Jun Linyuan's white face instantly had five more red finger prints, and a trace of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, which showed how hard the northern emperor slapped!

Up to now, he did not understand why the emperor beat himself!

"Evil! Is it possible for you to humiliate and offend the master of the door Don't think about it!

Master mu? Jun Lin Yuan Leng in situ, obviously still did not understand.

Jun Linyi had already felt a trace of something wrong, so he had not made a sound. It has to be said that he is much smarter than Jun Linyuan and knows how to judge the situation better.

When he heard the emperor of Beiming say the three words of "master Mu", Jun Linyi immediately thought of the woman who had recently become famous on the mainland and shocked the world!

It's her?!

Yes, besides her, who can have such excellent strength at a young age? Who can be so arrogant but her? In addition to her, who can be so Qing Guo Qing Cheng, Yan Qing the world?

"Ha ha, master mu, it was me I don't know Taishan. I've offended a lot. I hope the master of the sect will forgive me and don't get angry. " Beiming emperor immediately changed into a pair of bow and knees to please and flatter the appearance of flattery, the speed of change is so fast that people smash the tongue.

This scene almost makes the civil and military officials in the palace startle their chin. Are they dazzled?

A second ago, the emperor was still angry and wanted to arrest them. How could he change his face the next second and still call him the master of the gate? Even the name of myself has changed. It is no longer me, but me!

It can be seen from this that the emperor put the other side at what height!

Mu shallowly hummed a sound, collected the momentum of the body, the feet gently lifted, and slowly stepped down from the air.

As long as the strength reaches the emperor, he can fly in the air, which is the difference between the emperor and the king.

Seeing mu Qianyue's restrained momentum, the emperor of Beiming's heart finally fell down. To tell the truth, he was really afraid that mu Qianyue would be angry and destroy his Beiming kingdom. With her strength and power, he could definitely do it! Not to mention that she has several imperial warriors, Fengyue Pavilion and Huangqi gate. She can kill them all with her master Dongfang Ao by waving her finger!

What's more, there's a holy doctor?

The strength of the elitists in the inner courtyard of the saint doctor's gate is not very strong, but the elders of the outer courtyard are not vegetarian!

The strength and prestige of the holy doctor even yunzong has to give seven points of face. What's more, he is a small country of Beiming, which is really not enough to see!

He also knew that Mu's momentum and pressure had not been completely suppressed, otherwise, according to his own strength, he would be seriously injured!

Seeing that mu Qianyue didn't pay attention to himself, he naturally knew that she didn't care about himself, so he turned his head and looked at the emperor's way of heaven, trying to make a kind and kind look. "My son, just now my father's tone was a little too extreme. Today is the father's birthday. You certainly don't want to see him sad? My God, my father apologized to you for what happened just now. You must forgive him. My father is also a fool. You are the favorite son of my father all the time. "

Mu shallow month speechless to draw the corner of the mouth, for the northern Ming emperor's thick skinned, also no one, but she did not speak, this is the emperor's business.

Jun Lin Yuan smell words, eyes flash with envy light, the anger in the heart is burning, several want to swallow up his reason! By what king Lin Tian so good life, unexpectedly know Mu shallow moon such strong person! Ah ah His throne is hopeless! No, he absolutely does not allow Jun Lin Tian to take away his own things!

Jun Linyi's slightly drooping eyes quickly flashed a touch of gloom and regret. He knew that at the beginning, when his father was in trouble with mu Qianyue, he would help him. At that time, he would leave a good impression on her. Maybe he could become her friend. In this way, he would help him a lot. Unfortunately, it's too late!

This moment Jun Linyi heart is incomparable regret, however, there is no regret medicine in the world.

"You will still be sent to the mainland, and I will not keep my birthday King Lin day light said, and then turned to leave, this moment no one dares to block the road, unless do not want to live.

"Father, I'm gone too. I want to find my own happiness. I won't listen to your arrangement to marry Nanyue emperor." Think of that man with red clothes and evil charm, Jun Mengyu's heart can not help but surge up a tenderness.

Since her transformation, like a changed person, she has an unparalleled face and noble and refined temperament. There are countless Wang and grandchildren who come to propose marriage, but she always has the red figure in her heart.

His appearance is like a stone, casting a ripple in her calm and dead heart lake, which makes her feel the sound of heartbeat and her own breath, so that she can understand that she is not a walking corpse!

Her father even wanted to marry Nanyue to satisfy his selfishness. This time, she would never listen to his arrangement again!

The emperor's body was stiff, as if he had heard something unbelievable. His face, which had been wrinkled, seemed to be getting older in an instant. Looking at Jun Lin Tian and Jun Mengyu's decision to leave, he suddenly felt empty in his heart, as if something precious had been lost at this momentJunlinyuan and junlinyi saw that junlintian and junmengyu had left, and their eyes flashed with surprise, and then they showed a color of excitement and joy. Ha ha, they were still worried about how to store him, so it would be better for them to do something about it. Anyway, he didn't want it. It's useless to regret it in the future!

Beiming emperor turned his head and saw the naked joy on Jun Linyuan's face and the cold flash of Jun Linyi's eyes. At that moment, he could not help but show disappointment on his face. At this moment, he realized that Tian'er and yu'er were the people who really cared about themselves, but he himself drove them both away!

Regret! Never regret!

However, it is too late to regret!

Can only watch them drift away, finally turned into a black spot, disappeared in the line of sight.

Outside the palace, four people walk on the street. Jun Lintian and Jun Mengyu feel more relaxed than ever before. At the moment of making a choice, although they feel some sadness and sorrow, they are far away from the conspiracy and treacherous struggle. They are in a relaxed mood.

"Shallow moon, thank you for not hitting my father just now." In spite of the fact that the man was always his father, although he hated his mother's death by the queen, he knew clearly that his mother had been wronged, but he was indifferent.

But I still don't want him to die.

Because he is in addition to his sister, is his only family in the world.

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