"Good!" Nalanjing nodded.

After two days in the Huangqi gate, mu Qianyue and nalanjing left the Huangqi gate with Mu Xueling and Mu Xueying, and prepared to go to the city of death, because one of the places where those rumors are most popular is the city of death.

Thinking that I haven't seen my elder brother for a long time, on the way, mu Qianyue changed her way to Fengyue Pavilion in desert south city. Unfortunately, both elder brother and Xiao are not there. According to a disciple of Fengyue Pavilion, elder brother and Xiaoxiao went out for training a while ago, and have not come back.

I don't know where my elder brother went to experience, so mu Qianyue decided to go to the city of death first.

Taking the Dragon Court, mu Qianyue and his party soon arrived at the foot of the mountain near the city of death. After getting off the mount, a line of four people walked on the winding official road between the mountains. Before long, they saw the tall City, the city of death, standing in front of them.

This is a barren land, but it is an important transportation hub in the whole North. It is also extremely chaotic. Various forces are intertwined. It is a land of fish and dragons in chaos.

Another important reason why this place is called the city of death is that there is a sea of life and death here.

Mu Qianyue, nalanjing and Mu Xueling come to the gate of the city. Because of her silver hair and silver eyes, Mu Xueying can attract onlookers wherever she goes. She hates the eyes of those people, so she turns into a cute little fox and quietly nests in Mu Qianyue's arms.

The three men went to the gate of the city, and they were stopped by the guards. "If you want to enter, you must pay 100 gold coins each."

Mu Xiaoyue raised her eyebrows and looked at the people beside her. She saw that each of them only paid a gold coin and went into the city. Her eyebrows twisted gently, "aren't they all just paying one gold coin?"

"I'll let you hand it in. Don't talk nonsense." I sweep the eyes of the two gatekeepers on mu Qianyue, nalanjing and Mu Xueling. It should be the first time that the three of them have come to the city of death. They are not very old and their strength is not so good. However, their clothes are gorgeous and they want to have a lot of money! Who do they knock without knocking?

"Hum! If you don't, don't go in! Don't blame me for not reminding you. It's getting late now. In a little while, we'll close the city gate. " Another person also said maliciously.

Now it's getting dark. If the three members of the family can't enter the city gate before dark, they will have to stay outside the gate for the night. It's not peaceful here at night. In addition to the presence of Warcraft, there are also gangsters who like to rob money and lust.

Well, before it was dark, these people were waiting outside the city gate.

On the edge of the city wall, there were five or six young men sitting in disorder. One by one, they looked up and looked at the moon and Nalan scenery. Their eyes flashed with greedy and gloomy light. On the other side of the wall, there were also four or five men with strong backs around their chests. They leaned lazily against the wall with a Setaria in their mouth, and their evil eyes swept over the passers-by.

Obviously looking for prey.

Mu Xiaoyue sneered, "originally I wanted to pay a gold coin, but now I don't want to pay a gold coin."

Although she has a lot of money, it does not mean that she is a fool and can be slaughtered as a pig!

Want to pit her money? no way!

"Don't want to pay? If you don't want to cross, go away! Don't blame us if you die One of them angrily said that he wanted to push mu Qianyue by hand, but before his hand touched him, he was swept out by a force and hit the wall behind him. Then he fell on the ground and spat out a lot of blood, and his face turned pale!

The man was lying on the ground struggling and couldn't get up for half a day. Obviously, several bones were broken on his body.

Nalanjing purple eyes contain cold color, dare to touch his wife, do not know how to die!

"Looking for death!" Another man glared at nalanjing. When he saw nalanjing's cold purple eyes, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart. His legs softened. He kept stepping back a few steps, and then he yelled, "come on, someone is making trouble at the gate of the city!"

In a short period of time, a group of soldiers in uniform uniform came up.

When the man saw these people, his face showed joy. He turned his head and looked at mu Qianyue and nalanjing. His eyes were full of ferocity and ferocity, "you are dead! Hum! Even if you take out 300 gold coins now, you will never enter the city of death again

The passers-by in the city stopped to watch. Many people shook their heads and sighed. They looked at mu Qianyue and nalanjing, and their eyes were full of sympathy. Ah, after all, the young couple were still too young to understand how to handle affairs. In such places as the city of death, how dare they challenge the city guards? That doesn't mean you want to die!

Unfortunately, they still have a child with them. I'm afraid the three of them will be in bad luck. Even if they don't die, they will definitely peel off their skin!

However, those people waiting to look for prey on the edge of the city wall all have bright eyes. Their eyes are excited and bleak. They thought they would not find any prey today, but they didn't expect that hunting would be delivered to the door so soon.

I just hope that the people in the city Lord's house don't rob too hard!

Well, it seems that it doesn't matter if the robbery is too fierce. The woman is very beautiful. Even if it is described as "the country is beautiful", it should be able to sell for a lot of money. Besides, the little girl, who grows up to be a beautiful girl, is as beautiful as her mother's mother, and is expected to sell for a good price.Well, there is the man in white. His appearance is also very beautiful. There are many ladies in the city who like to keep men's pets. This can definitely sell for a good price.

A group of people were thinking in the dark.

Mu Qianyue naturally noticed these people's malicious eyes, but she didn't pay attention to them. She was just a group of Wang Wuren. She didn't have to fight. She could crush them every minute with Xiaoling's strength.

"What happened? Who dares to make trouble here? Yeah! " In the eyes of people with different minds, a group of law enforcement team members came over, and the leader asked coldly and angrily.

"They are! They are not willing to pay the city fee, and they are also serious to our people! " The other one who watched the gate pointed to Nalan Jing's angry way.

"How brave! How dare you make trouble here! Somebody, cut off his hands and feet The chief law enforcement officer said nothing but to those behind him.

How can the majesty of his Lord's house be violated?

All of a sudden, a shadow rushed forward, will Nalan Jing and Mu shallow moon, Mu Xueling surrounded inside.

Nalan Jing's eyes narrowed, and his handsome face was filled with cold killing intention. He stepped forward slowly, and a fierce momentum came out of him. He immediately forced back the people around him. Their faces showed the color of horror, and the corners of their mouths shed a trace of blood.

Looking up at nalanjing, his eyes were full of shock.

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