Feet on the ground cluck straight sound, broken stone debris tile I do not know how many years and years, in that forgotten memory has long been weathered, disappeared.

Looking at the vast ruins, mu Qianyue's eyes filled with surprise and sighed gently. From the endless ruins of cantan, we can see that it was once very prosperous, but we don't know why it was destroyed and disappeared

"Why? What rune is carved on this pillar Naranjing's eyes were stunned and shocked to see a round white stone pillar in the ruins. It was dozens of Zhang high, which seemed to go straight to the sky.

Mu Qianyue stepped forward, the cold wind blowing her dress, blowing to the round stone pillar, in an instant, the stone pillar turned into powder, flying all over the sky.

The original white stone column seems to be well preserved, but actually it has been weathered.

"Er..." Mu shallow moon god feeling slightly embarrassed.

"They don't know how many years of erosion they've gone through, and they're already rotten." Naranjing road.

The two continued to walk forward. After walking for a moment, they saw a woman's angry cry coming from the ruins in front of them. The voice was very familiar, and her eyebrows were raised slightly. Wasn't it Pang Bizhu's voice? Did she break through the illusion and come here? It seems that I underestimated her.

With her feet lifted gently, Mu Xiaoyue walked towards the other side. Nalanjing walked gracefully and slowly behind her. Her white robe slipped into the ruins, but it was spotless.

"Pang Jianchun, I want all these things. Put them down for me!" Pang Bizhu greedily looked at the two boxes in front of her. One of them contained several gold coins and jewelry. The other box was filled with bottles of pills and high-level animal pills.

She looked at Pang Jianchun with disdain and arrogance in her voice.

Pang Jianchun smelled the speech, his face showed a trace of anger, "I found these things, I also have a share, with what to give you?"

"As the son-in-law of the Pang family, you don't think about the Pang family. Do you still want to take it? I tell you, don't even think about it! My sister-in-law and my grandfather will tell you when you get there Pang Bizhu's eyes were full of threats.

"Ha ha..." Pang Jianchun gave a sneer, his eyes twinkled with cold luster, and a grim smile rose from the corner of his lips. He suddenly forced Pang Bizhu to pass.

Pang Bizhu, seeing his cold and ferocious eyes, could not help getting scared. He retreated and angrily said, "what do you want to do? Pang Jianchun, I tell you, if you dare to kill me, my grandfather and my father will never let you go! "

"Don't worry, I won't kill you." Pang Jianchun's eyes were full of sinister light. He reached out and took Pang Bizhu into his arms. His hands kept touching her and tearing her. The sound of "bang" pressed Pang Bizhu under his body.

Pang Bizhu's head was heavily knocked on the hard stone slab. The pain almost made her faint. She felt dizzy in her head. She didn't respond for a long time. Until her chest was cold, her clothes were torn open and her pink belly bag was revealed, which stimulated Pang Jianchun's eyes.


"Hum! In this ancient land, who would know? Unless you don't want your reputation, if you say it out, you will never get married again Pang Jianchun raised his head and glared at her coldly. He continued to nibble on her.

Pang Bizhu's face turned white, and her body couldn't help shaking. No, she didn't! Don't miss her! In my mind, I can't help but float up that white figure, clear and clear purple eyes, and that amazing face Sobbing, the person she wants to marry is that person!

"Ah ah..."

"Pang Bizhu, you asked for all this! I've endured you for a long time! I'm a man. I'm your uncle. I'm not your servant! "

Just walked to the ruins of Mu shallow moon steps a meal, heard that kind of voice that makes people blush and heartbeat. His face is a little unnatural. He looks up at nalanjing beside him, "it seems that we shouldn't come here."

To her surprise, Pang Jianchun did not let go of Pang Bizhu. Although they were not related by blood, their seniority was still there. It was a mess!

"Yes." Nalanjing whispered, and he didn't intend to go in. The scene inside would pollute his eyes and yue'er's eyes.

"But it looks good. You wait for me here." Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed a touch of cunning, hidden attack body method directly displayed.

I saw the girl's slender figure suddenly disappeared in the air, no waves and no trace. After a few seconds, she suddenly appeared in front of nalanjing, with a smile on her beautiful face. "I've collected everything, and I haven't left them anything."

Although she hated Pang Bizhu very much, she didn't kill her and Pang Jianchun. Instead of killing her, she might as well let her live on and on. I believe her future life will never be so comfortable.

"Lady, let's go." Nalanjing holds mu Qianyue's hand, and they quickly leave here.

At first, Pang Bizhu resisted and struggled. Gradually, after realizing the joy, she began to cooperate with Pang Jianchun. The two people who were immersed in this × × × × * * did not notice that the two boxes of treasures had disappearedIt was not until they were exhausted and fought for a long time that they stopped to find that the two boxes of treasures were missing!

"It's you! You must have hidden the treasure secretly Pang Bizhu was naked, and she didn't even wear any clothes. She was anxious to look for it in the ruins. After a long time, she raised her head and said angrily to Pang Jianchun.

"I was in the party with you just now. How could I steal treasures?" Pang Jianchun said angrily, his face showed anxiety. The things in those two boxes were priceless. They were comparable to Pang's treasure house!

"Why did the treasure suddenly disappear?"

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