"Did you really take a dragon eagle as a mount?" Think of Mu shallow Moon said, Ling Feng's face is full of horror, originally not in the words, not joking, not in boasting, but really have this strength.

His eyes unconsciously show the fire of worship light, this is the goddess in his mind, talent has appearance and strength! That side also has how far, rolls far!

When mu Qianyue saw him looking at himself obsessed, his eyes flashed with disgust, and his body moved. He swept over the back of the Dragon Court and looked down at Ye Hanqing and the member of Fengyue Pavilion.

"you two come up, it's time to go back."

Two people's body shape moves, fell behind Mu shallow moon.

"Master, what about these people?" Night cold Qing points to Ling Feng and Lin City Lord and others below.

"Take it back." The corners of his lips curled up a cool arc, his voice was cold, and he could not hear a trace of emotional fluctuation.

So Hu Lingfeng and the city Lord Lin, as well as the six disciples of the Qin family and the Fang family experienced the taste of flying for the first time, but it was not so wonderful, because eight of them were caught back by the two giant claws of the Dragon eagle. When they were flying in the sky, they always felt that they would fall down.

From afar, the magnificent and tall desert city looks like a small black spot, with clouds and fog around. If you fall from this height, you will definitely fall into slag.

When they got to the city Lord's house, all four of them almost vomited out of their stomachs. Their faces were pale and their legs trembled. They were extremely ugly.

In the martial arts arena of the city Lord's mansion, mu Rufeng and nalanjing sat leisurely in their positions. The dim yellow sun shone on their faces, reflecting a dazzling luster. It was less cold than before, but more than a trace of illusory dreams.

Fang is also obsessed with mu Rufeng. He is really excellent and beautiful. He is his favorite type. She can feel that his heart is beating for him. Unfortunately, his status is too poor, and he is not worthy of himself.

However, Fengyue pavilion was doomed to lose the competition. When he became a subordinate of the Fang family, he told his father that he would give Rufeng a position of elder. I believe he would be willing to follow him at that time.

"eating a bowl and looking at the pot, Miss Fang, do you have such a big appetite, your fiance knows?" Child small disdain cold hum, apricot eyes show a trace of contempt.

Fang also turned pale, some ugly, and slightly trembled with anger. Some looked at the evil sky on the chair above, and said angrily to the child, "what are you talking about? I don't understand you at all

"Oh, is there any nonsense? You know it in your mind. Otherwise, why do you keep staring at my cabinet master?" There was a sneer on the little boy's face.

Evil sky opened his eyes and looked at Fang with a look of displeasure, with a warning in his eyes.

Fang also quickly shifted his eyes, eyes slightly guilty, "elder evil sky, you do not listen to that woman nonsense, I just want to wait until they lose the game, will cry how miserable."

The evil heaven did not pay attention to Fang, but continued to close his eyes and fall asleep.


Suddenly, there was a roar of Warcraft over the arena. The sound was loud and loud. It was powerful for nine days. It exploded like thunder on the sky.

Then the light on the top of the head was dim, as if the whole world was suddenly dark.

All of them were shocked. Looking up, they saw a huge black shadow from the sky, covering the sky.

"It's Dragon Eagle!"

"What?! Dragon Eagle Warcraft? How did it come here? "

"Everybody, get ready for defense

All around, panic broke out one after another, including the evil heaven. He had already lost his composure, and the horror on his face was no less than that of others, because he found that the Dragon eagle was very powerful, at least a holy beast! That is to say, it is equivalent to the first rank emperor warrior!

There is also a point is that Warcraft's attack power is much stronger than the same level of human beings! It's very likely that he is not the opponent of this dragon Eagle!

And Fang and fang had already been scared pale, hiding behind the evil sky, shivering.

"Elder evil sky, how could this dragon Eagle Warcraft suddenly attack desert south city?" Fang asked in horror, in the past, the Warcraft outside the green plains of desert never launched an attack on the city. What's going on today?

Relative to the fear and panic of evil heaven and others, Fengyue Pavilion is incomparably quiet.

Mu Rufeng and nalanjing sit leisurely in their positions, still looking lazy and careless, without showing a trace of fear because of the arrival of dragon Eagle Warcraft. They are like immortals far away from the noise of the world, indifferent and merciless looking at the evil sky and others in front of them.

When the evil heaven and others made a good defensive posture, they saw the Dragon Eagle stopped over the arena and did not launch an attack. The majestic and cold breath was emitted from the Dragon eagle, like a king on the earth!

"Look, there are people on the Dragon eagle's back!"

"There are people on the Dragon eagle's claws! It's like master Ling and city Lord Lin! "Suddenly someone in the crowd yelled, one by one fixed their eyes, and sure enough, they saw people on the Dragon eagle's back and claws.

As soon as the dragon's paws were loosened, eight figures fell from the sky.

As soon as the evil god changed, his hands made a series of palm shadows toward the sky, catching Ling Feng and the city Lord Lin. as for the other six people, they were not so lucky. They fell heavily on the ground, either their feet were broken, or their hands were broken, or they just fell unconscious. The scene was a mess.

"Master Fang, you lost."

The silver purple skirt danced with the wind. The girl sat on the back of the Dragon eagle, and looked at the people below with her black eyes. The arrogant gesture was like a god of compassion.

The delicate and beautiful face is dyed in the light afterglow with a brilliant luster. It is natural in appearance and elegant in style. It looks like a beautiful city and goes into painting like a Prajna.

At this moment, it seems that the sunset in the sky has faded down, and there is only the girl riding the Dragon eagle.

It was clear and pleasant to the ear, like a trickle of water like sound slowly falling from the sky, like a sharp sword, stabbing the founder's chest. In an instant, his face turned white and his eyes were full of shock.

He lost?

No way!

Fang also flashed a glimmer of amazement in her eyes. There was such a gorgeous woman in the world! She had been very confident in her appearance, but at this moment, she knew what it meant to be humble. Her face is full of jealousy. Why is she so gorgeous!

Mu Qianyue moved and swept down from the Dragon Court's back. Yehanqing and another member of Fengyue Pavilion also flew down. The member of Fengyue Pavilion slipped and almost fell down, but his face still had uncontrollable excitement. It was so exciting! He actually took a flying mount!

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