Nalanjing stepped forward slowly, picked up muxueling, went to the bedside, let her sleep in front of.

A family of three was lying in bed, a scene of joy.

Mu Qianyue and nalanjing are teasing Mu Xueling together. The house is full of laughter.

"Mom, Dad, Xiao Ling feels so happy. She feels that she is the happiest person in the world." Mu Xueling nest in Mu Qianyue's arms, big black eyes look at two people, which is full of happiness and sweet taste.

"Your happiness will go on forever." Said the moon, softly stroking her hair.

"Yes! I used to have a bad sleep. When I close my eyes, I would have nightmares. I haven't had a good sleep for a long time. I haven't had a nightmare since I met my mother. " Mu Xueling's face sometimes showed sadness, sometimes showed a look of doubt, and finally, he could not help but show a sweet smile.

"Can you tell Dad what kind of nightmares xiaoling'er used to have?" Na Lan Jing purple eyes flash a touch of doubt.

"It's the old dream that I was chased and killed by a bad woman, and then I seem to be killed by her. Then she dug out my heart. Xiaolingxin is so painful and painful Sobbing Don't dig Xiaoling's heart Wuwu... " Mu Xueling curled up, shivering and crying.

With a pain in her heart, Mu Xiaoyue quickly hugs her in his arms, patting her on the back, and gently coaxes her with a gentle voice. "Xiaoling is good, Xiaoling doesn't cry. There is a mother here, and she won't let anyone hurt you Never... "

Under the consolation of Mu Qianyue, Mu Xueling's mood finally calmed down. Finally, after a long time, Mu Xueling gradually fell asleep, but her face carved with Pink Jade still had wet tears.

Nalanjing's heart also couldn't help a burst of pain. She lifted her hand and gently wiped away the tears on her face. Her purple eyes also slowly sank down, and her eyes were filled with cold light.

Mu Qianyue puts Mu Xueling on the bed, and then sits beside the bed. Her beautiful face is covered with frost. She looks up at nalanjing and says, "maybe what Xiaoling said is not a dream?"

"I think so too. Maybe it's the memory of her previous life, or maybe she was too young when she was killed, so she has no memory. She only remembers the scene of her murder so deeply that when she was buried in the ground, she still can't forget it, thinking it was a nightmare." Nalanjing's eyebrows are getting tighter and tighter. Who is so cruel and cruel to a child? It's really tragic and shocking!

"According to your opinion, Xiaoling is not the spirit of heaven and earth bred by heaven and earth?" Mu shallow moon eyebrow light congeals, eyeground flash doubt.

"She is the spirit of heaven and earth, which is bred by heaven and earth, but it is only formed after birth, not congenital. However, her future achievements will not be small. I once saw in a book that in ancient times, there was a secret law that could absorb the essence and Reiki between heaven and earth, but it must be buried underground, and it was from Yang to Yang. Then, after thousands of years, it could become the spirit of heaven and earth, even if dead people could use this method.

Nalanjing said slowly, "it is said that few people know this kind of secret art, and almost no one will use it, because it is equivalent to changing one's life against heaven. It's just that I wonder who can have such a great power and perform such a secret skill! "

Mu shallow moon's eyes also gradually become dignified, it seems that Xiao Ling's life experience is not simple. At the thought that she had suffered such cruel things at her young age, she felt a pang in her heart, and her eyes became more and more pitiful.

"Madam, since Xiao Ling is our daughter now, I won't let her suffer that kind of harm again. Believe me." Nalanjing held her hand, and her purple eyes were filled with firm light.

Mu shallow moon nods heavily, she also can't!

"Well, lady, it's time for us to go to bed." Nalanjing's sleeve flicks, and a ray of light covers Mu Xueling's body, isolating her.

This time, nalanjing finally got her wish and knocked mu Qianyue down. She would no longer worry about Mu Xueling's sabotage.

Until all kinds of postures came again, nalanjing held mu Qianyue in his arms.

Mu Qianyue's cheeks are slightly red. It's more tiring to do this kind of work than to fight

"Jing, do you feel familiar with such a scene?" Mu Xiaoyue suddenly raised her head in his arms, looked at him and said, and then looked at the sleeping Mu Xueling on one side.

This scene is very familiar, familiar, deja vu feeling, as if it happened a long time ago.

A family of three happily lie on the bed, and then she covers Xiao Ling with a quilt

"I didn't think it was a little familiar when you said that before." Nalanjing's face showed a trace of doubt.

Mu Xiaoyue's face is more and more confused, she wants to capture the picture in her mind, but nothing can be captured. Forget it, don't think about it. Things will come out one day.

One day, she will personally unlock the secret of Xiaoling!


Time goes by slowly.As soon as the invitation of the imperial flag gate was sent out, the whole land of tianwu seemed to explode. Only at this moment did they know that the purple soul hall had perished overnight!

From then on, we will withdraw from the historical stage of tianwu continent!

However, it was the imperial flag gate and the holy doctor gate that destroyed the purple soul hall. Under the leadership of Mu Qianyue, they were destroyed!

It is said that the ancestor of the purple soul hall sneaked into Fengyue Pavilion and Huangqi gate and killed an elder of the imperial flag gate while mu Qianyue had not returned. This completely angered mu Qianyue and killed all the purple soul hall overnight!

Tut Tut, that is the purple soul hall! Even yunzong is not sure to say that the God does not know the ghost, and mu Qianyue secretly takes people to destroy the purple soul hall!

It's amazing!

If it was not for the official establishment of the royal flag gate, they would not have known it until now!

The purple soul hall has a history of more than thousands of years. The reason why it is called purple soul hall is that its founder is said to be born with purple soul. He has extraordinary talent, amazing talent, and mysterious strength, which can make him proud of the whole continent.

What happened later, no one knows, only that the purple soul hall has been passed down, and it is getting bigger and bigger. Later, it has become a big school almost comparable to the cloud clan.

I didn't expect that such a powerful sect would disappear in the long river of history and no longer exist!

The one night death of the purple soul hall, like a hurricane, quickly swept the whole land of tianwu. Almost all restaurants and tea houses are talking about this issue.

When people talk about Mu Qianyue, they all change their looks, envy, fire, worship, and fear. , the fastest update of the webnovel!