
Night cold Qing just drank the tea in his mouth and couldn't help but spray it out, sprinkling all over the table, causing little boy's disgust.

"Cough, cough I'm sorry, I was rude. " Night cold Qing side acutely cough, say at the same time, almost choked to death, have wood to have!

Ah ah, who can tell him that the man in front of him is not the ghost king! The ghost king in his mind should not be like this! How can this belly black? How can you be so shameless? How can you protect your wife like that?

Oh, my God, I'm so jealous!

Tong Xiaoxiao is also very speechless looking at Nalan Jing, is there such a show of love?

Mu Rufeng's face is light and seems to have been used to it.

"Hee hee." Mu Qianyue covers her lips and smiles.

The next few items are relatively common, did not arouse Mu shallow moon and other people's interest.

"Today's last auction is a fragmentary map. Although it is only one sixth of it, it contains a sense of desolation and desolation. After identification, this map is at least 10000 years old." Purple Frost's voice slowly sounded in the auction hall, floating into the ears of all, immediately caused an uproar, shock.

Ten thousand years? What does that mean? It means that this map is probably inherited from ancient times!

It is said that in the ancient times, the land of tianwu experienced earth shaking upheaval. In one night, mountains and rivers collapsed and rivers flowed backward, causing countless deaths and injuries. In a flash, the sea changed into mulberry fields! And the ancient times of those strong people, one to night disappeared, do not know is to go to another place, or fall.

In short, the trace is hard to find!

For countless years, both the literati and the martial arts have been searching for the mystery and trying to solve the secret. Unfortunately, no one has got the exact answer. Some say it's the war between gods and demons, some say it's the way of heaven, and some say that space can't support too many lives

And this map may contain the secrets of ancient times!

It may have the inheritance of a great God, countless natural materials, earth treasures, all kinds of panacea, or artifact, skill, martial arts, etc.

In short, there are thousands of possibilities!

If they can get these achievements, they can at least become martial followers!

The master of martial arts is the most powerful one in the land of tianwu! There are only a few people in tianwu, no more than three people!

"Because the map was too expensive, it wasn't on the auction floor. We'll give it to the last buyer in private. I believe that many people are here because of this map. The starting price of this map is 10 million, and the price increase should not be less than 1 million each time. " Seeing the shock in people's eyes, purple soul said with a smile.

The audience was quiet, and no one asked for a price, because they knew their ability. They had no money and no potential. Even if they bought this map by chance, they would only bring themselves to death, because the attraction of the map is too great!

"Uncle, it's another map!" Pang Bizhu said excitedly.

"Well, it's a pity that our Pang family's map was robbed by a man in black just after we got it!" Pang Jianchun said angrily.

"Don't let me meet him, or I will tear him apart!" Pang Bizhu hated gnashing her teeth. Otherwise, with this map on the auction floor, his Pang family would have two maps, which would greatly increase the probability of finding this ancient land.

"20 million." Pang Jianchun thought about it and asked for a price.

"Thirty million." There was an old voice in another box.

"40 million." Another box man began.

In short, in addition to the box mu Qianyue, the rest of the box are open to bid.

Mu Qianyue's eyes are a little hot looking at the auction table, the land of ancient times!

"Shallow moon, can you show me a map that you robbed from the hands of skythief?" The little voice of the child suddenly rang out, and mu Qianyue came back to her senses. Then she remembered what happened in Qingyuan in the south of the desert. She robbed the flying robber at that time, as if she had robbed a map from the hand of the robber.

However, she thought it was useless, so she threw it into the space of Tongtian tower.

"Sure enough, it's the same map I got." The little and beautiful apricot eyes of children show a look that is expected.

Seeing mu Qianyue, nalanjing and yehanqing casting puzzled eyes, she nodded, "yes, these two are maps of ancient places."

Smell speech, Mu shallow month eyeground flash a touch of surprise, "my luck is so good? Grab a map of the ancient land at random? "

A cold light flashed in his little eyes, and his mouth gently pursed a cold radian. "Before, when I was training alone outside, I overheard that Pang family had got a map of ancient land, so I went to Pang's house and stole this map. However, I only told Rufeng my whereabouts, but in the desert south Qingyuan suffered the attack of the flying thief. Fortunately, I met you at that time, otherwise I would have been a ghost under the knife. "

"After returning to desert south city, I tracked down the matter secretly, only to find a spy in Fengyue Pavilion, which was arranged by Fang. Maybe she couldn't see me staying by Rufeng's side, so she contacted the people of Feitian to rob me. As for the map, I only left a message in my letter saying to get a map, so Fang did not know the secret of the map at that time. Although Fang also does not know, but the flying thief certainly knows"So it's possible that Skylark gave us this map on purpose?" Mu Qianyue's eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of dangerous cold light flashed across his eyes.

It seems that for a long time no one dares to calculate himself like this!

"Well, very likely. After all, the strength of skythieves is not so strong. Even if they get the map, they may not be able to find ancient places, and they are likely to die. " The little boy frowned and continued.

"Ah, I didn't expect that a group of robbers had a lot of brains!" Night Han Qing's face showed a surprised color, as expected, the river and lake are dangerous, people can not defend, ah, was taught a lesson.

Fierce competition is still in progress, has risen to 500 million, is still crazy.

"One billion." Among them, there was a voice called Pai, which was very familiar. It was just before that there was a contradictory evil sky. Unexpectedly, he was also here.

Mu Qianyue originally wanted to bid, but he didn't change the sound line deliberately when he was bidding with Pang Bizhu, so he must have recognized himself. If he shot the land of ancient times, it would be like pushing Fengyue pavilion to the top of the storm.

There are six maps of ancient land, one for myself and one for elder brother. Besides the one on the auction table, there are three maps. I don't know where they are! But whoever got one of the maps couldn't find the ancient land.

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