Once again, there will be no chance of death for them.

It's better to chop mu Qianyue to death!

When people thought Huoxi was dead, he suddenly got up from the spot.

A white light burst out from his body. It was the light of promotion!

Under the pressure of thunder robbery, he not only did not die, but promoted!

It's been a while since I stepped into the fifth level emperor martial arts, but I haven't touched the threshold of upgrading. I didn't expect to be promoted under the pressure of thunder robbery!

His body is once again full of strength, surging real yuan force in the body surging, circulation, so that his strength has been greatly sublimated and improved.

The next stage seems to be Huoxi alone, only to meet the thunder robbery, relying on his own strength, will be behind several thunder robberies one by one smashed!

Such a strong and terrible strength makes the public speechless!

Crazy man! Change state!

They seem to see through the fire to see the original Mu shallow moon against the thunder robbery.

As expected, he and mu Qianyue are all the same way, even the fight against thunder robbery is the same crazy!

Mu Rufeng's slightly cold face shows a touch of excitement and pride. I don't know if I can compete with such a thunder robbery with my own ability. Their blood should not be worse than the blood of the rosefinch, is also the descendant of the four great beasts, think it is the same!

But mu Rufeng dare not say that he can absolutely!

With the disappearance of the thunder robbery, Huoxi also completely subdued the eyes of the rosefinch. The palm of his hand shook and he put it away. His body moved and swept upward.

Jin Yan, a saint lion, was very tired and panted when he was besieged by mu Qianyue and nalanjing. He saw that his spirit treasure, which he had worked so hard to protect for so long, was taken away by human beings. He looked up at the sky and roared angrily. He saw that his spirit blood spurted out, suspended in front of him, and opened his mouth again to spit out a large amount of flame.

The power of samadhi fire broke out in an instant, which was even more frightening than before. Large and large flames burned the sky curtain.

This time, the power of samadhi real fire is obviously several times stronger than before. Both mu Qianyue and mu Rufeng feel a great pressure. The hot flame comes towards them, which makes them feel like they are in the furnace.

The armor formed by the green dragon's blood can't resist the temperature of the samadhi fire.

The ice armor on Tong Xiaoxiao's body is exposed to the fire of samadhi, and then it is melting at a speed visible to the naked eye. It is estimated that it will melt completely in a short time.

When the ice armor on her body is completely melted, she will be burned to ashes by the true fire of samadhi!

On the contrary, nalanjing is relatively calm and leisurely, and seems not to be affected by the true fire of Samadhi.

Huoxi's body moved and swept the four people around him. The fire of the rosefinch gushed out of him and wrapped it on the four people, which immediately cut off the temperature of the real fire of Samadhi.

Under the control of Huoxi, the fire of rosefinch becomes extremely soft, warm and friendly, and does not burn people at all.

Nalanjing walked out of the fire of the rosefinch. His white sleeves fluttered and his palm shook. A small jade bottle suddenly appeared in his hand.

Seeing that nalanjing didn't take any defensive measures, Jin Yan's holy lion came out. With a ferocious look in his eyes, he howled and rushed to nalanjing!

Nalanjing's face was as light as the wind, and there was no fear in his purple eyes. He opened the bottle cap with his slender fingers like green onions, and his action was slow and elegant.

As he opened the bottle cap, a chilling breath poured out.

The temperature in the air dropped a lot.

Looking up at the Golden Lion who is about to jump in front of him, nalanjing holds the hand of the bottle to the air, and suddenly two drops of crystal clear water bounce out and fall on the body of the golden lion.

"Ouch Wuwu... "

All of a sudden, it screamed in horror, and its huge body fell directly from the air, and then rolled on the ground, with a sad voice and a constant howl. It raised its head and roared at nalanjing, but did not dare to go forward. It was obviously afraid, but extremely unwilling.

Think of it as a strange animal, it was teased by several human beings, and even more was beaten up. It really can't swallow this breath!

It took a step forward, and another drop of crystal clear water came and fell on it through the flame. The cold and piercing cold suddenly hit the whole body, as if it would freeze it. Under this water drop, the samadhi fire around was extinguished a lot!

Mu Qianyue's eyes showed surprise. Seeing that the real fire of samadhi was no longer a threat, he stepped out of the fire of rosefinch and walked to nalanjing's side. His face was a little curious, "what's this? How can we control samadhi's true fire?"

"Jiuyou water is a very cold thing, which can restrain the true fire of Samadhi." Nalanjing light way, he raised his hand is about to fight in the golden Yan lion, only heard the golden lion suddenly cry, "do not fight, do not fight."The man in white doesn't know where he came from. His strength is so strong that he even has Jiuyou water!

It is said that Jiuyou water can only be found in Jiuyou hell!

Mu shallow month hears speech, the expression is slightly surprised to look at it, "can you speak?"

Jinyan holy lion did not have a good mood to roll a white eye, "I certainly can speak, but I disdain to speak with you."

Nalan Jing Mou son a cold, Yang Yang in the jade bottle in the hand, "give you some color, you still Ao Jiao up, right? Believe it or not, I'll take all the hair out of you? "

"My dear lady, I was not worthy to talk to you before. I hope you don't mind villains and don't care about me." The Golden Lion immediately changed his way, with a look of extreme injustice in his eyes, and said in a weak voice, where there was a trace of dignity and ferocity before.

Mu Qianyue can't help but cover her lips and smile. Ha ha, it's really fun. I didn't expect that the arrogant golden Yan lion was so afraid of Jiuyou water!

He clapped his hand on his forehead and hummed, "be honest with me later!"

"Your honor, I want to take you as master." Golden Yan lion crawling at the foot of nalanjing, his voice is respectful and his expression is gentle.

Nalanjing frowned and seemed to be considering whether to accept it.

"Jing, the strength of this golden lion is still very strong, so take it." Mu shallow moon Road, although the strength of the scene is very strong, but if he has an equally powerful ~ pet ~ beast, she can also rest assured.

Nalanjing nodded and could not see the joy and anger on his face.

Jin Yan, a lion of great joy, wags his head and tail to nalanjing.

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