Wu Hai said, "his wife has been old for a long time. If he wants to climb on his daughter's bed, he likes the kind of young woman who still has charm. It has flavor. Ha ha... "

Cangming, Xuanye and a group of bodyguards and dark guards behind him could not help laughing. The mouths of these two animals were so poisonous! This kind of poisonous tongue can make the dead angry! Ha ha, see the face of the opposite are angry skew, feel really Jieqi!

"You are determined to die! Originally, I wanted to forgive you for your hard cultivation. Since you don't cherish it, don't blame me for being merciless Lu Yuan was so angry that his face was green and his nose was crooked. He almost jumped up and his chest heaved violently.

"Three elders, what's wrong with two animals? They'll be chopped and drunk!" Lu Yuan side of an elder said.

"Good! It doesn't make sense to animals. How can animals communicate with human nature? Even if they can speak, they can't change their nature of being animals! " Another elder followed the taunt.

Wuhei and Heiyu were furious when they heard the words, and even dared to call them animals!



Two deafening roars rang out from the mouth of Wuhai and Heiyu respectively. The two beasts leaped forward and flew down the palace wall. Their bodies suddenly soared and blocked the sky and the sun. A strong sense of oppression came!

Lu Yuan and others changed their color. Their faces became pale in an instant. Their hearts were tight. They had difficulty breathing. Their legs were soft. This is the fourth level holy beast?!

Grass! When the emperor Dongling was pawned, these two beasts are not the first-class sacred animals, clearly are the fourth-order holy beasts!!

Until this moment, Lu Yuan and other people know that they deeply feel regret! Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world!

Arrogance comes at a price!

The huge scorpion tail and two blue Zhangyu tails swept in. At the same time, the three elders of Luyuan were directly thrown out. They had been flying far away before they were severely hit on the ground. The solid marble floor was directly smashed into three huge pits, and the dust was flying.


Dead silence!

These are three imperial warriors! It was thrown out directly! Isn't Emperor Wu very powerful? When it became so weak, it was like bean curd dregs!

In fact, it can't be blamed that Lu Yuan is too weak, but Heiyu and Wuhai are too strong. The fighting power of the fourth level sacred beast is comparable to that of the fifth level emperor warrior. Lu Yuan is the second level emperor warrior. However, the other two shadow Pavilion elders were promoted to the first level emperor warrior for a long time, so they could not resist the attack of Heiyu and Wuhai.

Under this blow, Lu Yuan's three people only felt that their internal organs and six internal organs were going to be shattered, and their mouth vomited blood, which made them look miserable.

"Big sunspot, what do you say about these three people? Do you want to cook them Wuhai coldly looked at the road yuan three people not far away, sneered, just said to take them two drinks? And scold them two brutes, hum!

"I love eating human brains. I use my big black tongs to poke a big hole in their heads and suck brains." Black Yu's eyes were cold and ferocious.

"That's a good idea." Wu Hai laughs.

Lu Yuan's three people were all together and shivered. Their faces were white and ugly. It was worse than torture!

"Do you dare?" Lu Yuan's eyelids trembled, emboldened himself. His eyes were wide open and angry.

"Hum! What are we afraid of! "

"Would you like to have a try?"

Black Sea and black Yu's voice threatened.

"Although you are four level holy beasts, if you are against the whole phantom Pavilion, you will never get any benefits. I have thousands of years of history, and there are countless strong people. I hope you two don't want these human beings and lose your lives!" However, Lu Yuan can only move out of the phantom Pavilion, hoping that the two sacred beasts will be frightened by his words and then leave.

As long as these two sacred beasts don't care, he can definitely kill these people in front of him.

"Wuhai, are you afraid?" Hei Yu looked at the octopus and asked.

"Joke, I have lived in Wuhai for more than a thousand years, and I don't know how to write fear words!" Wuhai sneered.

On the other side, mu Qianyue hears the speech and looks at Luyuan with sympathy. After getting along with each other these days, she has a better understanding of the characters of Heiyu and Wuhai. She has a hot temper and hates threats most. She is a guy who eats soft but not hard. Of course, sometimes she doesn't eat soft.

Cang Ming and Xuan ye also look at Lu Yuan and others sympathetically and ask for more blessings.

"Nalanjing, if my phantom Pavilion died in Jingyue Kingdom, do you think you can escape the slaughter of my phantom pavilion?" Seeing that the two beasts didn't pay for it, Lu Yuan turned his eyes to nalanjing.

"Who saw you die in Jingyue country?" Nalanjing's hands were hanging on his side, and a touch of irony flashed in his eyes. All around him were his people.

"You Lu Yuan's face was livid, and he realized that there was no one in the neighborhood except nalanjing. His face was constantly changing, as if he wanted to find a way out, but unfortunately, they were surrounded by dark guards, three layers inside and three outside, and there were black Yu and Black Sea blocking the left and right sides, so they had no way back.Lu Xiyao realized that the situation was not what he thought. His grandfather could not deal with this group of people, and his life might be lost here!

Until now, she really regretted it. If it wasn't for her willfulness, she had to go to Jingyue palace to find trouble. If she wasn't in love with nalanjing at first sight, she wouldn't be disfigured, and her grandfather would not be in danger because of saving herself!

All this is due to her selfishness, obstinacy and willfulness! Of course, a large part of the reason is still related to the environment in which she grew up. If her parents and grandparents were not too indulgent in her, maybe she would not develop this self righteous character!

Excessive ~ pet ~ love, not love, but harm!

Unfortunately, it was too late for her to understand all this!

"Lu Xiyao, you bitch, it's you! Why do you want to drag us to death! You are a pest Lu Qingyu suddenly went crazy and rushed forward, grabbing Lu Xiyao's hair and tearing it hard. Lu Xiyao cried out in pain.

Lu Qingyu is only a side disciple of the shadow Pavilion. Her talent is still excellent, but she is not as good as Lu Xiyao. In addition, Lu Xiyao's grandfather is the three elders of the phantom Pavilion. She has profound strength and high status. She can always bring a panacea to Lu Xiyao, improve her cultivation, and even have advanced martial arts and skills.

So Lu Qingyu approached her and flattered her. But Lu Xiyao never looked at her friends. She was either beaten or scolded. But in order to get good training resources, she tolerated it.

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