"Your elder brother's green dragon blood has already been activated. Otherwise, he would not have reached the level of nine level Wang Wu at the age of 19. If you look at the whole land of tianwu, you can't find a second one." It seems to see mu Qianyue's mind, Nalan Jing laughs.

"Who says you can't find the second one, aren't you the first?" This guy's talent is more abnormal than big brother's! It's absolutely unprecedented. There's no one coming after!

"However, the energy in this dragon spirit is huge. You can leave half of it to elder brother. After refining and absorbing the spirit of dragon spirit, the purity of elder brother's blood can be improved, which is also a good thing for him." Nalanjing's voice turned and said.

"Good! I'm going to call big brother now Mu shallow month heart a joy, just take advantage of this time and big brother together closed.

"Well, go ahead. I'll watch the maple moon Pavilion." Nalanjing held her small face and printed a kiss on her forehead. Her voice was so sweet that she could almost drown.

Mu Qianyue excitedly finds mu Rufeng and tells the story of the dragon spirit.

Hearing this, mu Rufeng's face shows joy. With the power of the dragon spirit, I believe that he will soon break through the barrier of the Ninth level king warrior and become the emperor warrior in one fell swoop!

Inside, mu Qianyue and mu Rufeng sit cross legged.

Mu Qianyue's consciousness entered the space of Tongtian tower, while mu Rufeng's consciousness also entered into the space of Tongtian tower with the help of Tianshuo. The strong and fresh vitality came to his face, bringing a comfortable feeling.

This is the first time mu Rufeng has entered the space of Tongtian tower. Although he is curious, his face does not show too much emotion. Especially when he sees the sky shining, his eyes only flash a touch of surprise, and then vanishes like a spray.

"Well, I'm quite calm. I don't look like a country bumpkin when a woman comes in for the first time." Tian Shuo's hands around his chest, eyebrows light pick, long blue hair hanging in his shoulder side, beautiful with a trace of earthly breath, ethereal.

Mu shallow month facial expression decisively one black, Huo Huo grinds a tooth, "if you want to get the board, I don't mind giving you a meal."

"Don't..." Think of the first time by her spanking situation, day Shuo face a stiff expression, the corners of the mouth twitch.

Mu Xiaoyue snorts and takes out the robbed Najie. The space inside is about the size of a room, and there is only a box made of white jade.

When the idea moved, he took out the white jade box and opened it. Suddenly, an extremely majestic energy rushed out from the inside, and instantly filled the whole tower, followed by a loud and clear dragon song, which was earth shaking and deafening.


Strong wind surging, the real element force in the air is raging, it seems to break through the shackles of this space!

The high sounding dragon chant, with the power and domineering contempt of human beings, attacked the volume! As if through time and space, with a trace of ancient desolation and depth! Mu Qianyue immediately felt an unprecedented pressure, and her expression could not help becoming solemn and dignified. Under this momentum, she seemed to see her own tiny, like a duckweed between heaven and earth.

In the white jade box, there is a red crystal stone about the size of a fist. In the crystal clear red crystal stone, you can see a black dragon plate lying in it.

Thinking of finally being able to excite Qinglong's blood, mu Qianyue's mood can't help but get excited. She hasn't fully activated the green dragon's blood. Now her training speed is not slow. If she is completely excited, I don't know how fast she will be?

"Ha ha, the dragon spirit is just made for you. It seems that the Pang family has given you a great gift." One side of the day Shuo said with a smile.

"Well, we'll be cheap." Mu shallow moon nods to smile a way.

"It seems that this dragon spirit should be from the dragon family of the black abyss. Although it is not the descendant of the ancient dragon, it is enough to activate your blood." Tian Shuo slightly frowned eyebrows gently unfolded.

"The dragon clan in the dark abyss?" I admire the moon and frown.

Mu Rufeng's eyes also show the color of doubt.

"When you get to a certain level of strength, you will know." Tian Shuo did not go on.

Mu shallow moon simply also no longer asked, but convergence of mind, ready to start refining.

Tian Shuo suddenly said, "this activation of Qinglong blood vessels is also a great opportunity to enhance your strength. You will take the blood Bodhi and jade lotion out, and use these two kinds of best medicine to help you fly to the sky."

in the mind of the moon, he remembered a long flash of blood and jade lotion. According to Tian Shuo,

and his elder brother each took a blood Bodhi and a drop of jade emulsion.

All of a sudden, a stream of pure capacity exploded in the body, magnificent and incomparable, but not violent, but with a trace of gentleness.

The nine dragon soul swallowing formula in the body automatically runs, and the dragon soul spirit in the jade box automatically floats up and floats in front of Mu Qianyue's body. A trace of red energy is separated from the dragon soul spirit and flows into mu Qianyue's body.

As the power of the Dragon Spirit enters her body, mu Qianyue feels that her body's true power seems to be boiling up. Her violent and violent breath is pounding in her muscles and veins. Bursts of unspeakable pain come from her, which makes her face pale.The energy of the blood Bodhi and the jade emulsion has surged towards the breath of dragon soul and soul, and the two forces have scramble for each other, and the veins and bones in the body have been destroyed.

Mu Qianyue quickly sank down and ran the Jiulong soul swallowing formula. After a long time, the energy of the dragon soul spirit was finally fully refined and entered the elixir field along the veins. Next, mu Qianyue did the same thing, and still used this method to refine it.

With the energy swimming in the body's muscles and veins, after refining the muscles, bones and cells, the blood begins to be condensed to remove impurities, toxins and residues in the blood

Gradually, every drop of blood has become pure, clean and transparent red, like red glass.

Slowly, the blood began to boil, like boiling water, rolling more and more intense, hidden in the depths of the body of the blue dragon blood at this moment was pulled up, began to explode!

Green dragon blood, king in the world!

Followed by a majestic, vast, ethereal, desolate breath from the body burst out, as if the king came!

Blood red blood from her skin slowly penetrated out, gradually, her purple dress was almost dyed blood red, even her long black hair also turned blood red

Curled eyelashes flutter gently, closed eyes suddenly open, in the past that can be as bright as stars in this moment, also turned into a frightening red!

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