He decided to give his life to her, and he decided to tie himself with her. She lived, he lived, she died, she died!

Chu Tiange's body shape was in a flash and turned into a human shape. His gorgeous golden hair was flying in the night. He could see his fingers pinching the formula, and his cold voice was spitting out from his lips and petals.

"Blood talent open, fusion!"

As his last word fell, his gorgeous golden hair turned silver white, and even his golden eyes became silver like the moon, bewitching and intoxicating.

A group of brilliant white light flashed by, Chu Tiange suddenly disappeared from its original place, turned into a white light and penetrated into mu Qianyue's body. Mu Qianyue's momentum rose again and again, and the martial arts master stopped until he was promoted to the middle level!

The boundless, majestic and majestic momentum is rampant in this world and is extremely violent.

Blood red pupil in the surging cold murderous air, frightening cold, majestic power into the body, and then instilled into the hands of the dragon sword.

The silver bright and sharp sword, because it carries too much power, even slightly bends and trembles. It seems that it will break at any time!

"The shadow of the blood moon!"

On the ninth day, the crescent moon turned blood red. A light column was sprinkled from the bright moon and sprinkled on the dragon sword through the clouds. The terrible force storm converged on the sword tip!

On the tip of the sword, you can swim with silver electricity, just like a dragon!

The dark demon wolf king felt a strong threat to his life. He roared and dashed in the sky. However, he was held back by Dongfang AO and others, and all the retreats were blocked.

Originally, these middle-level and low-level imperial warriors could not pose any threat to it. However, the arrival of Dongfang Ao Ao had a certain constraint on its strength.

"Blood talent open!" Nalanjing kneaded the formula with both hands, and an ancient momentum and prestige came out from him. His long black hair instantly turned into gorgeous red gold, the moon white robe also turned into gold armor, and the purple eyes turned into a frightening golden pupil at this moment!

"Space lock!"

"Blood pressure!"

Nalanjing's breath instantly rose to the martial master, followed by a breath locked in the dark demon wolf king. The dark devil wolf king was shocked to find that he could not move!

The other side is just a member of the martial arts group who only achieves through secret arts. He can't be his opponent at all. His space locking is even more impossible to lock himself! However, the fact is in front of us, but we can't help believing it!

Blood pressure!

Yes! It must be blood pressure!

The dark wolf king clearly felt himself in the other side's blood pressure, trembling ~ shaking.

In fact, it is not only the wolf king of the dark devil, but all people have an impulse to prostrate and worship at this moment! Below the original fighting herd actually creeping on the ground, kneeling to worship, extremely devout!

Even Chu Tiange, Huoxi, nalanye and others are trembling under the pressure of this blood!

The eyelids of Dongfang Ao couldn't help shaking, and his eyes flashed with fright. He looked up at the man who looked like the God of war of gold. What kind of blood did he have? It's so changeable! Ten thousand animals submit! Even human beings can't help shaking!

The apprentice is a change state, and his elder brother is also a change state. His friend is still in a state of change. His pet animal is still in a state of change. Even his husband is a changed state!


Did he fall into the state nest?!

East proud mouth corner cannot help but a violent convulsion.

Mu Xiaoyue looks at nalanjing beside her in surprise, and her eyes flash with a touch of astonishment and gorgeous color. This is the first time that she saw him display his blood talent. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be golden hair, just like his golden soul!

His golden hair dances wildly, and his golden pupil is as sharp as a knife. His tall and slender figure is set off by gold armor, just like the ancient god of war! King in heaven and earth!

At this moment, Tian Shuo felt a trace of fear in the space of the tower of heaven. His voice was startled and called out: "blood is powerful?! Grass! This guy is not human! Unexpectedly, it is disappeared nearly tens of thousands of years of blood? Yes, it must be the blood of Yanhuang, or there will be no such tyrannical and terrible pressure

The blood of Yanhuang? Mu Qianyue's eyebrows gently congealed. At this time, the strength of the dragon sword in his hand has reached a peak, so it can't be dragged any more!

"Get out of the way Mu shallow moon a light drink, a crescent shaped red sword suddenly toward the dark devil wolf king chopped away.

With this sword, the sword was broken and turned into countless pieces!

Yan long sword is also a high-level spirit weapon. It can't bear such violent power. It's broken!

The East AO and others in the Mu shallow month voice shout out, already quickly retreat.


The wolf king of the dark demon roared, "even if it's death, I'll go back with you."

A huge wing exhibition, body movement, with a unique posture, hard hit Mu shallow moon hit the shadow of blood moon!"Boom..."

The sky and the earth vibrated violently. Large and large mushroom clouds exploded in the sky, and the fierce force spread rapidly around. The sharp wind blade roared and raged in the air!

The crowd had already fled far away.

The dark demon wolf king's this same fate of a collision, quickly narrowed the distance with mu Qianyue, the cold and terrible storm hit her.

Mu Xiaoyue's face changed. It's too late to escape now! The speed of strong wind impact is as fast as a meteor!

Looking at nalanjing beside him, mu Qianyue quickly swept to him and hugged him. He used his body to block the storm and wind blade behind him. He looked up, his eyes were firm and determined, and his voice was not as cold as before, but with shallow tenderness and affection.

"I have Tianchan fire armor on my body, which can block the attack of Zongwu. At this moment, let me protect you."

"Lady, it's better to do something like this for your husband." Nalanjing looks at her tenderly, and her beautiful white lips outline a drunken smile.

The next moment, I saw the endless storm blade engulfed them both

In the wind howling, all kinds of startling shouts, sounded the man's light and quiet voice.

"Lotus grows step by step."

Then there was a quiet world, no longer seeing the red figure of the girl, nor the man who looked like the ancient god of war. In the air, there were endless storms, wind blades and dust, red light and strong wind intertwined together!

"Moon!" Mu Rufeng clenched his fingers and wanted to rush to the storm. Suddenly, the voice of Chu Tiange rang out beside him, "I have signed a life and death contract with her. I am not dead, proving that the master is still alive."

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