Mu Xiaoyue's body moved, and quickly dodged to one side. Her sharp claws roared over her head, but failed to make a strike, and then dived again.

Nalanjing's body leaped up in the air, and the moon white sleeve brushed the green grass. In an instant, it was like a floating cloud flying over the green grass. The sword was held in the palm of his hand, and a sword awned out. The dragon like and Eagle like Warcraft immediately gave out a sad cry, and then fell down from the sky, sobbing and struggling.

"Is this dragon eagle?" Mu Xiaoyue looks at the Warcraft in front of her in surprise. She has seen such records in the library of Qingfeng college before.

Dragon Hawk is a flying Warcraft. It has strong attack power. It likes the vast grassland and has a wide vision. It is convenient to prey.

"Yes." Nalanjing nodded, "I didn't expect to meet the Dragon Eagle Warcraft here. Its flying speed is very fast. Madam, we can take it as a mount."

"You can have this one!" Mu Qianyue's eyes brightened. Although the speed of Heiyu and Wuhai is not slow, it's a pity that they are not flying Warcraft. If they fly in the sky, they will consume animal yuan.

Feeling a strong crisis, Heiyu and Wuhai came out of nalanjing's sleeves and fell on his shoulders.

Wu Hai said with a smile, "Miss mu, what do you want this dragon not a dragon and an eagle not an eagle? It's enough for you to have us. "

"Yes! It's just a pair of wings. It's not as powerful as we are! " He nodded and agreed.

If Mu girl takes this dragon eagle as a mount, how can we have their business in the future? Maybe even with will not allow to follow, so the two beasts are consistent with the outside, mercilessly splashing the Dragon eagle's cold water, mercilessly repelling, disdaining.

"What?! How dare you two humble reptiles insult me The Dragon eagle was almost angry and ran away. These two shameless ones, how noble he was, were scolded by two low blooded Warcraft! He must have missed the almanac when he went out today! First he was attacked by a sword of mankind, and now he is despised. He is really angry!

Ye Hanqing looks at the squid essence and black scorpion on nalanjing's shoulder, and her eyes are incredibly big. It's amazing that even squid and scorpion can speak these days! And the Dragon hawk can even speak!

Mu Xiaoyue's eyes flashed a touch of surprise, obviously did not expect this dragon eagle to speak! It seems that the strength of this dragon eagle is not low!

"You are humble, your whole family is humble!" Heiyu angrily scolded back.

"Dragon eagle, you should not think that you have a trace of dragon blood in your body, so you should respect yourself as a dragon. In fact, in the final analysis, you are just an eagle! Dragons don't have ugly wings like you. I'm still covered with hair. I look like a fool. " Wuhai also mercilessly hit back.

The Dragon eagle was immediately angry, his eyes were red, and his eyes were a little angry, "I'm going to destroy you two! How dare you insult me

"Come on, fight! I thought we were afraid of you! Hum! If you can attack with a sword from nalanjing, your strength is not so good! " Heiyu yelled.

Listening to these three animals quarrelling, mu Qianyue suddenly felt as big as an ox, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes. He looked at nalanjing and asked, "are they really Warcraft? How can I feel that they are more like shrews

Night cold Qing Leng Leng looking at the three animals quarrel, until now have not suddenly come back to God, in his impression, Warcraft are not all very arrogant and conceited? How could you quarrel? It's really hard to imagine! Completely subverted his world view!!

Naranjing finger a flick, immediately a white light shrouded in the Dragon eagle's body, only to see the Dragon Eagle instantly become tame, "lady, you used to contract it."

"Wow! Are you a tamer Mu Qianyue looks at him again. My God, I can't believe that nalanjing is a powerful animal trainer! Even tame the holy beast with a flick of a finger is enough!

Wuhai and Heiyu could not help shaking their bodies. They jumped from nalanjing's shoulder and looked at him with vigilance. This guy is so abnormal! He's a trainer! And hidden so deep! They were almost deeply deceived!

If nalanjing wanted to contract them one day, would it be enough to flick his finger?

Nalanjing felt the thoughts of the two animals. A proud color flashed in her purple eyes, and she disdained to skim, "just you two? It's too slow to ride my wife. "


Heiyu and Wuhai were hit in an instant. Is there such a person? Anyway, they are both holy animals!

However, if Mu Qianyue really contracted with longying, it seems that their two roles will not be great in the future. They still expect mu Qianyue to study pills for them to enhance blood vessels! Especially after seeing mu Qianyue's Alchemy and medical skills, her belief and worship increased.

Even so, they didn't want to be her contract beast.

Once they become human beings' contract animals, they will lose their freedom and be enslaved. At that time, they may not even have the qualification to negotiate.

"Miss mu, the Dragon Hawk is just a strong man in the middle!" Black Sea tone some weak said."Strong in the outside and dry in the middle? It doesn't matter, flying mount, Doraemon. " Mu Xiaoyue chuckles, don't think she doesn't know their mind.

"We can also be mounted. We can't be slower than him." Heiyu road.

"Dragon eagle can contract, can you?" Mu shallow month raises an eye, the vision light swept two beasts one eye, ask a way.

The two animals shut their mouths at once.

Mu Xiaoyue chuckles and walks forward slowly to the Dragon eagle. He bites his index finger and prints the blood on the fingertip between the two eyes of the Dragon eagle. Suddenly, a red light gushes out of the longying's eyebrows and rushes into Mu's body along his arm. The blood between Mu's fingers is also absorbed by the Dragon eagle.

"My name, Longting."

"Mu Qianyue."

Now the contract is complete.

Mu Qianyue feels that he and the Dragon Eagle have a sense of blood connection, as if he is an old friend who has been familiar with for many years.

"Where are you going, master?" Long Ting said.

"Get out of this desert south Qingyuan." Mu Qianyue's body moves and sits on the back of Longting. Nalanjing falls behind mu Qianyue, and her hands naturally embrace her waist.

Looking at the dark blue behind the door, even if the two eyes are too busy to say, the two eyes are far away from each other. Before, he thought that nalanjing's appearance was ordinary, even some of them were the headmaster's pity. Later, he realized that the headmaster was wearing a human skin mask.

That amazing face, even the gods are not necessarily so beautiful! , the fastest update of the webnovel!