That silk flower grass fragrance, is the unique flavor of Su Mengling!

Although the fragrance is very light, it is still captured by nalanjing.

Su Mengling!!!

It's her!

If something happened to Yue Er, he would never let her go!

Then Mu Xueying and Mu Xueling, as well as Chu Tiange and others rushed over.

"Sister Xueying, aren't you a soul contract with your mother? You can quickly sense where your mother is and if she has anything to do Mu Xueling's face, carved with powdered jade, looks anxious.

Mu Xueying's cold silver eyes squint lightly, and a trace of solemnity rises from his face, "the breath of master disappears here."

Nalanjing stood between the cliffs, frowning like a green peak, and the breath of the ring of life disappeared completely!

"Who hurt my mother?" Mu Xueling clenched her pink fist, and her eyes were filled with cold bloodthirsty light, and her black eyes flashed with a strange red awn, red with purple.

"I can feel that the master is seriously injured, but his life is not in danger." Mu Xueying frowns.

Chu Tiange stepped forward and looked around. Finally, his eyes fell on the cliff in front of him. "Master should fall down from here! Let's go down and look for it! "

As a result, his body was in a flash, and he had turned into a poor and strange form, flying down.

Mu Xueying and Mu Xueling also flew to the bottom of the abyss. Suddenly, a strange gravity sucked their bodies down. Zhenyuanli lost its function at this moment, and their bodies kept falling, even Chu Tian song was no exception!

If you go down into the deep sea, you will not see the wind.

When Mu Xueying thought they were going to fall to death, a force hit them three, and then their bodies slowly flew back to the cliff above and fell to the ground.

The three were still in shock. Nalanjing's voice sounded in their ears, "there is a strange prohibition in this abyss, and your true power will be limited. If I guess it's right, there should be a teleportation point to the magic state. Yue'er is very likely to go to the magic state. "

"You stay in tianwu and deal with the affairs of phantom Pavilion. I will go to Wuzhou. Moon is my wife, and I will never let her have anything The purple pupil eyes of nalanjing are filled with firm and cold awns.


A luxurious carriage was driving on the wide and flat road. An old man in blue clothes kept waving his whip and driving the carriage.

"Huabo, I don't want to go home. I want to stay in tianwu." The boy of the carriage suddenly lifted the curtain, put out his head, and said seriously.

His delicate jade face was facing the wind, and there was a trace of displeasure between his eyebrows.

He really didn't want to go back to the magic state or the family and get engaged to a woman he didn't love at all! That's worse than killing him! Especially when he saw the deep love between master and Shigong, he became more firm in his mind. He would never accept the arrangement of the family or the arrangement of that person!

His own destiny is up to him!

He Tongling will never yield to that man!

"Young master, you are 15 years old this year. It's time to go home and accept the inheritance. What's more, you have stayed in tianwu for a long time and haven't come home. The owner of the house even misses you Warbur replied with a smile as he drove the carriage.

"Hum! He missed me? I don't believe it! I think he's trying to take advantage of me! " Tong Ling snorted, and there was no doubt that his face was cold and disdainful.

"No matter what, you still have to go back to magic state. You can't stay here for a lifetime. Magic state is your home." Warbur sighed and comforted.

"I don't care! I'm not going back anyway! It's impossible for me to marry shuiqidan! " Tong Ling's face showed unprecedented determination.

"The last time you went home, you didn't stay for a month before you sneaked out. The owner was very angry about this. After you go back, listen to the arrangement of the master Cong, otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to have a foothold in the family in the future. " Warbur's painstaking exhortation.

"Whopper, stop, I want to get off!" Tong Ling yelled, seeing that Hua Bo didn't stop, he said angrily, "if you don't stop, I'll jump out of the car."

Warbur sighed, so he pulled the reins and stopped the carriage.

Tong Ling's body moved and flew down from the carriage. He fell on the opposite side of the carriage. Looking at Hua Bo, he said, "Hua Bo, go back by yourself. I won't go back with you. When I want to go back, I will go back."

"Young master, the front is the transmission point to the magic state. Why don't you go back with me first?" Said warbur.

"No..." Tongling snorted coldly, but before he finished his words, suddenly a figure from the top suddenly fell down and hit him fiercely. Without any precaution, Tongling was smashed to the ground in an instant, and then he became a meat mat for free.


The last word overflows from Tong Ling's mouth, and then Tong Ling's head is tilted, and she faints in gorgeous beauty. Before he fainted, he howled in his heart. The one who didn't have long eyes knocked me dizzy. When I woke up, I would like you to look good!Hua Bo puffed his mouth, looked at the two bodies on the ground and said to himself, "it seems that the last word of the young master is" can ". Then I will be the young master and agree to go back with me. "

Then his eyes fell on the slender purple figure on Tong Ling's body. His whole body was covered with blood, and the black green silk scattered disorderly, covering her face. Warbur couldn't help being a little confused. Well, who is this girl? It seems that I have been hurt very much. Forget it, I'd better pull it back together.

Warbur stepped forward and carried them into the carriage.

"Although the young master was smashed out of internal injuries, but there is no worry about his life, as long as feed him to take a clotting pill." While talking, Hua Bo took out the pills and fed them to Tongling.

Hua Bo turned his head, his eyes fell on the woman's body, explored her pulse, and was surprised, "what a heavy internal injury! The muscles and veins are broken, the five zang organs and six Fu organs are mutated and shifted, and the Qi is like a wandering silk I'm afraid it's hard to survive. Ah, I don't know what deep hatred there is. I actually put such a heavy hand on a girl. Whether it's useful or not, I'll give you some pills. "

Yes, this woman is mu Qianyue who fell from the abyss.

Hua Bo said to himself. He took out the blood clotting pill and fed it to her. He thought that there was a piece of seven leaf Ganoderma lucidum in the space Najie. Then he took it out and fed her to take it.

"It's fate to meet. It's good to do good. It's up to you whether you can survive or not."

Warbur shook his head and sighed and drove away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!