"The purpose is very simple. I want to see what you are transporting, and you, the vice cabinet leader, will go out in person. Oh, there is another reason, that is to rob you by the way, to be my wife There was a funny smile on the lips of the leader of the skythief.

"That's what you're here for." The little boy's face became a little ugly, and at the same time he thought quickly.

This time I went out to make this thing very hidden, except for maple, there was no second person to know, but Maple certainly would not sell himself, was it a leak?

"Yes, I am very curious about such things."

"Aren't you afraid of my revenge? With the strength of my Fengyue Pavilion, it's enough to wipe out your flying thieves. " There is a trace of coldness in the child's small and clear voice.

"If you don't want to cooperate, then don't blame us for being rude." Feitian thief leader seems to have not heard the child's small threat, slightly squint eyes flash a obliteration meaning, the tone also sank a bit.

As his last word fell, the thieves stepped closer to the carriage and narrowed the circle.

The situation suddenly became precarious, the atmosphere was calm, and the world was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

"Protect the vice cabinet leader and break through the encirclement!" A member of Fengyue Pavilion called.

"Vice cabinet leader, you go first, we are here!" According to the other members of Fengge, they also want to insult a group of people? you must be dreaming!

"Hum! It's too much to do The leader of the flying bandit snorted coldly and waved his gesture. The thieves rushed to the carriage immediately, and the sword in his hand was also chopped down. A big war was imminent.

The strength of the people in Fengyue Pavilion is not weak. Basically, they can defeat two with one enemy. However, there are a large number of flying bandits. On average, every member of Fengyue pavilion has to face the killing of three or four people. It is inevitable that some of them are not flawed. In a short time, they are seriously injured and lose their combat effectiveness.

With a long red dress and a sword in her hand, Tong Xiaoxiao flies in the crowd like a butterfly in a flower. Every time she takes out the sword, a thief falls down.

The ink hair dances lightly, the train is flying, the sword spirit is incomparable, the dark eyes twinkle with the arrogant edge!

"Oh, little beauty, I'm young and strong, but I like you so much!" A flash of excited light flashed through the eyes of the flying bandit leader. With a big knife in his hand and his body moved, he immediately turned into a black shadow and hit the boy a little.

"Hum!" Little boy disdained to snort, and the sword in his hand was raised. In a flash, a cold sword was shot out like a wave of water, hitting the knife awn hit by the leader of the flying bandit.

A knife and a sword strike each other, and the sparks are bright.

The head of the flying bandit's look changed. The whole person was shocked by the momentum and stepped back three or four steps before he could hold his body. On the contrary, the figure of Tong Xiaoxian was still, standing still, and his whole body was cold.

Fourth level king warrior!

"I didn't expect you to be the fourth level king warrior. You're deep enough." In the eyes of the leader of the flying bandit, he quickly flashed a shock, and then turned into a cruel and ferocious one. He yelled, "you several attack her with me."

With the fall of his voice, three figures immediately fell on the side of the flying thief leader.

The battle suddenly joined three people, and the situation of the little boy changed dramatically, and was suppressed by death.

As more and more people fell down, the faces of the members of Fengyue Pavilion all showed a look of despair.

At the moment, a small child's face was as pale as paper, and the sweat kept flowing down her face. She gasped and gasped, and her heart filled with despair. Was she going to die here? However, she still has a lot of things to do

But she would never let the bandits insult herself.

Better be broken than ruined!

Fingers pinch Jue, the body of the real yuan force quickly and crazy surge up, surging, such as blue sea waves, fierce incomparable.

"No! She's going to blow herself up! Everybody, hurry up The leader of the flying bandit was shocked and quickly retreated behind him.


"Why? There seems to be someone fighting down there. Long Ting, let's go down and have a look. " Mu shallow month points to below a place to say.

Ye Hanqing looked along mu Qianyue's direction and saw some black spots moving on the ground. At this time, the Dragon Court had already flown down.

I saw a thin vermilion figure is rapidly expanding and growing, such as a blowing ball, suddenly a fierce and mighty momentum from the sky, with the momentum of absolute crushing, forced down!

Just when Tong Xiaoxiao thought that he must die, he even made preparations to die. Suddenly, he realized that the real force in his body was still!

At this time, she is like a vent ball, quickly shrunk down.

"Roar!" A loud and majestic roar came from the sky.

They all looked up and saw a five or six long, dragon like and Eagle like Warcraft swooping down from the sky!"No! It's Dragon Eagle! It's the fierce beast dragon hawk on the Qingyuan in the south of the desert! Let's run In the eyes of the flying bandit leader, a touch of fright flashed through his eyes, and he could no longer care to rob the target of Fengyue Pavilion, and he ran away in panic with people.

One by one, they lost their color in shock, and they hid around in a hurry.

However, the leader of the flying bandit and others have not run a few steps. They are all at once. Their eyes are full of fear and fear. They raise their heads one by one and look at the two monsters that suddenly appear in front of them.

The huge body, covering the sky and the sun, was covered with a huge dark moment.

The eight giant tails of squid essence are like a thick boa constrictor. The black giant scorpion has two huge black tongs, which are extremely sharp and twinkle with frightening cold light.

What's going on? How come three Warcraft come here all of a sudden?

Feitian thief and others are about to cry in a moment. Their eyes are gloomy and frightened. Who can tell them where the three Warcraft came from? Did you go the wrong way?

"Laohei, there are a group of human beings here. Do we scare them?" Black Sea doubts a way, look at these one by one fear double ~ leg shiver appearance, really enough timid, unexpectedly this still has a person to be scared to urinate, this also too counsels?

"Well, you look terrible. Look at your eight legs. You look like a snake. It's disgusting." Hei Yu said, but his eyes were excited to sweep the crowd in front of him. The two giant tongs were flapping wildly, which scared the flying bandits and others into heartbreak.

If I had known that I would not have robbed Fengyue Pavilion, how important is life!

If there is no life, everything is bullshit!

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