Ye Hanqing snorted coldly and did not speak any more. Instead, he continued to squat down to observe the patient's condition, reach out to explore her pulse, or lift her eyelids, and then asked for some words.

Yuxi Yanbei teeth nibble at her lips, and looks at Ye Hanqing bitterly. Then she turns to Mu Qianyue next to him. Her eyes are filled with hatred. They are all the ghosts of this woman! If it was not for her, how could Han Qing treat herself like this?

"Miss Yu, don't be sad. I can see that you have a good feeling for ye Hanqing, but he doesn't accept your affection at all." Night from Luo to Yuxi Yan in front of the voice soft please said.

Yuxi Yan just glanced at the night from Luo, a trace of contempt flashed in his drooping eyes. He also wanted to compare with Han Qing? Except for Han Qing, no one can enter her eyes. Looking at the Silver Purple in front of her eyes, the anger of her eyes is more intense. She will not give the woman and cold Qing a chance.

Yuxi Yan stepped forward slowly, went to the opposite of night Hanqing and squatted down. "Hanqing, you really misunderstood me just now. I didn't think she was dirty. Just now I diagnosed her illness as infectious, and the gas she breathed was full of toxins. I was afraid that you would also be infected with such disease, so I told you to stay away from her."

"I've been thinking of a way to cure her. You can rest assured that I will save her."

Yuxi Yan's voice is gentle, reasonable, and has a strong sense of responsibility and justice, which immediately attracted people's favor.

It turns out that Yuxi Yan has seen this woman's disease, which is infectious! For a moment, people quickly away from some, in order to prevent themselves infected with the toxic breath.

The expression on night cold Qing's face is always light. It seems that she has not heard her words. She reaches out and carefully lifts the patient up. Her knuckled fingers gently touch her waist.

His brow was tight and his expression was rare and dignified. After a moment, he suddenly turned to look at mu Qianyue and asked, "girl, do you see any problem?"

Mu Xiaoyue was stunned. He didn't expect that he would ask himself. Although he didn't have a good impression on the doctors, the young man gave her a good feeling.

Seeing that ye Hanqing ignored herself, Yuxi Yan asked a person who didn't even have the level of elixir. She couldn't help but look ugly. It was just a kind of insult to her. Looking at mu Qianyue's eyes, she was filled with a trace of resentment from anger.

Mu Qianyue didn't feel it. He looked at night Hanqing and said, "I can see some..."

But her words have not finished, next to the sound of night from Luo Yin Yang strange gas, "with her a no grade, not even Dan pharmacist is not on the person, can see what to come? I think she came here to make up for the number

Yuxi Yan pretended to persuade him, "young master Li Luo, don't say that. Although she didn't take the examination of Dan pharmacist, it doesn't mean that she has no Dan skill level. Maybe, she is just too busy and has no time to assess it."

People heard the words Chi smile, a 16-year-old baby can have how busy? This saying said not a few people believe, on the contrary, more certain that Mu shallow moon's Dan skill is very poor.

"She had a malignant abscess." Mu Qianyue ignored the mockery of Ye Li Luo and Yuxi Yan, and said that malignant abscess was called in ancient times and cancer in modern times. According to her observation, the woman in front of her had gastric cancer, and it was in the late stage, so she would have such painful symptoms.

She had asked the patient before, and learned from her mouth that when her son was two years old, her husband died unfortunately, and she was left with a woman to support her family. She had to take care of the children, and wanted to make money to support the family. She lived a hard life. She never gave up eating good food and left it to her son. However, she took the cold leftover food, coupled with improper diet, long-term hard work and no good rest, which led to malignant abscess.

This disease can almost be called a terminal disease in modern times, but here, she is sure to be cured.

"I also diagnosed her with a malignant abscess, but I'm not sure. I can't cure her." Night cold Qing's face is gloomy, some sympathizes looking at the patient in front of her.

"Yes, she did have a malignant abscess, but we can not completely cure her. She has been treated several times before, and her condition has improved, but it has recurred after this period of time, and it has become more serious." The elder stood up and said slowly. He had a stack of paper in his hand, which was submitted by some competitors.

"There were 30 people handed in. Unfortunately, none of them said the disease was right. Even yeliluo didn't diagnose it. As for yuxiyan, she was only right. Malignant abscesses are highly infectious, and the gases exhaled by the patients carry infectious toxins."

Yuxiyan and others heard that it was a malignant abscess, their faces changed, and they stepped back without trace. In their hearts, it seemed that malignant abscess was a very terrible disease.

After hearing the elder's words, mu Qianyue realized that he had a little misunderstanding about the holy doctor. It turned out that they had diagnosed the patient before, but there was no way to cure it, which led to complications. But it was only a slight change in her view of the holy doctors.But when he heard that the malignant abscess was infectious, mu Qianyue's lips pulled slightly, and he couldn't help sending out a sneer. The atmosphere that everyone was afraid of was particularly clear and loud. It was like a slap in the face of the elder, which made his face look very unnatural.

"Girl, do you have a problem with my words?"

"I don't think so." Mu Qianyue stood up, looked directly at the elder above, and said in a slow voice, "Although malignant abscess is a terminal disease, it is not infectious."

Yuxi Yan's face immediately became ugly. The elder just confirmed her statement a second ago. Unexpectedly, this woman would come out and dismantle her own platform!

"Elder Lian, they have confirmed that the disease is highly infectious. Are you doubting their ability? Do you know that the elder has been studying medicine and alchemy for many years, but is it more difficult than you? "

"You dare not touch the patient's hands, face and body. How can you conclude that her illness is highly contagious? As a pharmacist, you can't even look, hear, ask and understand. Do you dare to call yourself a herbalist of Dan? " Mu Xiaoyue directly and mercilessly hit the road, so angry that Yuxi Yan blushed, her neck was thick, and she almost ran away, and her chest heaved violently. You can imagine how angry she was at the moment. , the fastest update of the webnovel!