A line of figures, like crucian carp across the river, toward the south of the desert.

"Let's go, too." Mu RUFENG Road, body movement, quickly swept past. Mu Qianyue, nalanjing, Tong Xiaoxiao and ye Hanqing, as well as the elite members of Fengyue Pavilion, also followed.

As the crowd rushed into the aperture, a series of screams suddenly sounded.

"My God! This is an endless swamp

"How can this happen? Haven't the ancient land appeared? Why is this an endless swamp! "

"Isn't the endless swamp at the end of the sky?"

"My God! Is the ancient land at the end of the sky

"Ah! help! Help... "

Some people just came in and accidentally fell into the mud, and suddenly they were trapped in it. The more they struggled, the more serious they got. In a moment, they were drowned in the mud on their heads. It was just a matter of breathing.

Some people stepped on the seemingly flat grass and suddenly fell into it. In a flash, they were swallowed up. Among the tens of thousands of people who rushed in, dozens of people died immediately, all of whom were not weak warriors.

When they saw this situation, they all stared in horror. Some of them stood still and did not dare to walk around at will, for fear that they would lose their lives when they stepped into the swamp trap. Some people used their swords to explore the real and the virtual in front of them every step they took

After mu Qianyue and nalanjing came in, they saw such a situation. The scene was in chaos. Several people fell on the ground lightly and did not dare to exert too much force.

"An endless swamp?" Night cold Qing's eyes show the color of fear.

Endless swamp, quiet is plain, anger is devouring all things, has a very terrible adsorption capacity.

Mu shallow month eyebrows show a trace of dignified, "everybody be careful."

Little boy nodded, her eyebrows frowned, and she clenched the sword in her hand.

"Ah All of a sudden, there was a scream from night Hanqing. Mu Xiaoyue looked over and saw that he fell into the mud bath. There was an elite disciple of Fengyue Pavilion who was constantly pulling his legs. It was obvious that the man had brought yehanqing down when he fell down.

Mu Rufeng's face changed, and quickly flew over, pulling out the night cold Qing and the member of the maple moon Pavilion.

"Ah ah..." Around the sound of screams, I saw a huge crocodile's head drilled out of the originally calm swamp and bit a big man's lower body. He was bitten off by the waist, and the whole body below the waist was swallowed by the crocodile in his mouth.

The rest of the upper half was crawling on the ground, the expression of pain and fear screamed, the blood gushed like a fountain, and instantly dyed the potholes of the grass.

This scene of bloody and violent, suddenly scared people pale, running around.



A series of roars came out from the ground, accompanied by the sound of "rustling" and "hissing", which sounded like a symphony of hell in people's ears.

The ground vibrated violently, and the mud splashed everywhere. Huge figures came out from under the ground, and the stench came on his face and rushed down to the crowd in an instant.

The adult crocodile is seven or eight meters long. Its sharp teeth are more terrible than the shining dagger. There are rows of sharp barbs on its back. Obviously, these crocodiles are not ordinary crocodiles. They are extremely aggressive.

One by one, bright green boa constrictors also emerged from the ground. They were as thick as tree trunks and more than ten meters long. They were spitting out crimson snake letters. The eyes of the upside down triangle snakes were twinkling with sinister light. They suddenly stood up and flew towards the crowd.

A huge thunder lizard also emerged and rushed towards the crowd in all directions.

"Not good!"

"It's the herd!"

"Let's run

Crocodile, boa constrictor and thunder lizard are all Warcraft animals growing in the endless swamp. The muddy water is not hindered for them. On the contrary, they swim freely and freely. However, it is like a huge disaster for human beings.

We should not only avoid their attacks, but also be careful not to fall into the swamp trap.

Black and green, tens of thousands of them!

"Woo! I don't want to go to the ancient land! "

"Help! I don't want to die! "

"I don't want to go to the ancient land, I don't want to die here!"

The scene was chaotic and miserable.

More than half of the tens of thousands of people who rushed in were killed and wounded immediately. The rest of them ran towards the periphery of the endless swamp with crying and crying. Their strength was not so good, but they just wanted to get into the ancient land to get some benefits.

In comparison, nature is more important than life.

With the departure of these people, the number suddenly shrank to less than 500.

Compared with the desolation of other places, Fengyue Pavilion is much quieter. There are nalanjing and mu Rufeng, the two emperor martial masters, and the strength of muqianyue's Ninth level king warrior. They can always kill those Warcraft quickly when they don't attack.It seems that there is no end to the killing of these beasts.

"Big brother, let them go out too." Mu Qianyue's eyes fall on more than a dozen members of Fengyue Pavilion. Their strength is basically around those who respect martial arts. They can't help at all here. Instead, they will bury their lives here.

Although the temptation of the ancient land is great, but at least it needs the life to enter.

These ten members of Fengyue pavilion are all elites. They are good at martial arts and have great courage. But now, in the endless swamp, one by one, their faces turn white and their legs tremble. Because such a scene is really terrible, bloody and cruel! They come to die, their strength in the eyes of these Warcraft, there is no threat at all!

"Yes." If you look up, you don't agree with me. If you don't agree with me, it's not better for them to see you

Thinking of the key, more than a dozen members of Fengyue Pavilion showed a look of shame. When they were selected by the pavilion master to enter the ancient land, they were excited and even proud of it. They thought they could take this opportunity to broaden their horizons, but they did not expect to see such a scene, which was like hell on earth.

"I'm not going to leave! I'll stay and help you! " One of the members of Fengyue Pavilion suddenly raised his head and said firmly on his face.

As his voice fell, another firm voice followed, "I'm not going! Please let me stay and help you

"We are willing to live and die together with the cabinet master!"

They think about their lives, how can they abandon the cabinet master?

"My words are orders. No one is allowed to stay." Mu Rufeng's eyes were cold, and their eyes swept over their faces. They were moved in their hearts. They could see the feelings of a person most at the critical moment of life and death.

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