Wu Hongbin and Wang Fei followed behind, and their eyes showed an envious look. It was true that the emperor was infatuated with the empress. For the Queen's wife, the harem seemed to be empty. There was no other woman except the empress!

After a short walk from the entrance, we can see that there is a camp in front of us, with more than a dozen tents. We can see soldiers in armor, spears and swords on patrol, and some are guarding from afar.

We did not have this hot temperature and lazy, even if the face was full of sweat, even did not wipe.

Seeing this, mu Qianyue's eyes show a trace of appreciation. From here, we can see Wu Hongbin's strict military management, and from here we can see Wu Hongbin's conduct and disposition.

People are very excited to see Wu Hongbin come back. These days, general Wu is not here. They seem to have lost their backbone and hope.

At the same time, mu Qianyue and nalanjing realized that most of these soldiers were from ChiYan City, and they had great strength. So they were recruited by Wu Hongbin. After learning that the people of Dongling were still stationed in ChiYan Valley, and the number seemed to have increased.

The spies went to inquire for several times. They were afraid of each other's strength and being found out, so they didn't get too close. Dongling Kingdom seems to be training here. It's very quiet in the daytime, but can always hear the shouting at night.


Mu Qianyue's lips gently pull up a cold radian, and her beautiful face becomes colder. If it's really training, why put it at night? There must be something fishy about it!

"We'll come back when it's dark." Nalanjing said coldly.

Cang Ming and Xuan night were not easy to restrain their temperament and wait for the dark.

After dark, mu Qianyue and nalanjing, under the leadership of Wu Hongbin and Wang Fei, walk toward the host of Dongling state with only cangming and Xuanye.

Before we arrived at the camp of Dongling Kingdom, we heard the shouts coming from afar. The closer we got, the louder and louder the sound became. It was like thunder and deafening.

Standing on the hillside, from a distance, you can see the shadows as big as ants in a valley below in an orderly training. There are five or six thousand people at that time. The momentum is amazing and unstoppable.

Wu Hongbin had 10000 soldiers on his side. 10000 soldiers were enough for guarding the border town, but the other side was obviously elite. At least one of them could hold two or three. No wonder Wu Hongbin and others were seriously injured.

"Miss mu, these people are just a cover. I obviously feel that there are people underground." Suddenly, he said.

"I know." Mu Qianyue frowned slightly. For this point, she had already realized that there must be something under the ChiYan Valley, which was discovered by the people of Dongling kingdom. Therefore, they deliberately made things happen and drove Wu Hongbin and others out of ChiYan valley.

Wu Hongbin and Wang Fei are shocked when they hear the speech. Is there someone underground? What's the meaning of this? Is there a treasure underground? Is this the reason why these Dongling people are reluctant to leave?

He also said that he wondered why Dongling chose ChiYan Valley, where chickens do not lay eggs and birds do not poop! This training is just a cover!

"Hum! These people are so brave that they dare to attack the idea of Jingyue state. Master, we must not let their plot succeed! " Dark night rage way.

Nalanjing's expression is light, but a touch of cold, like a knife, flashed in the purple eyes like glass.

On the training ground in the valley, soldiers of Dongling state are receiving training in an orderly manner. However, an old man stands at the hole at the foot of the mountain on the other side. He is urging, "what's going on inside?"

"Tell the elder that the excavation is almost finished. You can mine later." A bodyguard came out of the cave and replied respectfully.

Smell speech, the old man's eyes show excited color, spent a whole half a year, he finally found the dragon blood ore!

"Ha ha, with this batch of dragon blood ores, my weapon refining skills can not only be improved, but also more advanced spirit weapons may be refined."

"Yes, elder, dragon blood ore is a good material for casting high-level spirit tools! And you will become the top weapon refiner in Dongling state, and no one knows it, and you will even be famous in tianwu The bodyguard quickly flattered.

The old man's face showed a proud look, "although my smelter has not reached the state of perfection, no one can match it."

"Yes, yes, that's for sure."

"Don't worry. You will be rewarded for the waste products refined in the future." The old man looked contemptuously at the bodyguard in front of him.

the bodyguard was very happy when he heard that, even if it was a waste spirit weapon, it was better than that sold in the weapon shop. After all, it was made by the weapon refiner himself, and the weapon materials in the weapon shop were not as good as dragon blood ore, even the forging technique. Of course, there is no comparison.

"It's too much to think that there is no one in Jingyue's territory for wanton earth breaking?"

Under the dark sky, in the dim light of fire, suddenly a girl's cold voice sounded, like thunder.

The old man's face changed, "who?"He looked up in amazement and saw six figures come out of the darkness. The men were led by a pair of young men and women. The men's white robes were white, and their whole body exuded a sense of indifference, like the king above, overlooking the world! The woman's silver purple dress looks like a fairy coming to the world, with amazing momentum!

"Who are you?" The old man soon calmed down and looked at mu Qianyue with vigilant eyes.

"To kill you." Mu Qianyue's lips and corners are light hook. This is the immortal. Because there is dragon blood ore in the ground, she has caused numerous deaths and injuries to her people?

"Hum! Kill me? I don't know how you got in, but since you're here, you don't want to go out! " The old man's face shows a trace of killing intention. The matter of dragon blood ore here can't be revealed, so these people can only die.

These idiots dare to break into his territory on their own, not to mention that there are 5000 elite in the valley, even there are hundreds of Lingwu level masters, and even some martial worshipers. Is it not a matter of minutes to deal with these children?

The soldiers of Dongling Kingdom, who were in training, were surrounded by swords and swords, and their eyes were full of ferocious light.

"All the people in ChiYan city were injured by you?" Mu Qianyue didn't look at the soldiers of Dongling, but looked at the old man with cold face.

"So what? Hum The old man disdained to hum. They just drove the soldiers of Jingyue state stationed here out of ChiYan valley. However, Wu Hongbin once sneaked in and stabbed him, which made him very angry, so he let people attack ChiYan city.

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