When Jin Li saw Mu Xueying at night, her body was stagnant and her eyes flashed with a strong and amazing color. It was unexpected that in addition to the hostess, there was such a gorgeous woman in the world!

"Hello, girl! My name is jinliye, unmarried. I wonder if the girl has ever been married? "

At night, Jin Li shows a bright and charming smile to Mu Xueying, and then reaches out to lift her hair and makes a gesture that she thinks is very handsome. Unfortunately, Mu Xueying doesn't even look at him. She walks past him and walks in front of Mu Qianyue.


Jin left the night a Leng, his face showed a touch of embarrassment, unexpectedly so gorgeous ignored!

Nalanjing's face was resolute and dark. He stroked his forehead with a headache. There was an impulse to strangle the goods. How could he get hot in his head and promise to make a contract with him?

Mu Qianyue's mouth twitches. It seems that the golden night has been pressed under the volcano for too long

Jin Liye was ignored and not discouraged, but continued to walk in front of Mu Xueying. Her eyes fell on her gorgeous silver hair and said to herself, "your hair is silver. You should not be human. You must be Warcraft like me, right? Ha ha, that's great! I'm also a Warcraft. I'm a golden lion, one of the top ten exotic animals in ancient times. I think our meeting is a romantic fate. God arranged us to meet each other here. What do you think? Let's make friends

Mu Xueying's beautiful face is still as cold as ice, even a look is disdain to him.

But Jin Liye still said with perseverance, "girl, you haven't told me your name? How old are you? Are you married yet? What do you think of me

Jinliye is like a noisy bird, chirping incessantly. He makes a big noise, and shakes his head with a sigh. He decides to run away first.

Mu Xue Ying Mou son a cold, raised his head, went to the gold from the night in front of, gold from the night of great joy, she this is to finally see their own heart, intend to take care of themselves? Before cheering, I saw Mu Xueying's Pink fist directly beckoned to his face.


"Bang!" The fist knot fell firmly on his face, and then Kim's body turned into a parabola and flew to the far sky.

"Master, it's quiet now." Mu Xueying blows on the pink fist and looks up with a faint smile.

Mu shallow month mouth corner smoked, OK, very cold very violent!

Jin Liye has a cheerful personality, a little bit two. Xueying has always been cold and cold. She seems to have never seen her smile. It seems that nothing can attract her attention.

Well, I don't know what it would be like to be with Xueying at night.

Fire and ice, absolutely a wonderful collision! Is it the spark of hatred or love?

Ha ha, I'm really looking forward to it.

"Xueying, I'm going to leave the door to you recently. I'm going to practice in seclusion for a while." Mu Xiaoyue said with a smile and took Nalan Jing's hand to the direction of the bedroom hall.


After the phantom Pavilion and others escaped from the island, the number of them dropped sharply again. There were nine elders and more than 30 elite disciples. Now there are only four elders left and half of the elite disciples are lost!

The other families suffered even more losses. There were dozens of people coming together, but only a few were left. They were all in a mess. They sat on the shore sobbing and sobbing. They knew that this trip was so dangerous that they would not come.

Not only did you not see the shadow of the treasure, but also did not get any benefits. I lost my hands for no reason and made a wedding dress for others!


They all went to the city of death in despondency. When they came, they were full of vigor and pride, but now they are like dogs who have lost their families and have no fighting spirit to speak of.

"Pavilion master, mu Qianyue, they have not come out yet. Are they really dead in it?" An elder frowned slightly and looked at the Road Pavilion master in doubt.

Lu Ge Lord's eyes are gloomy staring at the sea ahead, "with their strength, should not be in."

"Not necessarily. Didn't you find out that the golden lion is gone? It must be Jin Yan, the holy lion, who died with them! "

Phantom pavilion a group of people pondered down, really die together?

But they didn't know that the golden lion had already run away with mu Qianyue and nalanjing. If they saw the majestic Golden Lion pleading for a contract with nalanjing, they would have dropped their eyes!

"Don't worry. Let's guard here first. Maybe they are seriously injured and dare not come out openly." Lu Pavilion master thought for a while, said, and then arranged for people to find a hidden place to hide.

A pair of eyes, like the wolf in the night, twinkled with excitement and ferocity, staring at the sea ahead without blinking.

In this way, luge master and others kept watch here for a whole night. Until dawn broke, the first ray of sun fell from the clouds, illuminating the world. As the sky gradually brightened, Lu Ge master and others finally saw the scene ahead. The island on the sea of life and death has disappeared. There are many corpses floating on the sea, including the dark black Jiao, human bodies, and some fish and shrimpThe sea water is pale fishy red, a mess.

"Send someone to investigate at once. You need to see people alive and dead to see corpses!" Luge master stood up, moved, and swept toward the sea. He gently touched the water with his toes, picked up a corpse with the tip of his sword, turned his face up and looked at a corpse.

Naturally, he was looking for mu Qianyue, nalanjing and Huoxi.

The elders of the phantom Pavilion rushed over to find the boat and looked at the corpses or broken arms in the sea.

"There are no them, my Lord." The elder's eyes were sinister.

Smell speech, Lu Ge Lord's face surged with rolling anger, roared loudly, "ah ah! Mu Qianyue, I will kill you! Ah

After one night's foolishly guarding, four elders and half of the elite disciples were damaged. Even the ancient bronze bell handed down from the phantom pavilion was also destroyed. Not only did they not get any benefits, but also they were suffocated!

Lu Ge Lord waved the sword in his hand, chopping and chopping the sea water and roaring.

"Pavilion leader, we've been tired for a day and a night. Why don't we go back to the city and send some disciples to guard it. Once we see them coming out, we'll report to you immediately. What do you think?" The elder said that he couldn't bear the consumption, let alone other people.

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