If you can marry such a woman as a wife, you will definitely die of happiness. Unfortunately, he had to kill her at the command of the court master. But playing with her before she died seems like a good thing.

With this in mind, his slightly drooping eyes flashed a ray of excited light. He suppressed the agitation in his heart and raised his head and said, "in fact, our pavilion master sent me to deal with you. Yes, you are really powerful. I can't deal with you at all, so our pavilion leader gave me a bottle of poison. "

A black bottle appeared in his hand. He handed it to him respectfully.

Mu Qianyue looks at him coldly, and doesn't reach for it.

Looking up at the cold light in her eyes, Lu Yanguang's heart leaped. Suddenly, a bad premonition rose, and a cruel color appeared on his face. However, the poison powder hidden in his sleeve had not flashed out in time. Mu Qianyue's figure was no longer in front of him. At the next moment, he felt that the whole person suddenly flew up!

Flying over the thick grass and falling into the shadowy crowd.


A roar of anger was heard overhead.

Lu Yanguang quickly raised his head and saw the front of the road, which was more than two feet tall. They slowly turned around and showed scarlet ferocious eyes.


These monsters in front of me are werewolves that have disappeared on the mainland for a long time!

The five headed werewolves roared and rushed to the road!

Lu Yan was terrified. His hands were on the ground, and his body quickly swept up from the ground. He could escape the attack of two werewolves. However, two werewolves came after him. They were all in a hurry. The werewolf punched him on the ground. The other werewolf raised his foot and stepped on his chest. He quickly blocked his sword in front of his chest and yelled, "what are you two staring at? Don't hurry up and help

The other two men quickly snatched from the grass and joined the battle circle. However, the five werewolves were not weak in strength and were in the realm of Emperor Wu. Because of their large size and infinite strength, Lu Yanguang was oppressed by death, and all of them were in danger.

In addition to Lu Yanguang is a fifth level emperor warrior, the other two are just in the Jin stage to the realm of Emperor Wu, still rely on pills to upgrade, so their breath is not stable, is not the opponent of these werewolves.

Mu Qianyue and his party squatted leisurely in the grass and watched the battle there.

All of a sudden, Lu Yanguang's palm flashed, and a fire red sword appeared in his hand. His whole body was full of glittering fire light, and his momentum was amazing.

Mu shallow moon Mou son one MI, fairy ware?

I didn't expect that Lu Yanguang still had immortal tools in his hands!

With the sword in his hand, Lu Yanguang was forced to draw with two werewolves. He saved his defeat for a time.

"What a mystery! There are not only snakes in ancient times, but even werewolves! " Jun Mengyu sighs that this is the first time that she has entered this mysterious space. If she had not met the shallow moon, she would have listened to the arrangement of the emperor Cong, swallow up Tang Yiming, and then marry him, and live a life of ignorance.

It was the moon that changed her life! Changed her destiny!

Meeting the shallow moon is the luckiest thing in her life! It turns out that her life can be very wonderful!

"It's said that the heartless palace was created by our ancestors, and these werewolves were captured by our ancestors from a mysterious space. It seems that they are specially responsible for guarding the palace of heartless love. As for the snake leaping in ancient times, I don't know. I only heard that the master said that there was a snake egg in it. It seems that the ancestor brought it from another space A disciple of Zhanqing temple said softly.

Mu shallow moon smell speech, eyes flash a touch of surprise, werewolf from another mysterious space to catch? Is there any other space besides the land of tianwu, the land of unreal state, and the demon world?

It seems that the snake egg is the hatching snake!

"Wow! You are really good at beheading the ancestor of love hall! Even a werewolf can be caught! " When the disciples of qianliu Pavilion heard the words, their eyes showed the color of admiration and admiration.

"That is! It is said that the strength of the ancestors was enough to be proud of the whole tianwu continent, even the magic state! It's just a pity that after thousands of years of inheritance, the more backward they are, the more they are declining, and even the sectarian ranking has dropped to the fourth place. " There was a faint sigh from the man.

"Ha ha, this circuit is burning light to death!" One of the disciples of the hall of decapitation sneered. He saw Lu Yanguang under the pressure of two werewolves. He was also decorated with colors. He could not support it for long.

"Hum! A mean and shameless man like him should not live in this world The people in qianliu Pavilion scolded, and their eyes were filled with resentment. If it wasn't for Lu Yanguang's advice, how could they have died two people for no reason!

"Ah A man beside Lu Yanguang was twisted and broken by a werewolf, leaving him and another person in an instant.

As soon as the man died, the original werewolf who attacked him turned and flashed to Lu Yanguang.

With the strength of Lu Yanguang, he could have managed to deal with two werewolves. Now he suddenly had an opponent, and he was forced back to the bottom again, and he was defeated and retreated.

"Lord mu, help Lu Yanguang suddenly roared. While dealing with the werewolf, he rushed to Mu Qianyue's direction and called, "master mu, help me..."Mu Xiaoyue stood up, hands around the chest, mouth with a light smile, "I seem to have no reason to save you, after all, we are not familiar."

Night Hanqing, Jun Mengyu and several people in the hall of chopping feelings and qianliu Pavilion all stood up. Their eyes were a little puzzled and looked at mu Qianyue. Why should we pay attention to this despicable guy?

"As long as you are willing to save me, the conditions are open to you." Lu Yanguang's eyes flashed and said anxiously.

"Well, tell me what you got in the lake of heartlessness." Mu shallow moon answers carelessly. After hearing mu Qianyue's words, they understood that this was the goal of the leader of mu. Hehe, the leader of the Mu clan didn't say that they almost lost their love for the treasure at the bottom of the lake.

"One local level advanced martial arts skills, and five jade crystals." Lu Yanguang bit his teeth and said.

Mu shallow moon cold hum, "more than so much! I want all the treasures at the bottom of the heartless lake, or we will not save you. "

Lu Yanguang was immediately angry to vomit blood, while fighting back at the attack of the werewolf, while angry, "you kicked me in, shouldn't you save me?"

"Oh, really? I don't seem to remember. Did I ever kick you? Did you see that? " Mu Xiaoyue frowns with doubts and a look of innocence. The Jun Mengyu and others around him shake their heads one after another, indicating that they have not seen it.

"He fell in by himself."

"It's just that I fell into it, but I still blame the headmaster. I'm shameless!"

"Despicable person, still want to pollute the leader of the Mu clan!"

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