When the two men saw the elder, their faces were beaming with joy, and they quickly complained about the evil deeds of Mu Qianyue. How unreasonable and arrogant they were

The fat elder's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes looked up and down at mu Qianyue, nalanjing and Mu Xueling, and a touch of essence flashed through his eyes.

"I believe that my disciples in the hall of beheading love will not tell lies. You must be so arrogant and arrogant that they will not inform them. Now you've beaten my disciples in the hall of love. Do you still want to see elder Zhan? Dream

"What do you want?" Mu shallow month sneers a way, this fat elder is clear and that two people that watch a door is a group.

"To compensate for the loss, the reputation of my beheading hall is inviolable!" The fat elder raised his chin haughtily.

"What if I don't?" Mu light moon face a cold, delicate and beautiful small face flash across a cold.

"Then you don't want to go out of the mountain of love today!" The fat elder snorted coldly.

At this time, a slightly old man with a dignified voice sounded, "you are really a great prestige ah! When will it be your turn to make the decision in the hall of cutting off feelings? "

Zhan Pengfei came over with a gloomy face, followed by several disciples.

Seeing Zhan Peng flying, the fat elder's face was startled. He covered his eyes with confusion, and quickly pointed to Mu Qianyue, nalanjing and Mu Xueling. "The three of them want to break into my beheading hall. They don't pay attention to our beheading hall. I'm here to protect the dignity of our beheading hall!"

He is just an elder in the outer courtyard, and his status is naturally much worse than that of the elder in the inner courtyard. Therefore, when facing Zhan Pengfei, he has to bow his head.

Unexpectedly, Zhan Peng flew over and slapped him in the face, and angrily rebuked him, "if you don't have eyes, you can offend the master of mu? What's more, someone has reported to me what happened just now. It seems that some people deliberately create difficulties, and stop them from entering. What's more, they want benefits? okay? I don't know when we will have such a rule in the hall of beheading love! "

Being swept by Zhan Pengfei's eyes, those two people trembled with fear and lowered their heads with guilty heart, "no, no

As for the fat elder, he was unconvinced, "I arranged for them to do this! I am the law enforcement elder of the outer court. I have the right to do so! What's more, we need economic support for the development of the hall of love. Why should I do this wrong? I am in order to cut off the development of the hall of love! "

"Bah! Don't talk to me about it! Do you think I'm a fool? These are just your excuses for filling your own pockets! Take a look at your head full of fat intestines, which has a trace of being an elder! From today on, you will be removed from the behemoth hall, and you will no longer be the elder of my behemoth hall! " Zhan Peng flies in a cold voice.

For the sake of his contribution to the hall of decapitation, in the past, he had to turn a blind eye to it. Now he is really more and more lawless!

"No! You can't kill me! You're not qualified for that! " The fat elder's face showed a look of panic and roared.

"Not qualified? Hum! You can see if I have that qualification! " Zhan Pengfei, with a cold face, turned his head and looked at mu Qianyue. He knelt with his hands and said with a smile, "master mu, I'm really sorry to make you laugh. I hope you can forgive me for what happened just now. Don't blame him."

"Elder Zhan's words are heavy." Mu Qianyue said lightly that she still had a good impression on Zhan Pengfei. She was a modest and casual elder without any airs and any strange thoughts.

when people saw Zhan Pengfei's respectful salutation to Mu Qianyue, they all stared at him in surprise. Who is this girl? How can you let the proud elder down? And there was a hint of flattery in that smile

Although mu Qianyue was famous in the ancient land and yunzong, there were many people who didn't know her. They just heard the name and didn't see a real person.

In the ancient land and sectarian competitions, not everyone can go, so it's normal that I haven't seen mu Qianyue.

"Zhanpengfei, you did this to me for the sake of an outsider?! Hum, you have no right to abolish me! I am the elder of the law enforcement court. No one but the Lord of the temple has the right to abolish me! " The fat elder said angrily that he was expelled from the hall of decapitation. This means that he will never be able to enter the hall of decapitation in the future. Even to other families and sects, it is difficult to enter and be abolished. It means that there is a stain in his life. Which clan would like to have a tainted person as an elder?

At the same time, it also means that his good days are coming to an end! He would not!

At present, the development trend of the hall of decapitation is very good. Moreover, in the law enforcement academy, there is a lot of oil and water. In order to avoid punishment, many students who make mistakes often bribe him. This is a very rich position. If not, how could he be so fat?

If it is abolished by the beheading hall, he is like being driven into the abyss from the cloud! Whether it is status, clothing, food, housing and transportation, or pills, cultivation resources, they are all gone!

He's not reconciled to it!!

Zhanpengfei smelled the speech, his face was cold, his eyes were filled with cold light, "I have no right to abolish you? Oh Just rely on the corruption and bribery that you have done these years, it is enough for you to be imprisoned in siguoya for life! To drive you out of the temple, it is a matter of light! If it wasn't for your contribution to the hall of decapitation, I would have thrown you to Siguo cliffIn the past, the fat elder's figure did not get out of shape. At that time, he was conscientious and devoted himself to the development of the hall of love. However, in recent decades, his practice has become more and more chilling!

Thinking of Siguo cliff, the fat elder's face turns pale. It's a very terrible place. People who enter Siguo cliff are usually hard to release again. They will be locked in forever until they die of old age!

No! He won't!!

Fat elder's eyes flashed unwilling color, but he knew that if he continued to stay, I'm afraid he would be punished by the temple master into Siguo cliff! He thought again and again, his face cold, disdain of cold hum, indignant to shake the sleeve to leave!

"Wait a minute." Suddenly Zhan Peng flew out and called out.

The fat elder stopped walking, and his eyes flashed with joy. But when he looked at Zhan Pengfei, he still pretended to be arrogant, "what's the matter?"

He must have regretted and wanted to stay!

Hum! If he didn't kneel down to beg for himself, he would never stay! The fat elder thought with hatred in his heart, who made him lose face in front of the public?

"Keep your space." Zhan Pengfei looked at him coldly.

"What?" The fat elder exclaimed, why didn't the ear hear the picture that he begged to stay!

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