was very angry and almost jumped. He was afraid that Huoxi would really destroy jiuxinghua. He stopped and looked at Huoxi cautiously and nervously. He threatened: "Stinky boy, put down the nine star flower quickly, or I will stab you into a sieve!"

"Is it?" Huoxi sneered, holding the jade box in one hand and Zhenyuan force surging in the other hand, he went toward the jade box and covered it. "I'm dying. What else should I do with such a nine star flower?"

"No! There is something to discuss. " The cuttlefish spirit hastily drinks a way, the eye ground is angry surging, nearly ran away. It side head mercilessly glared at the black giant scorpion, if this damned guy did not suddenly break into the abyss of broken soul, maybe this would have eaten nine star flowers to his stomach.

"Send me and my friends up there, and I'll give you back the nine star flowers." Fire Xi light says.

"No way!" The giant scorpion roared black.

"Shut up Squid spirit is very angry to stare at black giant scorpion one eye, wish to give it alive on the spot. The squid took a deep breath and tried to calm down his mood. "OK, I can send you up, but you must give me the nine star flower as promised! Otherwise, I will make your life worse than death

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