"Ah? Isn't it? " Tong Ling looks frightened. Don't look like this, OK? He is still young, he does not want to marry a daughter-in-law! What's more, I heard that the third lady of the family is arrogant and arrogant, which is not his type at all, OK!!

At the moment, Tongling felt that the food in the bowl was not so fragrant, and his face was full of depression and irritability. As long as he thought of the third lady who settled down, he would like to find a hole to bury himself.

The old man must be tired of leisure again! No, he must make it clear to his grandfather that he will not marry the third lady of an family after he goes back this time!

Seeing that the final goal has been achieved, nalanjing pulls a smile on her lips, and Mu Xiaoyue shakes her head and sighs helplessly. Poor apprentice, ah, has been bullied again

Wuhai and Heiyu have been quietly lying on the table all the time, gnawing chicken legs. From time to time, they take a careful look at nalanjing, and cover their astonishment. The man in white gives them a strong feeling! At least, there are a lot of gifted young girls!

Because Mu had slept in a few days, he was in good spirits and couldn't sleep naturally. So after dinner, we all strolled in Huahai city at will.

The next morning, mu Qianyue and his party rode back to Qingfeng city.

The college competition has already ended. Jun Lintian and Xu Yurong have entered the inner academy to study as they wish.

Mu Qianyue was originally a disciple of the inner courtyard, so as soon as she came back, she could directly enter the inner courtyard to study. As for Chutian song, he gave up the opportunity to enter the inner court. As a second-class king warrior, he could also enter. Perhaps it was because half of his blood was the reason why the ancient fierce beasts were so poor. Therefore, he yearned for the vast land and the continuous crisis ridden mountain forest, where his animal spirit blood could be brought into full play and fully activated!

Previously, he was afraid to expose his identity, and the breath that he sent out would lead to the pursuit of those people in the demon world. But with the tears of ice crystal given by the master, now he doesn't have to worry about this problem.

Warcraft likes the forest, even if it is poor and strange, he is born king, one day he will fly, to the top ~ peak!

What's more, Chu Tian song is also carrying a deep blood feud, so mu Qianyue didn't stop him, but decided by himself.

At this time, Chu Tiange went back to the imperial flag gate and was ready to stay for a few days.

As soon as Tong Ling returned to Qingfeng college, he went straight to the Old Tong's courtyard. When he saw the old figure in the field of medicine, his eyes turned red and he was a little hot and humid

Smell speech, Tong old one Leng, look up to see him, "so quickly come back? How about the experience? Eh? You've only been out for more than a month, and you've been promoted to the eighth level warrior? It's good. I can jump two steps in a month. Well, stinky boy, there's progress

The old boy's eyes fell on Tong Ling and looked up and down. His eyes were filled with admiration and joy. It seemed that it was a very good decision to let him go out to experience with his younger martial sister.

Suddenly, Tong Ling strode forward and hugged him. "Grandfather, I miss you so much."

The young man was slightly stunned. His eyes were puzzled. He was possessed by a ghost? How did you become so enthusiastic when you came back? I'm not used to it! Should not be in the outside what trouble, want to let oneself give him wipe fart ~ share?

For a long time, he suddenly regained his mind, and looked up at Tong Ling, with obvious vigilance in his eyes, "are you in trouble outside?"

"Old man, do you have to talk back to you to make you feel comfortable?" Tong Ling is very depressed staring at the eyes, not easy to create out of the fan ~ emotional atmosphere are gone. Ah

"You're itching, aren't you? How dare you talk to your grandfather like that! Do you know what it means to respect the old and love the young? " The old boy jumped up at once, blowing his beard and staring at him.

"I'll give you a love hug as soon as I come back. If you don't feel moved, you'll forget it. I suspect I'm in trouble outside. Am I that kind of person?"

The embrace of love? He said that he wondered how the boy would give himself a big bear hug as soon as he came back. It turned out that he had misunderstood him. But even so, the old boy still kept a straight face and snorted coldly, "you haven't caused me much trouble since I was young?"

"Tong Ling sniffed at the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile," it was not sensible before. Now I have changed my face and completely changed. "

With that, he put his arm around the old boy's neck. His voice was not as arrogant as before, but obviously eased a lot. "Grandfather, I almost died outside this time when I went out. I thought I would never see you again. Although this experience is very dangerous, but the harvest is also very big, I now know, pay and harvest is in direct proportion. Sometimes pay, not necessarily will have the harvest, but does not pay, actually will not have the harvest

"Oh, stinky boy, it's amazing that you have such a great consciousness. It seems that you have grown up a lot after you went out for a visit. I'm happy for you, grandfather!" The old boy's happy smile and wrinkled face are almost piled into a chrysanthemum.

"That is, people always have to grow up." Tong Ling's face showed a touch of pride, looked up at the old boy, with a trace of sajiao flattery in the voice, "grandfather, I want to enter the inner yard.""Well, that's a good goal."

"Grandfather, you send me in."

"What? Do you want me to send you to the inner yard with my relationship? " Old Tong stares.

"What is the use of relationship? You are the elder of the inner courtyard of Qingfeng college. Isn't it a matter of using your fingers to get me into the inner courtyard? What else is needed? " Tong Ling's face was decidedly black.

"No! If you want to get into the inner court, try your best

"But master, she is in the inner courtyard now."

"I don't care. I won't open the back door for you anyway. I'll try my best." Tong Ling glared. He thought the boy had really changed his mind. He had such a mind.

Smell speech, Tong Ling bitter forced a face, depressed way, "do not know how to change the old guy!"

Ah, his master and Jun Lintian have also entered the inner courtyard. Now it seems that he is left alone. It's not fun at all.

"Ling'er, even if you enter the inner courtyard, it's useless, because your master is only staying in the inner yard for a while, not all her life. She will surely go further and longer in the future. Here is just a temporary stop. If you want to be with her, you have to keep practicing hard. Otherwise, even if you run after her fart for a lifetime, it won't help, and you will be far away from her! "

The old boy sighed and raised his head. He looked at Tong Ling with a serious and solemn look.

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