Even so, her fate will not be much better, who let her pretend to be the name of the moon, but also do these disgusting things. It's hard for Yimu Xueling and nalanjing to let her go.

"Say, why do you pretend to be the name of muqianyue?" Mu shallow month walks forward slowly, a fierce momentum emanates from her body, like a mountain pressure in the whole room.

"Emperor, Emperor Wu?" The woman's eyes opened, and her eyes showed fear. In front of her, the purple dress woman, who seemed to be younger than her own, was actually a warrior!

"I'll give you another chance. Why do you pretend to admire the moon?"

"I didn't pretend to be mu Qianyue. My name is mu Qianyue."

"Huh?" Mu shallow moon Mou son a cold, in the eye twinkles to kill the idea.

"I say, I say, because Mu's reputation has spread all over the land of tianwu and is the goddess in the hearts of men in the whole continent. So I changed my name to Mu Qianyue. My original name was lengxinyue. I found that since I changed my name to Mu Qianyue, not only have I become popular, but also many strong people like me So. "

"Ha ha, if you like the name of Mu Qianyue, you can also change it to Mu Qianyue." Cold heart month a face tangled melancholy said, there are so many people called Mu shallow moon in the city, why do you just find yourself?

"Besides, I'm not the only one in the city called mu Qianyue." See nalanjing and Mu Xueling that almost eat people's eyes, she quickly changed her mouth, "my name is Leng Xinyue."

Smell speech, Mu shallow month mercilessly smoked the corner of the mouth, this is famous trouble? What a headache!

Think of a lot of Mu shallow moon, not from more headache!

Rao is nalanjing also can't help but black face, a very depressed look, it seems that this kind of fake things can't be caught in one net, tianwu land is so big, it's inevitable that other cities and towns will not have a lot of muqianyue!

"Will you let me go, gentlemen?" Cold heart month some fear said.

"You scolded Xiao Ling, do you think I will let you go?" Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed with cold light.

"How about you Lengxinyue asked angrily, "I don't know you. It's you who broke into my room first. It's also your impoliteness first! Now that I have answered your questions, what else do you want? I suggest that you'd better leave. As long as I shout, if Mr. Yang comes back, you will have a lot to eat and go by then! "

"Ha ha, you mean that timid man? It's better to be beaten away by my father with a slap. It's not as good as that idiot named Taiming. " Mu Xueling Chi smile way.

"What? How dare you beat Mr. Yang? It seems that you don't know the strength of the city Lord's house. " Lengxinyue pretended to be surprised. She took out a small porcelain vase from the storage bag space with the back of her other hand, and then secretly opened it. "It seems that you three should be new comers. Why don't I explain the strength of the city Lord's mansion to you?"

"Good." Mu Qianyue flashed a cold light under her eyes. She led Mu Xueling to the table and sat down. Nalanjing frowned slightly. She also went to the table, lifted her clothes and sat down.

"Mother, why should we listen to her? If her mother wants to know, Xiao Ling can go to the city Lord's house to inquire for her mother's information. " Mu Xueling is discontented with the small mouth.

"There are ready-made resources, don't waste them." Mu shallow month looks at her to smile a way, in the eye flash a touch of cunning light.

Mu Xueling nodded.

"I'll pour you a cup of tea, and we'll talk slowly as we drink tea." Lengxinyue is stunned. It seems that mu Qianyue is so good at talking. She quickly extends her index finger in the medicine bottle, and quickly extends it back. She secretly puts the medicine bottle back in the storage bag. It's all done so quickly that it's not easy to find out.

She raised her head. Mu Qianyue and nalanjing's faces were the same. Her hanging heart could not help letting go. She reached for the teapot on the table, poured a cup of tea, and handed it to Mu Qianyue and nalanjing respectfully. She said slowly, "the city of death is very chaotic, and the influence is mixed. It can be said that everyone has it. Killing people and setting fire is more like a common meal here..."

Mu shallow moon Mou son light lift, cold way, "say key point."

Nalanjing's body exudes a cold and fierce breath. It seems that even the temperature inside the house has dropped a lot.

"Ha ha That's the point. " Lengxin Yuejiao smiles and pours a cup of tea for herself. She sits on one side and drinks tea gracefully. Then she winks at Nalan.

Nalanjing didn't even lift her eyelids, let alone look at her. The cold voice vomited from his lips, "if you don't want your eyes, you can continue."

Then a cold breath came out of him, almost suffocating.

Lengxinyue shuddered and quickly withdrew her eyes. She covered her anger and took a deep breath. She once again showed a flattering smile on her face. She continued, "at present, there are six forces in the city of death, which are headed by the city Lord's house, then five families, and a dozen or so small families. Ha ha, but none of them is good. There are six Royal warriors in the city Lord's house, and the city Lord is a fifth level emperor warrior. Besides, there are 14 King martial artists... "Wait for you in my heart eat powder, see you can be so proud! Hum! This gorgeous man can be kept!

After all, beautiful men like this are rare in tianwu mainland!

Mu Qianyue holds the tea cup in the cold heart month's expectant and tense eyes, puts it on his lips, and then puts it down again and asks, "is there no more?"

Lengxinyue's eyes flashed a look of disappointment, and hurriedly continued, "it is said that there is a taishangchengzu in the city Lord's house, that is, the grandfather of the present-day City Lord. It seems that he has reached the level of a quasi Zong Wushi However, he has been closed for more than ten years. Who knows if he died... "

Mu Qianyue holds up the tea cup again in her expectant and tense eyes. Lengxinyue's face shows a faint color of excitement. She shouts in her heart, drink it, drink it quickly

"That's what you think. I'm drinking this cup of tea?" Mu shallow month eyebrow is light pick, carry tea cup, look at her coldly.

Cold heart in the heart of a jump, in the hands of the teapot almost did not hold steady, she raised her head and looked at Xiangmu shallow moon in horror, it seems that she did not understand how to see through his mind! Is she a worm in her own stomach?

She threw the teapot heavily on the table, and her face showed a ferocious color. "Since you have found out, I will no longer install it. Yes, I did put a heart swallowing powder in your tea, which is a kind of poison that can't be resisted by even the emperor and martial arts."

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