"Blood talent open, pull out mountains and rivers Then mu Rufeng burst into a fury, and his breath rose abruptly. In an instant, he changed from a second-class emperor warrior to a fourth-class emperor warrior. His long black hair turned to blood red, and even his black pupil turned into cold red. What's more, he grew dense red dragon scales on his body!

The fingers with distinct knuckles clenched into a fist. Zhenyuanli surged and crackled on his fist. His body moved and rushed to the dark demon wolf king. At the same time, his fist was pounded down at it with the momentum of being a bully!

Above the sky, a huge fist shadow appeared, like a huge mountain, and suddenly pressed down!

At this moment, all of them were astonished and their eyes widened. The four teenagers were too frightening! When I was a young emperor, even the explosive force was so strong!

Pang Bizhu's face "Shua" became ferocious and ugly. She thought mu Qianyue was dead. She didn't expect that four men would rush out to save her! And save her in spite of the danger of her life!

People's eyes are also showing the color of admiration, mu Qianyue's popularity is really good, can get four peerless talents to save each other, I don't know how many years to cultivate this blessing!

Yunshang looks at nalanye's desperate figure. His eyes are slightly dim. Recently, he shows a cool and leisurely look. He thinks he has forgotten her. However, when he sees her in danger, he still rushes out regardless of everything

Is her position in his heart so unshakable? No matter what you do, can't it be replaced?

The elder Yun Zong couldn't help sighing, "fate, robbery Ah... "


The next moment, the attack of the dark demon wolf king bumped into the sword of nalanjing, sending out a huge sound, and the whole sky seemed to shake up. The mighty and incomparable strength rushed around like a hurricane, raging in the sky!

Nalanjing's face turned white, and his body flew backward. He drew a trace like a water wave in the air. He pulled back several tens of meters before he could stabilize his body. He felt the sweetness of his throat and the blood gushed up. His throat rolled and swallowed it again.

"Scenery!" Mu shallow moon body movement, swept to his side.

Because the dark demon wolf king was trapped, the space confinement suppressed on him was released at this moment. After he was free, he also rushed into the battle circle and launched an attack on the dark demon wolf king.

At the same time, the attack of Huoxi, nalanye and mu Rufeng falls on the wolf king of the dark devil!

The dark demon wolf king's eyes were filled with endless anger. After the move was made, it had no time to stop. At this time, facing the attack of Huoxi, nalanye and mu Rufeng, he could only summon a layer of energy to protect his body.

Three terrible attacks hit the energy shield in front of it, just listen to


A crackle!

Under this terrible and ferocious attack, the energy shield turned into thousands of pieces. The dark demon wolf king's body was sluggish, and his body was cut out two times by the sword. The blood overflowed wildly, and mu Rufeng's fist was pounded on its head, making it dizzy for a short time.

Although these attacks are not fatal, they seriously damage its dignity as a spiritual respect! It has been seriously challenged!

"You despicable human beings, I will crush you!"

Just as its voice just fell, a figure in the sky fell from above. The man wore a dark blue robe, like riding on the moon in the wind, and the bright moon behind him instantly seemed to be his foil.

The man's body is natural and unrestrained like the wind, flexible and elegant.

I saw him holding a sword, the tip of the sword in the air out of a row of sword flowers, dazzling.

Under the light of the sword, the white sword light condensed into a white dragon shadow!

The white dragon shadow screams and pours down on the wolf king of the dark devil!

Feeling the threat, the dark demon wolf king quickly raised his head with a touch of horror in his eyes, and quickly hid behind him. However, the white dragon shadow seemed to have long eyes and continued to pounce on it. Helpless, the dark demon wolf king had to fight back and move his body, and the two wolf claws grabbed him in front of him.


It's another thundering sound!

White dragon shadow into the sky, the stars scattered, such as the flying firelight.

But the dark demon wolf king's body was hit and rolled behind him for nearly ten meters before he could stop. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"You human beings will only sneak attack, will only cheat the less with more!" The dark demon wolf king roared. His red eyes looked at the dark blue figure floating down from above.

"Master!" Looking at the sudden appearance of the figure in front of her, mu Qianyue's eyes were filled with excitement. She thought that master would always be immersed in the sadness of losing her lover. She did not expect that master would come here.

"Good disciple." Oriental Ao Junlang's face showed a smile.

"Eh Master, why did you grow a beard after two months' absence? " Mu Qianyue said."No way. There are too many peach blossoms."

Mu Xiaoyue couldn't help laughing. Although her master had a beard, she was more masculine. She was handsome with a trace of mature charm.

In the eyes of yunzong, zihun hall and phantom Pavilion, the color of horror is revealed.

"That's Dongfang Ao! It has reached the level of the Ninth level emperor warrior! "

"What? Nine rank emperor warrior! Isn't that only one step away from the master of martial arts? "

"My God! Nine rank emperor warrior! Mu is his apprentice

All kinds of admiration and exclamation sound around. At this moment, people dare not look down on the new rising force of Fengyue Pavilion. Damn it, it is too powerful! There are two emperor martial artists, one of them is a nine level king warrior, whose explosive power is comparable to that of the second level emperor warrior, and there is also a ninth level emperor warrior's Dongfang Ao ao as the backstage. Who can afford it?

This lineup can be said to be powerful and incomparable!

Pang Jianchun's eyes showed a look of horror. There were so many strong men around mu Qianyue, and there was a master of a nine level emperor warrior. It was impossible to revenge! Feng Yue GE's strength is enough to compare with his Pang family. Even his Pang family is just a warrior! As for the other Emperor Wu, in fact, it was sent by an adult, disguised as a member of her Pang family, and entered the ancient land together.

Pang Bizhu's anger and jealousy in her eyes are like boiling lava. She wants to gush out. Dongfang Ao is her master!

"Master Dongfang, let's help you deal with this evil animal together!" The elder yunzong moved and fell beside Dongfang Ao.

East Ao smell speech lazy lifted eyes, disdain to hum, "don't say what to help me, don't you want to enter the ancient land?" It's really nice to say. Do you want to take advantage of yourself without any reason? I think so!

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