"The witnesses are here. Do you want to deny it? Come on, seal up this place and take all the others away! " The city Lord disdained to snort coldly. As his voice fell, dozens of soldiers dressed as guards rushed forward and surrounded the maple moon medicine shop.

Tong Xiaoxiao was immediately in a hurry and stopped in front of the crowd. His beautiful face showed a piercing coldness. His apricot eyes were round and full of anger. His lips coldly raised a sneer. "The Lord of the city is going to condemn us in a few words. I'm afraid it's hard to convince the public? Or did the Fang family or the Qin family give you enough benefits? "

A touch of unnatural flashed on the city Lord's face, and immediately became fierce again, "my city Lord is to report to the public to deal with the matter. Come on, take it. "

"Wait a minute."

All of a sudden, a man's deep and magnetic voice sounded, which seemed a little cold and indifferent under the night sky, but with a natural awe.

Mu Xiaoyue was shocked when she heard the sound. She could not help looking up. She saw a green lotus colored robe in front of her eyes, followed by her beautiful and familiar face.

Big brother!

Mu Xiaoyue immediately became a little excited. Suddenly, she remembered that some people in the crowd said that the leader of Fengyue Pavilion had reached the level of nine level Wang wuzhe at the age of 19. This person is the elder brother!

There is also the first time to hear the maple moon Pavilion, she had a trace of doubt, but not sure.

Nalan Jing felt her excitement, reached for her hand, and showed a gentle smile to her.

Mu Rufeng walks out of the drugstore, her eyes squint, and her sharp cold light flashes across her eyes, frightening.

"Lord Lin, it's not proper for you to convict me of Fengyue drugstore just by the old woman's words. Although my Fengyue pharmacy is small, it has been operating in good faith. This book is part of the business, and the old and the young are not cheated. Besides, is it true that she said that we killed people? If we carry this corpse to the gate of your city Lord's house, can we say that you killed people

What he said made the city Lord of Lin blush, look flustered, and feel guilty, "it's just a bunch of nonsense!"

Mu Rufeng, with a sneer in his lips, went straight out of the drugstore, went to the corpse on the ground, squatted down, and saw his slender fingers in front of the corpse's chest. His finger shadow was like the wind, which was extremely fast.

"Cough..." The young man on the ground suddenly had a slight cough and then slowly opened his eyes.

The onlookers were shocked and puzzled. What happened? Isn't this man dead long ago? How did you suddenly come alive?

The old woman saw that the plot was seen through, and wanted to run away, and was thrown over by little boy.

"This man took a medicine named asphyxia herb, which can make people in a state of suspended animation, which is difficult to distinguish even a skilled doctor sometimes." Mu Rufeng said lightly. When looking at the old woman and the young man, his eyes were suddenly cold, and a strong and cold breath came out from him, "say, why do you frame up my Fengyue drugstore? Who ordered it? "

Both of them dodged their eyes, but they did not dare to raise their heads. They said, "no, no one asked us. We saw that your business is booming, so we are greedy. We want to and want to embezzle some money..."

They dare not give up the Qin family behind the scenes, otherwise it would be terrible for the young master of the Qin family to be angry.

The public realized that the problem was not Fengyue Pavilion, but the mother and son. It was obvious that the two men were working together to frame up Fengyue pharmacy.

The city Lord said, "it's a misunderstanding that the city Lord is careless."

After that, he looked at the old woman and the young man and said, "you two dare to disturb the order of the city of Monan and frame up others. Go with the Lord of this city."

The two men were taken away by the city Lord Lin, and they would not be punished because they were a group. However, mu Rufeng did not intend to go deep into it, so only relying on these two people is not enough to find out the people behind the scenes.

The noisy crowd gradually dispersed.

"Big brother."

Under the moonlight, the familiar voice of the girl suddenly sounded.

Mu Rufeng looked back and saw the Silver Purple figure in the crowd, and Nalan Jing with a moon white robe beside him. He couldn't help being pleased. His handsome and cold face showed a color of excitement, "moon, how did you come?"

"I miss you, so I come to see you." Mu Qianyue stepped forward quickly, and her mood became elated and excited.

"Well, I miss you too." Mu Rufeng's cold face is like melting ice and snow, showing a warm smile like spring breeze. His eyes are full of tender doting and his voice is warm. As he speaks, he naturally reaches out and caresses Mu's head.

One side of the child's small eyes show a surprised color, it turns out that she is like maple's sister! No wonder such a monster, there is such an evil brother, sister can be worse?

Seeing the smile on mu Rufeng's face and the tenderness of her eyes, she could not help but feel a sour jealousy. She had been with him for such a long time, and had never seen him smile. All day long, she almost thought that he would not smile at all.Only now did she understand that it was not that he couldn't smile, but that he didn't care to laugh at himself.

"Lady." As clear as the spring, the most beautiful sound line sounded, with a grievance.

Mu shallow month canthus a puff, forehead, how a happy to forget this guy. Turning around and holding his hand, he said solemnly, "this is your elder brother, not an outsider. Don't be jealous."

"When I was a child, Yueer and I took a bath in the same bathtub, slept in the same bed, covered the same quilt, and even ate with the same bowl. If you want to be jealous, I don't mind. I'm afraid you can't eat it. " Mu Rufeng instantaneously incarnated into a high cold wolf, and said without expression.

Nalan Jingjun face a black, and finally Huo molars his teeth, choking out a sentence, "at that time, you were not fully developed."

This time it was mu Rufeng's turn with a black face.

Mu shallow month speechless looking at these two people, these two goods plan this to stand on the street mutual damage? With a sigh, he shook his head and walked into Fengyue pharmacy.

Tong Xiaoxiao is very excited to see mu Qianyue and takes him around.

Later, Mu Xiaoyue learned that the elder brother was the owner of Fengyue Pavilion. Fengyue pavilion was founded by the elder brother and experienced a lot of hardships. Tong Xiaoxiao joined three months ago. Because she was a Dan pharmacist, she had good strength and wisdom, so she was promoted to vice cabinet leader.

"How do you know my big brother?" Mu Xiaoyue looks at the girl beside her with a smile, and an intriguing light flashes in her Phoenix eyes. Through the window, you can see nalanjing and mu Rufeng chatting in the room.

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