"Hanqing performed very well in this pass, and wrote eight pills, and the properties and functions of these herbs were also well described." The headmaster Li Yangshuo looks at Ye Hanqing with a smile and is obviously very satisfied.

"The pass of Hanqing can be said to be full marks. There are only eight pills in all of these herbs. Hanqing has written all of them, and there is no mistake." The elder's wrinkled face shows an excited look. It seems that there is someone in the saint doctor's family. Maybe in the future, Han Qing's achievements will be higher than any of them.

When they heard this, they were all envious of Ye Hanqing. They were indeed worthy of being the first day of the saint doctor's medicine!

"Han Qing, you are so powerful. You really deserve the talent and pride of Longyan city." Yuxi Yan smile Ying Ying Ying Mei eyes with spring look at the night cold Qing, as if he won the first place even more happy.

Night Hanqing arched his hands at the top, "thanks to the master and master's good guidance, Han Qing will have such achievements."

His voice was light as water, not arrogant and impetuous, and the expression on his face was always modest and courteous.

When the master of the holy doctor and the great elder saw the last answer, which was written by mu Qianyue, they all stood up in shock and disbelief, their eyes were full of shock and unbelievable color, their eyes were wide open, and their mouths were open, and they could almost put a duck's egg!

They were stunned and looked up at the top. What did the master and the elders see? They even showed such an expression? That looks like more terrible than hell!!

Well Did she write the last paper?

So they turned their heads and turned their eyes to Mu Qianyue. They were very curious about what mu Qianyue had written on it, which would surprise the headmaster and the elders.

Well Feeling this strange scene, Mu Xiaoyue felt a little embarrassed and touched her nose. She didn't expect to have such a big reaction.

"Let me see first." The elder held the test paper tightly in his hand, and the four elders were not willing to show weakness. He exclaimed, "why do you read it first? Do you remember laughing at people before

The elder's face was red. He was embarrassed and ugly, but he would not let go.

"You two don't argue. I'm the head of the gate. I'll see it first." After that, he grabbed the test paper, and while reading it carefully, he murmured to himself, "it turns out that the combination of these pills is a new Dan prescription, and the two different attributes of ice and fire can also be integrated Ha ha, it turns out that the ice spirit grass has such a function. I'll try it some other day... "

"What's going on? The headmaster and the elders are all in evil

"Yes, it's strange! What did she write on her paper

"God knows! You ask me, I ask who! "

The contestants were puzzled.

But yuxiyan's face has become more and more ugly. Before, she believed that she had pulled back a game in this pass and hit mu Qianyue. But now she saw the look of the headmaster and the elder, she realized that things didn't seem to be what she thought.

It seems that the shock brought by the examination paper written by mu Qianyue is even greater than that of Han Qing!

In the beautiful eyes like autumn water, anger and jealousy are surging in her eyes. Why, why is it always her that makes the show every time!

Because of her appearance, Han Qing's eyes did not stop at his own body, even disgusted with himself, but also insulted himself for her!

"In this game, the first place was mu Qianyue, the second was Ye Hanqing, and the third was yuxiyan..." After a long time, the headmaster and other people came back from the shock and announced the way.

"No! impossible! She can't be number one Yuxi Yan couldn't restrain the roar, and her beautiful face was twisted because of jealousy.

"Are you suspecting that we are covering her up?" Li Yangshuo looked at yuxiyan with some displeasure. Even though he thought yuxiyan was good and kind to her, it did not mean that she could challenge his authority and dignity.

A breath of superior man emanated from him, strong and fierce.

Yuxi Yan's face turned pale. He quickly shook his head and said, "master, I don't have I don't doubt you. I just don't think she can surpass Han Qing... "

She nibbled her lips lightly, and her eyes were obviously not willing.

"Hum! Our sacred medical doors as like as two peas for each of you, have eight identical Danes, and you only write six, and Han Qing wrote eight, but mu shallow moon wrote twelve. Among them, she developed four pills based on the herbs on the table. She not only wrote all the prescriptions in the time of a column of incense, but also developed four new ones. Is she not worthy of being the first place for her talent and achievement? " The four elders snorted coldly, and almost did not stop breathing. Bili Pa said all his words and felt very happy immediately.

Looking at mu Qianyue's eyes, he became kind. Unexpectedly, Dongfang Ao received such an excellent apprentice. To be honest, he was jealous. He had an impulse to rob mu Qianyue, but he knew it was impossible.According to Dongfang Ao's stubborn nature like a donkey, if anyone snatches his apprentice with him, he will beat you to death.

The voice of the four elders was loud and clear, and the words were Zhuji, sonorous and powerful. She fell on yuxiyan's head like thunder. In her ears, her face was white and her eyes were full of unbelievable expression. She not only wrote all the pills correctly, but also developed four new danfang in a column of incense?!

People around him couldn't help but take a breath of air. My God! Is this still human? This is God!

For a time, people look at the eyes of the moon with shock, fire, worship!

At this moment, I will never despise her because she is young! Strong people are regardless of age, men and women, no boundaries!

All of a sudden, people think of the beginning, the girl said a word, this first, I will decide.

At that time, they also joked that she was too young, frivolous and reckless, and did not know how to keep a low profile and modest.

At this moment, no one doubted her words any more!

She won two first in three passes. Even if she lost the last one, she still won the first place!

Her talent, even if she is known as the first genius of the saint doctor in front of her, are inferior to it!

On the eaves of the temple in the distance, the East leaned lazily against the glazed tiles, looking down at the scene below and drinking a sip of liquor. His face was a little complicated, some joyful, and seemed to have a trace of memory.

Oh He had known that the moon maid would surprise him, but he didn't expect it was such a big surprise!

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